2021-2022 Meharry

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Question, my CASPER score was delivered to the school according to my account but I have yet to receive a score. Is this normal?
Your scores are delivered to the school before you receive the scores yourself. My schools received my scores 2 weeks after I took the test, and I got my results about two weeks later.

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just interviewed! was SO chill! felt very comfortable and easy going conversation. lasted about 12-15 minutes! fingers crossed for a decision in December!
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just interviewed! was SO chill! felt very comfortable and easy going conversation. lasted about 12-15 minutes! fingers crossed for a decision in December!

15 min interview??? How many interviews were there
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just interviewed! was SO chill! felt very comfortable and easy going conversation. lasted about 12-15 minutes! fingers crossed for a decision in December!
You interviewed at LMU DCOM as well didn’t you? How does it compare? Did you interview with other people at the same time?
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15 min interview??? How many interviews were there
yes it was so short! and so i asked about that and was like ya i saw on yalls instagram that this would be 1 of 3 and they were like ya those are informal and they are with the students just so people can get a better idea on what it Meharry is like. but she said like after today i am good and that i will get my decision on dec 16th
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You interviewed at LMU DCOM as well didn’t you? How does it compare? Did you interview with other people at the same time?
yes i did! and so it was a 1 on 1 and not a group so that was different. but literally the same kind of typical interview questions and it was VERY conversational just like LMU. they were also REALLY REALLY nice and so relatable so we vibed lol
yes it was so short! and so i asked about that and was like ya i saw on yalls instagram that this would be 1 of 3 and they were like ya those are informal and they are with the students just so people can get a better idea on what it Meharry is like. but she said like after today i am good and that i will get my decision on dec 16th
I was told Dec. 15th
yes it was so short! and so i asked about that and was like ya i saw on yalls instagram that this would be 1 of 3 and they were like ya those are informal and they are with the students just so people can get a better idea on what it Meharry is like. but she said like after today i am good and that i will get my decision on dec 16th
My interviewer said I should have one more with faculty before the group interview with students. I have not heard from the faculty. I cannot remember if she said the faculty would reach out this week or after thanksgiving...anyone confirm?
My interviewer said I should have one more with faculty before the group interview with students. I have not heard from the faculty. I cannot remember if she said the faculty would reach out this week or after thanksgiving...anyone confirm?
so when i asked her about that she again said that this would be it. like i specifically brought up the post on their page and she kept saying ya its just informal and that "i was all good and should just wait till December" im going to send a thank you note soon so maybe she will say something about it again but idk.
My interviewer said I should have one more with faculty before the group interview with students. I have not heard from the faculty. I cannot remember if she said the faculty would reach out this week or after thanksgiving...anyone confirm?
I was also told their would be another faculty one in an MMI format. Just one MMI style question. She was very vague but said I would here from them in 2-3 weeks from the time of my interview
I was also told their would be another faculty one in an MMI format. Just one MMI style question. She was very vague but said I would here from them in 2-3 weeks from the time of my interview
So I was actually asked one MMI style question in my interview? She was like okay so here is a different kind of question/ more ethical so I wonder if they just combined the two for me? Lol idk
Anyone know how I can get more information about Meharry such as student outcomes, where students matched, their clinical sites, example of their curriculum, etc. Their website is difficult to navigate and I can't seem to find relevant information.
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yes it was so short! and so i asked about that and was like ya i saw on yalls instagram that this would be 1 of 3 and they were like ya those are informal and they are with the students just so people can get a better idea on what it Meharry is like. but she said like after today i am good and that i will get my decision on dec 16th
Oh chileeeee you got it. That was a formality. They want you lol
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Anyone else who already interviewed heard back from the second faculty or the student forum yet? I have not and am about to email the initial interviewer.
I have an MCAT below 500 and submitted to Meharry in October because I'm a part of a rigorous master's program with weekly exams. I'm retaking my MCAT in January. Would Meharry accept this retest?
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I have an MCAT below 500 and submitted to Meharry in October because I'm a part of a rigorous master's program with weekly exams. I'm retaking my MCAT in January. Would Meharry accept this retest?
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I have an MCAT below 500 and submitted to Meharry in October because I'm a part of a rigorous master's program with weekly exams. I'm retaking my MCAT in January. Would Meharry accept this retest?
My MCAT score is also below 500 but I just let it be.
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Anyone else who already interviewed heard back from the second faculty or the student forum yet? I have not and am about to email the initial interviewer.
no i havent. I don't think we are going to have another one tbh but please let me know what they say!
Will do! I thought they would at the very least do the student forum so we could hear from currents students about what they think of the school!
The M2s and I believe M1s as well are busy with prepping for finals so I kinda doubt the student forum will happen within the next 2 weeks.
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Has anyone recently received interview offer ?
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HAs anyone recently received an interview invite -- this was the first secondary invite I recieved in June and submitted it promptly --feeling frstrated and disappointmented ?? --- when you email you just get generic response
HAs anyone recently received an interview invite -- this was the first secondary invite I recieved in June and submitted it promptly --feeling frstrated and disappointmented ?? --- when you email you just get generic response
most of us got secondaries in august/sept so i think this school is really behind on interviews. they only sent out some a couple weeks ago.
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when i got my II, they offered from Nov 17-Nov 23rd so to my knowledge based on the sdn forum i think thats the last interview thats been reported? im not sure though
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when i got my II, they offered from Nov 17-Nov 23rd so to my knowledge based on the sdn forum i think thats the last interview thats been reported? im not sure though
Okay I see thank you so much
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Anyone else who already interviewed heard back from the second faculty or the student forum yet? I have not and am about to email the initial interviewer.
I still haven't heard back from the second faculty or students. I reached out to my first interviewer and I have not received a response. Let me know if you have heard something please.
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I still haven't heard back from the second faculty or students. I reached out to my first interviewer and I have not received a response. Let me know if you have heard something please.
ya same here
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I still haven't heard back from the second faculty or students. I reached out to my first interviewer and I have not received a response. Let me know if you have heard something please.
I also emailed and did not hear back unfortunately. Hope FutureBlackDerm sees this too, as I am supposed to update them as well
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umm i havent gotten a secondary yet. so confused because doesnt it close in 5 days
umm i havent gotten a secondary yet. so confused because doesnt it close in 5 days
when did you add the school? they sent out secondaries for some people in june and then sent the rest in like september.
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around september
I would try to email them and even call the admissions office today if you can. They don't rally respond to emails because of the volume of emails they get.
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Secondary is due January 15th based on the secondary email! They want the AMCAS submitted to them by Dec. 15th
umm i havent gotten a secondary yet. so confused because doesnt it close in 5 days
Deadline is in jan but Meharry is KNOWN for sending secondaries afterward that time and interviewing until right before the semester begins.
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omg haha so i shouldn't be too worried
I have two friends who are M1s there who interviewed the first week of June. Don't worry but also be very patient if you wanna go to Meharry. They will put you through it😂
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for those who have interviewed already, do yall know if we will hear back via email, portal, or a call? thank you!
for those who have interviewed already, do yall know if we will hear back via email, portal, or a call? thank you!
Is that a different portal then the secondary one? I haven't gotten an interview yet but the secondary portal doesn't work anymore. it says invalid
Is that a different portal then the secondary one? I haven't gotten an interview yet but the secondary portal doesn't work anymore. it says invalid
oh really? mine still works. idk i was just looking at last years thread and they all said they just looked at their portal and saw their acceptance lol so im like do i need to be constantly looking at my phone for a call or my portal lmao
oh really? mine still works. idk i was just looking at last years thread and they all said they just looked at their portal and saw their acceptance lol so im like do i need to be constantly looking at my phone for a call or my portal lmao
This is what it says on my end:


Access Denied​

Access Denied: This form is accessible by invitation only.

Could anyone else who doesn't have an interview yet let me know if they see the same?
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