2022-2023 Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM-Carolinas)

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Secondary Questions:
1. Describe a significant challenge you have experienced in your life, share the strategies you employed to overcome the challenge, and what you learned from the experience. (500 words)

2. Professionalism and respect in the community in which you live is of utmost importance in medical school and as a physician. What three professional qualities do you believe a Student Doctor must demonstrate and describe how you will demonstrate these qualities as a medical student at VCOM? (500 words)

3. How do your professional ambitions align with osteopathic medicine? (500 words)

4. What influenced your decision to apply to VCOM? (e.g., personal or medical experiences; influences of friends/family/physicians/mentors; etc.) (500 words)


Here are some additional questions (no word limit)

1. In the event you submitted an application to VCOM last year, what improvements have you made to your application?

2. If you have not completed all the prerequisite coursework, please state how you intend on completing it prior to matriculation.

3. Have you had any lapse of 2 years or greater in taking full time college-level coursework?

4.Have you attended any VCOM Virtual or In Person Event including a Virtual Physician Event, Alumni Events, Diversity Events. If so, please list the event and what you gained from the experience.
Interview feedback:

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Here are the "Essay Questions" from the secondary. @PapaGuava

1. Describe a significant challenge you have experienced in your life, share the strategies you employed to overcome the challenge, and what you learned from the experience. (500 words)

2. Professionalism and respect in the community in which you live is of utmost importance in medical school and as a physician. What three professional qualities do you believe a Student Doctor must demonstrate and describe how you will demonstrate these qualities as a medical student at VCOM? (500 words)

3. How do your professional ambitions align with osteopathic medicine? (500 words)

4. What influenced your decision to apply to VCOM? (e.g., personal or medical experiences; influences of friends/family/physicians/mentors; etc.) (500 words)


Here are some additional questions (no word limit)

1. In the event you submitted an application to VCOM last year, what improvements have you made to your application?

2. If you have not completed all the prerequisite coursework, please state how you intend on completing it prior to matriculation.

3. Have you had any lapse of 2 years or greater in taking full time college-level coursework?

4.Have you attended any VCOM Virtual or In Person Event including a Virtual Physician Event, Alumni Events, Diversity Events. If so, please list the event and what you gained from the experience.
What exactly are they looking for when asking for a CV? Do they basically just want a resume typed into writing?
A resume is typically one page mainly focusing on specific skills you've acquired that you tailor to a specific job posting. A CV is several pages that outline your education, qualifications, and previous experience. It may include abstracts, posters, presentations, volunteer/service, shadowing experiences, etc.
A resume is typically one page mainly focusing on specific skills you've acquired that you tailor to a specific job posting. A CV is several pages that outline your education, qualifications, and previous experience. It may include abstracts, posters, presentations, volunteer/service, shadowing experiences, etc.
I listed all my experiences. I did not include any awards or poster presentation because it said to list all the work/volunteer/internships. Hopefully, they look at my primary app too because that is more detailed.
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I listed all my experiences. I did not include any awards or poster presentation because it said to list all the work/volunteer/internships. Hopefully, they look at my primary app too because that is more detailed.
I had to make a PDF CV for Midwestern and I was like oh bet I'll just upload that, and then I realized we had to manually input it and I wanted to cry lolol. But hey.. got it done.

12 secondaries down...
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has anyone else not received anything yet? or is it just me?
FYI- lecture is mandatory attendance once again.
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Just a heads up everybody, admin has changed the attendance policy a week before classes have begun (2 campuses have already begun classes). In person attendance has been now made mandatory by our lovely dean. Not only is this socially irresponsible considering the uptick of new Covid cases, but detrimental to the mental health of anyone stuck attending. Part of the reason that a lot of the incoming OMS I’s had decided to attend VCOM was the amazing flexibility they provided, not anymore… Switching the attendance policy on the sly, really should let you all know where the Dean’s opinion of the incoming candidates lies. Heavily consider this while you weigh your options on where to attend.
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So in the LOR section, it has one for your committee letter and one box for your physician letter. If your physician letter is included in your committee packet, should you put the committee info twice? Or put down the doctor's info for the physician box?

Should I write out the contact info for each person writing me a LOR that's included in the committee packet? Or just leave the committee info. I feel like it's kinda redundant to put down the info for every writer when they'll just have access to all my letters from the committee.
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For the CV section are y’all just copy and pasting the descriptions from your primary? Or are you writing something new
For the CV section are y’all just copy and pasting the descriptions from your primary? Or are you writing something new
The instructions say to use a short title/description. So I wrote: “volunteer at X”. I saw someone in previous year thread do this and got an interview.
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People are gonna start receiving interviews soon and I still haven't even got a secondary 😐
secondary received! would we have a better chance if we let them decide on our campus preference?
How is everyone setting up their CV? What was the purpose of the primary if I have to submit this...
I listed Louisiana as my preference but it appears the link to the LOU campus directs to the 2021-2022 year. Posting here instead as I did select Auburn as my second choice. Checked my portal today and saw "interview update form". Not sure if this was there last week... I don't remember seeing it. Anyone else have this in their portal? Maybe II going soon?
I listed Louisiana as my preference but it appears the link to the LOU campus directs to the 2021-2022 year. Posting here instead as I did select Auburn as my second choice. Checked my portal today and saw "interview update form". Not sure if this was there last week... I don't remember seeing it. Anyone else have this in their portal? Maybe II going soon?
hmmmm I don't see this at all, do you mind showing where you did?
hmmmm I don't see this at all, do you mind showing where you did?
Just throwing this out there, but do some schools send invites through the portal? I've been only checking email.
I'd also check the portal here, so far nothing for me
I just got the complete email! I had been marked incomplete for over a month
How did you guys rank your campuses? Do you need to have a connection to one of the regions in which one of the campuses is located?
OOS, RD, 4.0 GPA, and 507 MCAT - submitted secondary/complete on 6/22 and haven't gotten any updates
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I just got a phone call asking me to go for an in-person interview. She said I would be interviewed only in one campus and considered only for that campus. I thought I applied to all the campuses. She asked if I could go this Thursday (I am from Florida) and asked for next week.

BTW, Although I got the secondary very early, I submitted it end of August.
ORM, MCAT 51* (midteens), GP 3.7+, sGPA 3.8+, EC
I just got a phone call asking me to go for an in-person interview. She said I would be interviewed only in one campus and considered only for that campus. I thought I applied to all the campuses. She asked if I could go this Thursday (I am from Florida) and asked for next week.

BTW, Although I got the secondary very early, I submitted it end of August.
ORM, MCAT 51* (midteens), GP 3.7+, sGPA 3.8+, EC

My understanding is that once you receive an II for one campus you are withdrawn from the other campuses.
I just got a phone call asking me to go for an in-person interview. She said I would be interviewed only in one campus and considered only for that campus. I thought I applied to all the campuses. She asked if I could go this Thursday (I am from Florida) and asked for next week.

BTW, Although I got the secondary very early, I submitted it end of August.
ORM, MCAT 51* (midteens), GP 3.7+, sGPA 3.8+, EC

The Carolina’s campus recruits heavily from FL than the other campuses
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For anyone interviewing, the interview is super chill! They truly want to get to know you as a person.
Just a question.

I attend the college across the road from VCOM Carolinas. 4.0, 503, SC resident, solid extracurriculars, but I just submitted secondary two weeks ago. Is this too late to be considered for an interview? This has been my target school for 4 years now, but I feel that my timing might've thrown things off.
Just a question.

I attend the college across the road from VCOM Carolinas. 4.0, 503, SC resident, solid extracurriculars, but I just submitted secondary two weeks ago. Is this too late to be considered for an interview? This has been my target school for 4 years now, but I feel that my timing might've thrown things off.
not too late at all!
Just a question.

I attend the college across the road from VCOM Carolinas. 4.0, 503, SC resident, solid extracurriculars, but I just submitted secondary two weeks ago. Is this too late to be considered for an interview? This has been my target school for 4 years now, but I feel that my timing might've thrown things off.
Nope, not late at all. Good luck!
If I get one more invite that says… “VCOM Invites you… to an open house!” I’m gonna lose my mind
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