2022-2023 California Northstate

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Mar 3, 2021
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Be aware that California Northstate is currently on probation with the LCME, the accreditation body for medical schools:

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hmm I just realized I submitted the secondary 1 day after the deadline so guess I will not be having to worry about this school XD
hmm I just realized I submitted the secondary 1 day after the deadline so guess I will not be having to worry about this school XD
How were you able to submit passed the deadline? My email went to spam folder and when I realized it, it was passed the 21 day deadline….called + voicemail and emailed them but no response yet. Hoping they will let me submit still
I have no idea. Maybe I am bad with math? I got it july 7th and submitted the 30th. It said due by the 30th but that was past the 21 days. So I am confused.
How were you able to submit passed the deadline? My email went to spam folder and when I realized it, it was passed the 21 day deadline….called + voicemail and emailed them but no response yet. Hoping they will let me submit still
Have you heard back yet?
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I emailed adcoms a while back and never got a response. wanted to ask about the LOR requirement. Says I need one from "other" including non science, research etc.
I'm wondering if an extra science one can count for that requirement? Does anyone know
I emailed adcoms a while back and never got a response. wanted to ask about the LOR requirement. Says I need one from "other" including non science, research etc.
I'm wondering if an extra science one can count for that requirement? Does anyone know
Category 2: Other (e.g., Research Advisor, Non-Science Professor, Community Leaders, Employer Superior) (Required)

My guess is they want a non-science letter
Category 2: Other (e.g., Research Advisor, Non-Science Professor, Community Leaders, Employer Superior) (Required)

My guess is they want a non-science letter
i sadly don't have non science. i have 3 science and 1 physician. So that's why I had emailed and never got a response
i sadly don't have non science. i have 3 science and 1 physician. So that's why I had emailed and never got a response
ya I have noticed they arn't the best at responding. Again this is a school I am tentative about due to their current standing, as well as being a for profit med school. I am hopeful though that if they did lose accreditation, the AMCAS would step in and possible help students find other med schools (this happened in the past when a school lost accreditation )
ya I have noticed they arn't the best at responding. Again this is a school I am tentative about due to their current standing, as well as being a for profit med school. I am hopeful though that if they did lose accreditation, the AMCAS would step in and possible help students find other med schools (this happened in the past when a school lost accreditation )
yea i know a ton about the school as I actually did my post bacc there a few years ago... I'm also a reapplicant so if worse comes to worse i am okay with going here if thats my only acceptance
I think the deadline is a hard deadline unfortunately
I hope not...their secondary is the only secondary I encountered that has a deadline before Sept and they did state it in their email
They opened up my portal again, phew!
II this morning. IS, LizzyM~75. Any current students or people familiar with this school? I would love to hear about people's experiences.
II this afternoon. IS, LizzyM~75. I received a call and the interview date is in a week or so. No time to prepare. I thought we will have a choice a pick the interview date.....
For the people who received interviews, when were you complete?
Anyone here who would like to share their interview experience?
What resources can be used for interview practice questions? Is there a particular website that is helpful?
Is there any website for CA Northstate? Any information would be helpful, Thanks!
Anyone here who would like to share their interview experience?
What resources can be used for interview practice questions? Is there a particular website that is helpful?
Is there any website for CA Northstate? Any information would be helpful, Thanks!
I don't know much about their process, but I know they do have this website: Interview Day
Best of luck 🙂
Hi all. For those who had the chance to interview today, was there an informational session after the check in and before your interviews? I only checked in for 5 minutes and didn't realize how the timings would be for the MMI, nor was I told by my first interviewer.
Did anyone who submitted a secondary never receive a complete email?
Anyone heard anything from this school after submitting the secondary? Or if there are any recent IIs?