2023-2024 Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM-Carolinas)

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Current student here, feel free to reach out for any questions, concerns, or advise!
Okay, same here. Was marked complete 6/27. Hopefully II soon!
I’m a first year at sc campus. Feel free to message me any questions. I’m happy to help :)
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Has anyone heard anything back in regard to interviews? Secondary marked complete 6/11.
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Is anyone still in the screening process? Submitted secondary 7/18. Probably just being impatient but :oops::oops:
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Looks like Carolina’s sent II in September last year so we might have to wait a little longer.
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y'all i got verified like yesterday and got an II today, so i donot know if it was a mistake, but praying it will all work out somehow. I don't know how the screening works so maybe I will get screened i donot know
I’m assuming you submitted a secondary right?
I have not, I am planning on by this week! I just got the II today. I didn't know it was that fast. so just checking and rechecking stuff

II means interview invitation. It doesn’t mean secondary. Not saying you’re confusing it but it’s a common confusion so I just wanted to make sure. Did you get an interview invitation or secondary?
I am still in screen review- should I reach out? I submitted a month ago.
I am still in screen review- should I reach out? I submitted a month ago.
someone from another campus submitted secondary mid June and contacted them and was told to wait as they have lots of applications to go through still
I am still in screen review- should I reach out? I submitted a month ago.
I’ve been waiting for almost a month and a half. They’ll get back to you if they’re interested. The cycle doesn’t end till March it’s still too early
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I’ve been waiting for almost a month and a half. They’ll get back to you if they’re interested. The cycle doesn’t end till March it’s still too early
Man…I keep telling myself that every day, but the clock still ticks away.

My app was complete in July and I haven’t heard a peep from any of them. On one hand, at least I’m not rejected. On the other hand, I’m definitely not getting the much desired II.
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is it possible to be offered an interview at multiple locations? Or do they just review your application for your top choice? I’ve read some mixed things. Thank y’all!
VCOM is notorious for interviewing those who did ED and schools that they have deals with first. Let us not panic yet.
crickets GIF
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Did anyone that interviewed after September 23 hear back from the School?