2021-2022 Meharry

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so i submitted my secondary on 10/7 and just got the email saying that they have received my secondary and my file is under review. Do yall know how long until the review is completed? thanks!
same... that email scared meeee

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so i submitted my secondary on 10/7 and just got the email saying that they have received my secondary and my file is under review. Do yall know how long until the review is completed? thanks!
I honestly think it was automated system response. Last year, people said they consistently got those emails throughout the process. But I would imagine interviews starting until November or December. However, some people believe they will start in Jan. I’m not sure about when but I just know Meharry is a school we have to be patient with.
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I honestly think it was automated system response. Last year, people said they consistently got those emails throughout the process. But I would imagine interviews starting until November or December. However, some people believe they will start in Jan. I’m not sure about when but I just know Meharry is a school we have to be patient with.
Based on last year's thread - people started getting interview invites in late October.
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so i submitted my secondary on 10/7 and just got the email saying that they have received my secondary and my file is under review. Do yall know how long until the review is completed? thanks!
I don’t think anyone is on the admission committee
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I actually hope for a later interview process because I’m taking my CASPER this Friday and I know we need to have completed it before interviewing.
ya.. was just tryna gauge others experiences lol
you never know with this school lmfao

HOPEFULLY IIs go out next week cause thats when it happened last week. But you never know
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I actually hope for a later interview process because I’m taking my CASPER this Friday and I know we need to have completed it before interviewing.
good luck! i just got my results back from that. I'm taking the SJT exam tonight 🙄
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File under review email received!
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I emailed them over a week ago to withdraw my application and they still sent me that mass email saying they are reviewing my app. :unsure:
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I emailed them over a week ago to withdraw my application and they still sent me that mass email saying they are reviewing my app. :unsure:
lmfaooooo they not lettin go of you that easy bro.

They said "No thank you. Youre still being considered":rofl:
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In the email where they sent secondary info they said that they will give no updates via email or mail and that all updates will be on the portal........
......but my portal is broken?? I've tried all of the different links from their various emails and none of them took me to the actual portal

Anyone else have this problem?
That link works but I can only see a copy of the app that I submitted and a receipt. I can't see a status or any communications from the school

The email says the will communicate through the portal and email. If there’s an update you will be notified via email. The WebApply page will only update if needed, but any correspondence will def come through email.

WVU uses the same WebApply system and all their updates come through email as well
The email says the will communicate through the portal and email. If there’s an update you will be notified via email. The WebApply page will only update if needed, but any correspondence will def come through email.

WVU uses the same WebApply system and all their updates come through email as well
When they emailed me my secondary on 7/21 they said that there would be no updates via email. It was in bold, italics, and underlined lol. See attachment

This is so unnecessarily confusing


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When they emailed me my secondary on 7/21 they said that there would be no updates via email. It was in bold, italics, and underlined lol. See attachment

This is so unnecessarily confusing
wait whattt. Thats insane, Are you a student at Meharry currently? This is what I got when they emailed me my secondary

wait whattt. Thats insane, Are you a student at Meharry currently? This is what I got when they emailed me my secondary

View attachment 345089
no I'm not a current student and I can't access any sort of portal which is why I was so frustrated lol

this whole thing is a mess

edit: here is the email that I got from them when I submitted my secondary on 8/1. It says that some people will get acceptances via mail and some will get them on the portal??? when I try to click on the "institution web page" / "admissions site" that is linked in the portal link it just says error...... -__-
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no I'm not a current student and I can't access any sort of portal which is why I was so frustrated lol

this whole thing is a mess
Im not a student either. How the hell are applicants getting two different emails!? :oops::hungover:

What is going on in their office.
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I believe any updates will be emailed to us so don’t worry. The portal really isn’t a portal at the moment so just keep an eye on your email. All messages we have received so far have been via email.

Side note, I completed my CASPER exam today. I really hope I don’t get over looked because my score isn’t in.
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I think the simple answer to our questions would be if the students who have interviewed with Meharry this cycle can confirm they received invitations by email. I think this far it has only been ED applicants who have interviewed.
Yall get another email from them rn?

Im about to send an update asking them to leave my ass alone unless its an Interview invite or a Rejection. Im tired of these pointless emails lol
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Yall get another email from them rn?

Im about to send an update asking them to leave my ass alone unless its an Interview invite or a Rejection. Im tired of these pointless emails lol
Probably because so many keep on contacting them for updates.

I too received that email. Twice.
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Probably because so many keep on contacting them for updates.

I too received that email. Twice.
jesus lol, what is people's issue with not following the rules! lmaooo
Alright, I’m starting to feel left out. I haven’t gotten any of these emails from them since September… idk if I should feel lucky or concerned lol!
Has anyone received any interview —rejection —acceptance this cycle yet ?
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Just got an II less than an hour ago. Available times are tomorrow late night and I have the Howard interview until 2:30 ish. Very poor planning on their part. Obviously happy for the II though.
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Anyone have any insight or advice on the interview? Do not know what to expect and kinda just got thrust into it.
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Just got an II less than an hour ago. Available times are tomorrow late night and I have the Howard interview until 2:30 ish. Very poor planning on their part. Obviously happy for the II though.
OMG Congrats!! mind sharing stats??
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Just got an II less than an hour ago. Available times are tomorrow late night and I have the Howard interview until 2:30 ish. Very poor planning on their part. Obviously happy for the II though.

I’m sorry. What? They sent you an II and the date is for TOMORROW?
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Yeah. Wow. That's insane!

Talk about unorganized. People are still waiting on secondaries and receipt for their primaries, and they’re sendin IIs with <24 hour notice? Lol wtf
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I’m sorry. What? They sent you an II and the date is for TOMORROW?
I got the email at 6:39 PM and they told me that they were doing interviews Mon-Wed Nov. 8th -10th. 10th was unavailable. Which only left one day for me to choose, annoyingly tomorrow
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Talk about unorganized. People are still waiting on secondaries and receipt for their primaries, and they’re sendin IIs with <24 hour notice? Lol wtf
Not to mention the email says the times are CST but the actual link with the times say EST. So I have no idea what time I'm actually interviewing!
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I got the email at 6:39 PM and they told me that they were doing interviews Mon-Wed Nov. 8th -10th. 10th was unavailable. Which only left one day for me to choose, annoyingly tomorrow
I got the email at 6:39 PM and they told me that they were doing interviews Mon-Wed Nov. 8th -10th. 10th was unavailable. Which only left one day for me to choose, annoyingly tomorrow
Congratulations!! Do you know how many interviews they do per day?
Congratulations!! Do you know how many interviews they do per day?
I am not sure, they sent it to me at a weird time so I could not give you a representative number for the weekday, as there were only two slots on Tuesday. However times for this Saturday extend from 2 PM - 8 PM in 45 minute slots.
I am not sure, they sent it to me at a weird time so I could not give you a representative number for the weekday, as there were only two slots on Tuesday. However times for this Saturday extend from 2 PM - 8 PM in 45 minute slots.
So it’s an interview and not an interview day?