2021-2022 Kansas

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For the rest of you 12/9 interviewees constantly refreshing your email in addition to this thread, here's a chart showing the number of admissions decisions posted about in this thread by day of the week. I fully recognize that this is useless, but.....anxiety. Best of luck to all of you.
View attachment 349378
As a fellow 12/9 interviewee… thank u this useless chart was in fact useful lol

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Received an email this week about completing the "KMSL New Student Application" for financial aid by March 1. Followed the link provided in the email, but couldnt find the app anywhere on the site. Anyone else have trouble with this? Emailed the financial aid office but got an auto reply saying they'd take 7 days to answer. Just wondering if anyone here has some insight...
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Received an email this week about completing the "KMSL New Student Application" for financial aid by March 1. Followed the link provided in the email, but couldnt find the app anywhere on the site. Anyone else have trouble with this? Emailed the financial aid office but got an auto reply saying they'd take 7 days to answer. Just wondering if anyone here has some insight...
Definitely better to wait for an official response as I'm in the same boat you are, but I wonder if it isn't the "KMSL Primary Care Application for Incoming Students" link under "2022-2023 Forms." The document that popped up for me is a single page, which seems kind of scant as an application for a loan.
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Definitely better to wait for an official response as I'm in the same boat you are, but I wonder if it isn't the "KMSL Primary Care Application for Incoming Students" link under "2022-2023 Forms." The document that popped up for me is a single page, which seems kind of scant as an application for a loan.
Thanks for your reply-- glad to know it's not just me! hopefully we hear back soon
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Have any 12/9 people heard anything yet? I got some advice from a nonmed student who was saying calling and reaching out would be a good idea but I'm not sure if I should do that or not? I don't want to be pushy with the admissions, but I also am like ok this is 3 weeks past or original time frame...
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Have any 12/9 people heard anything yet? I got some advice from a nonmed student who was saying calling and reaching out would be a good idea but I'm not sure if I should do that or not? I don't want to be pushy with the admissions, but I also am like ok this is 3 weeks past or original time frame...
I havent heard anything and have also considered reaching out. Not sure what to do
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Have any 12/9 people heard anything yet? I got some advice from a nonmed student who was saying calling and reaching out would be a good idea but I'm not sure if I should do that or not? I don't want to be pushy with the admissions, but I also am like ok this is 3 weeks past or original time frame...
I interviewed on 12/9 and haven't heard anything but.....they quoted me 6 - 8 weeks, and yesterday was the 8 week mark. Considering the school part of KU's medical campus was closed at least one day this week due to weather, maybe that means we'll all get notified today at 4:45 PM. I dunno, I've just been working my normal clinical job here refreshing email like a maniac while physician friends wave their hands dismissively and say "you'll be fine." I'm glad they're so confident! If only I shared their certainty. :confused:
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Decision at 5PM sharp: wait til March for final word.

While my understanding of the process was that most of the people eventually offered acceptance would get this 'wait til March' email, I have to say, the text of the email makes me feel almost as if the admissions committee was lukewarm about my application. Trying to put a positive spin on things, this means I wasn't cut following the interview.
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I GOT IN?!?! I GOT IN! Just received the acceptance email from 12/9 interview. I am absolutely shocked. 506 MCAT, 3.75 GPA, nothing special. I am going to be a doctor :')
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Anyone knows what the next interview date is after 12/9? I interviewed on 1/7 and still anxiously wait for my turn.
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Got the A! I interviewed in early January for anyone curious.
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Received an email this week about completing the "KMSL New Student Application" for financial aid by March 1. Followed the link provided in the email, but couldnt find the app anywhere on the site. Anyone else have trouble with this? Emailed the financial aid office but got an auto reply saying they'd take 7 days to answer. Just wondering if anyone here has some insight...
did you ever get a response for this?
yes-- they said it's the “KMSL Primary Care Application for Incoming Students”. I was kinda surprised the form was so short.
Is this the same form that commits you to primary care for tuition reimbursement? That’s all they really meant by that email, right?
Any new update on acceptance or wait till March from anybody ? March is few weeks away :)
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Is next week the week for the wait until March group? Let’s hope! 🤞🏻
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Just got an acceptance! 71 LM, IS
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Went from just a couple spots away from getting off of the WL last year to a straight rejection this year. Do I really even wanna go here anymore? Lol
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Alternate list just now, position in 70’s. Looks like I’ll be going with my other A. Good luck to everyone else! 🙌🏻
Nearly the same past-50 spot on the WL as the 2019-2020 cycle. LM 74 and thousands more volunteer hours, spent my entire life here until graduating college, guess it's not in the cards. Really glad I have an A elsewhere
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Nearly the same past-50 spot on the WL as the 2019-2020 cycle. LM 74 and thousands more volunteer hours, spent my entire life here until graduating college, guess it's not in the cards. Really glad I have an A elsewhere
I feel this right now. Worked for KU health system for the last 3 years, with tons of EC’s. Thought the outcome would be different, but i guess it’s not in the cards for us. It hurts, but HEY, we’re still going to be doctors. 😊
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alternate list, low twenties. LM 69ish. Crossing my fingers they make it to my number!!
A little stunned right now, but just received my rejection e-mail. I'm certainly a non-traditional applicant, but a high(er) MCAT, good GPA in a tough master's program, career in healthcare, and strong LORs from five KU physicians felt like momentum was building towards an acceptance.

Congratulations to those of you accepted, and best of luck to those on the alternate list.
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Went from just a couple spots away from getting off of the WL last year to a straight rejection this year. Do I really even wanna go here anymore? Lol
Thank you for sharing. I got the rejection email too. Extremely shocked tbh. Had strong ties with the university.......
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A bit in shock as well. Re-applied after a rejection in March last year and was told to improve my MCAT. I increased my score by 10 points to reach their average while continuing to work full time in health care. I have a MS and strong volunteer work. Not sure what feedback they will give this time, but I’m glad to not feel as alone in this moment.
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Thank you for sharing. I got the rejection email too. Extremely shocked tbh. Had strong ties with the university.......
Yeah, no problem. I'm definitely disappointed, but other's responses are making me feel less alone, like @notapopstar said. It sounds like those of us that got rejected are probably in the same boat in terms of our app qualifications, too. It really makes me wonder what they actually look for in applicants beyond our stats and ECs. They had no advice for me when I asked about the previous cycle and in my interview this year they were basically like "yeah, unfortunately you probably didn't do anything wrong and we just don't have enough spots for everyone that would be qualified." To go from that to a straight up rejection after waiting until March is really something.

For context, I also have really strong ECs like a lot of you above and my stats are definitely on par for this school. They had no advice on app improvement for the 21-22 cycle aside from just continuing to show interest...
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Does anybody have the statistics for the WL movement over the past few years? Currently #18 so fingers crossed!
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alternate list, in the 10s. Depending on movement and on financial aid, likely will give it to one of you all. Good luck everyone!
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Does anybody have the statistics for the WL movement over the past few years? Currently #18 so fingers crossed!
they said between 5-51 in the last 5 years. Last year based on SDN was in the twenties i think and the year before in the 40s maybe?
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I’m debating if I want to fill out the alternative list form. Position in the 70’s and have another acceptance. KU was my top choice though and submitted LOI. I know there are prob quite a few who may not fill it out or choose to go elsewhere in front of me. Would that make my position lower when I view the list in May? Not sure if it’s even worth it.
I’m debating if I want to fill out the alternative list form. Position in the 70’s and have another acceptance. KU was my top choice though and submitted LOI. I know there are prob quite a few who may not fill it out or choose to go elsewhere in front of me. Would that make my position lower when I view the list in May? Not sure if it’s even worth it.
They won't adjust your number in May, the numbers of the applicants that decided not to join the list just get skipped over.

@alwayshopeful123 Last year the list made it through 28, 29 was the number that was next to be called. At least that's what it was before the portal was reset and you couldn't see the number anymore (about 1 week before school started.) They also said movement was between 5-51 last year. I think in last year's thread I had posted a couple pictures that had the date someone posted on SDN and where the WL was at that point in time for that year. I don't believe I included the 2020-2021 cycle though since that was the literal thread for it already. You should be able to go back and find those pictures if you're interested. I'm pretty sure the 2019-2020 cycle was the year that the WL made it to 51.

Edit: I just checked, and I only posted movement from the 2019-2020 cycle. I did write down the others, but obviously don't have them anymore. There weren't as many detailed responses in the previous years, though. Here's 2019-2020 if you're curious.


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It should be noted that waitlist movement was down universally last year due to the unusual cycle. I would expect this year to look more like 2020
That’s not necessarily true for KU if you look at movement from the past five years. Last year’s movement wasn’t really abnormal based on the previous SDN threads. The 2019-2020 cycle actually seemed to be more of an outlier than anything from what I could tell
Does anyone know/can anyone who has been accepted confirm whether we will need BLS, ACLS, and PALS certifications for matriculation? I’m on the alternate list and the school where I have an A requires these-trying to determine if I should wait to spend the $!
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To reapplicants,

Did you guys decide to do KU's EDP program when applying again? I have heard they judge a bit harder on students who apply for EDP.

Also for your gap year between reapplication, what did you change about your application?
Does anyone know how many people usually get offered their first choice campus off of the campus-pending list? I have to imagine that there is always an overabundance of people interested in the KC 4 year campus, and I was one of the randomly selected students who were pulled from their first choice due to this interest. Just trying to gauge how many people off of the pending list will still get offered a first-choice spot!
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Does anyone know how many people usually get offered their first choice campus off of the campus-pending list? I have to imagine that there is always an overabundance of people interested in the KC 4 year campus, and I was one of the randomly selected students who were pulled from their first choice due to this interest. Just trying to gauge how many people off of the pending list will still get offered a first-choice spot!
In the same boat and would love to know! I feel like a good amount would be considering lots of people get off the waitlist in those on the campus pending list get first priority over those who are waitlisted, but I have no idea.
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Did anyone who filled out a diversity scholarship application from the endowment office receive any word back yet?
Has anyone gotten any scholarship emails? I logged into the scholarship app today, and the status changed from submitted/pending to awarded. I can't figure out if that means I can see what I have been awarded or not.
Has anyone gotten any scholarship emails? I logged into the scholarship app today, and the status changed from submitted/pending to awarded. I can't figure out if that means I can see what I have been awarded or not.
Where did you go to find the scholarship app? I probably filled it out but I've gotten so many emails about one thing or another lol
Has anyone gotten any scholarship emails? I logged into the scholarship app today, and the status changed from submitted/pending to awarded. I can't figure out if that means I can see what I have been awarded or not.
Mine also says "awarded" but haven't heard anything about how much, if any. Not even sure where to login to find that information.