2022-2023 Einstein

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Secondary Application Questions:
  1. I have taken time off from school between high school and college.
  2. I have taken time off from school during my undergraduate years.
  3. I have taken at least a year off from school since college graduation, including this year that I am applying.
  4. I have taken and received credit for online science core courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, organic chemistry, physics and mathematics) that were taken prior to the Covid Pandemic (earlier than Spring 2020)
  5. I have applied previously to medical school.
  6. I have submitted an AMCAS application to Einstein previously.
  7. I am/was a graduate student in the Sue Golding Division of Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
  8. I was accepted to medical school previously but did not attend.
  9. I was previously enrolled in medical school.
  10. I can attest that I have fulfilled the Albert Einstein College of Medicine COMPETENCIES (http://www.einstein.yu.edu/educatio...pplication-procedure/course-requirements.aspx) for admission. If you answered, "no" to the above question, please explain. For example, if you plan to take pre-medical course work in the coming summer, fall, or spring, please list the courses and tell us when and where you will be taking them. If your answer was, "yes," please write “NA” in the box below. (3000 characters)
  11. I will have a Baccalaureate Degree by the time I matriculate into medical school.
  12. I am presently holding a deferral from another medical / graduate / professional school.
  13. I have received a grade of "F" during my college/graduate school years.
  14. I have received a grade of "D" during my college/graduate school years.
  15. I have received a grade of "W" during my college/graduate school years.
  16. I have received a grade of "I" during my college/graduate school years.
  17. As an undergraduate, I transferred from one college to another.
  18. I have been the recipient of a warning notice for a non-academic issue that did NOT result in a disciplinary action.
  19. I have been subject to a disciplinary action and/or administrative action, expunged or not, while an undergraduate or graduate student.
  20. I currently have disciplinary charges pending.
  21. I have been prohibited or suspended from practicing in a professional capacity because of alleged misconduct.
  22. Please tell us the year Parent/Guardian received their highest academic degree, the name of that degree and the name of the school. If high school or less, please write "high school or less."
  23. If you were employed during the academic year, other than during winter and summer breaks, please write the number of hours you worked per week, and tell us what you did and why you were employed.
  24. Please provide your Race as you indicated it on your AMCAS application
  25. Please provide your Ethnicity as you indicated it on your AMCAS application
  26. If you indicated, above, that you will have, "Two individual letters (up to 5 are allowed)," please provide the names, titles and institution of your letter writers; please use a separate line for each. Please note that one letter must be from your major and your second letter from a science faculty member (two science letters from two different faculty members in the same department is acceptable). If this does not apply to you, please write “NA” in the box below.
  27. If you are a Post-Baccalaureate student (not a Master’s Degree student), please indicate whether a letter or statement of “Good Standing” been included in your letter packet? If “yes,” please indicate the name, title and school from which the letter has been submitted. If “no,” please indicate when such a letter or statement will be uploaded to the AMCAS Letter Writer. If this does not apply to you, please write “NA.”
  28. Did you take your last science course more than 5 years ago?
  29. If you have an Undergraduate Pre-Professional Advisory Committee at your college or university, and have chosen NOT to request a letter from that Committee, please tell us why not.
  30. Have you worked in basic or clinical research at Einstein/Montefiore?
  31. Have you participated in an Einstein/Montefiore Pipeline Program during high school, college or after?
  32. If you answered "yes" that you have worked with us here at Einstein/Montefiore, will a letter from an Einstein/Montefiore faculty member be included in your evaluations? Please tell us the name, title and department of the letter writer.
  33. Do you have a family member who is a current employee (non-faculty) of an Einstein/Montefiore affiliated hospital?
  34. Do you have a SIBLING who is currently enrolled as an Einstein medical or graduate student?
  35. Do you have a family member who is currently a Faculty member at an Einstein/Montefiore affiliated hospital?
  36. Do you have a family member who is an Einstein Alumnus (MD, MSTP or PhD degree only)?
  37. Anything else you would like to share with us? (4000 characters)

Interview feedback:

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Secondary Prompts: Answer if applicable (3000 character limit)
  1. I have taken time off from school between high school and college.
  2. I have taken time off from school during my undergraduate years.
  3. I have taken at least a year off from school since college graduation, including this year that I am applying.
  4. I have taken and received credit for online science core courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, organic chemistry, physics and mathematics) that were taken prior to the Covid Pandemic (earlier than Spring 2020)
  5. I have applied previously to medical school.
  6. I have submitted an AMCAS application to Einstein previously.
  7. I am/was a graduate student in the Sue Golding Division of Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
  8. I was accepted to medical school previously but did not attend.
  9. I was previously enrolled in medical school.
  10. I can attest that I have fulfilled the Albert Einstein College of Medicine COMPETENCIES (http://www.einstein.yu.edu/educatio...pplication-procedure/course-requirements.aspx) for admission. If you answered, "no" to the above question, please explain. For example, if you plan to take pre-medical course work in the coming summer, fall, or spring, please list the courses and tell us when and where you will be taking them. If your answer was, "yes," please write “NA” in the box below. (3000 characters)
  11. I will have a Baccalaureate Degree by the time I matriculate into medical school.
  12. I am presently holding a deferral from another medical / graduate / professional school.
  13. I have received a grade of "F" during my college/graduate school years.
  14. I have received a grade of "D" during my college/graduate school years.
  15. I have received a grade of "W" during my college/graduate school years.
  16. I have received a grade of "I" during my college/graduate school years.
  17. As an undergraduate, I transferred from one college to another.
  18. I have been the recipient of a warning notice for a non-academic issue that did NOT result in a disciplinary action.
  19. I have been subject to a disciplinary action and/or administrative action, expunged or not, while an undergraduate or graduate student.
  20. I currently have disciplinary charges pending.
  21. I have been prohibited or suspended from practicing in a professional capacity because of alleged misconduct.
  22. Please tell us the year Parent/Guardian received their highest academic degree, the name of that degree and the name of the school. If high school or less, please write "high school or less."
  23. If you were employed during the academic year, other than during winter and summer breaks, please write the number of hours you worked per week, and tell us what you did and why you were employed.
  24. Please provide your Race as you indicated it on your AMCAS application
  25. Please provide your Ethnicity as you indicated it on your AMCAS application
  26. If you indicated, above, that you will have, "Two individual letters (up to 5 are allowed)," please provide the names, titles and institution of your letter writers; please use a separate line for each. Please note that one letter must be from your major and your second letter from a science faculty member (two science letters from two different faculty members in the same department is acceptable). If this does not apply to you, please write “NA” in the box below.
  27. If you are a Post-Baccalaureate student (not a Master’s Degree student), please indicate whether a letter or statement of “Good Standing” been included in your letter packet? If “yes,” please indicate the name, title and school from which the letter has been submitted. If “no,” please indicate when such a letter or statement will be uploaded to the AMCAS Letter Writer. If this does not apply to you, please write “NA.”
  28. Did you take your last science course more than 5 years ago?
  29. If you have an Undergraduate Pre-Professional Advisory Committee at your college or university, and have chosen NOT to request a letter from that Committee, please tell us why not.
  30. Have you worked in basic or clinical research at Einstein/Montefiore?
  31. Have you participated in an Einstein/Montefiore Pipeline Program during high school, college or after?
  32. If you answered "yes" that you have worked with us here at Einstein/Montefiore, will a letter from an Einstein/Montefiore faculty member be included in your evaluations? Please tell us the name, title and department of the letter writer.
  33. Do you have a family member who is a current employee (non-faculty) of an Einstein/Montefiore affiliated hospital?
  34. Do you have a SIBLING who is currently enrolled as an Einstein medical or graduate student?
  35. Do you have a family member who is currently a Faculty member at an Einstein/Montefiore affiliated hospital?
  36. Do you have a family member who is an Einstein Alumnus (MD, MSTP or PhD degree only)?
  37. Anything else you would like to share with us? (4000 characters)
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this is 3,000 characters to address all of these apply together, not for each one correct?
If anyone has an error with submitting, I would recommend using Safari. Chrome was giving me issues lol.
Each one.... but you will say "NA" to like 95% if not all of them. Plus, 3000 is a TON for most of these, so you probably would only use like 1000 if that.
got it, 3000 for all of them isn't much, 3000 for each is WAY too much1
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For MSTPs, they also ask 'what is your favorite college course and why?' Definitely a fun prompt to answer, but 3000 characters still seems like way too much space.
My responses ranged from around 500 characters for a short response to 2500 characters for the "Why Us" question in disguise at the end.

Also had issues submitting with chrome but I submitted it yesterday (6/26) and received it Friday (6/24). Good luck to everyone applying!
I submitted but am wondering how we get confirmation that the application is complete? I can't find if they received my LORs or MCAT yet
Does anyone know if the Medical Spanish elective can be taken by students with no/very limited baseline knowledge of Spanish? I'm thinking it does since it says "Classes are offered at beginning, intermediate and advanced levels," but I wanted to see if a current student can confirm this.
I submitted but am wondering how we get confirmation that the application is complete? I can't find if they received my LORs or MCAT yet
Wondering the same thing! Cannot see the status of my LORs
I submitted and also did not receive any confirmation. However, if you go to the secondary page, it says congrats on being done and that your app will be reviewed, so I assume that means everything was completed?
How do you answer the gap year question?

I thought the AMCAS already has the lists of job/experience. How do you answer without repeating the same thing?
How do you think I should answer the following question: "I have submitted an AMCAS application to Einstein previously."

I applied to Einstein before, but not sure what else to say in regards to how I improved my application since I already had to answer: "I have applied previously to medical school."
How do you think I should answer the following question: "I have submitted an AMCAS application to Einstein previously."

I applied to Einstein before, but not sure what else to say in regards to how I improved my application since I already had to answer: "I have applied previously to medical school."
You could talk about why you're applying to them a second time? (Ie use it as a "why us" essay)
Does TAing or working in a lab during the school year count as work experience?
For question 26, if we're submitting more than 2 LOR, do we include the information for all our letter writers? Or just the 2 from your major/the sciences?

26) If you indicated, above, that you will have, "Two individual letters (up to 5 are allowed)," please provide the names, titles and institution of your letter writers; please use a separate line for each. Please note that one letter must be from your major and your second letter from a science faculty member (two science letters from two different faculty members in the same department is acceptable). If this does not apply to you, please write “NA” in the box below.
Hi! Does anyone know if Einstein has screening requirements to receive the secondary?
If it's paid, yes!

I included those in my secondary because I was paid for both of them.
For this question, how descriptive did you get for each role? We are given 3000 characters, but not sure if I should bullet this!
For this question, "Did you take your last science course more than 5 years ago?" do I need to say yes and explain this question if I have AP credits for a science course since it was 5 years ago?
For this question, "Did you take your last science course more than 5 years ago?" do I need to say yes and explain this question if I have AP credits for a science course since it was 5 years ago?
It says last science course. I assume you have taken science courses in college?
Is anyone else having difficulty finding the questions? I clicked on the link to the supplemental, but the only thing available for me to complete was uploading a photo. Is there a different link I am suppose to use?
Is anyone else having difficulty finding the questions? I clicked on the link to the supplemental, but the only thing available for me to complete was uploading a photo. Is there a different link I am suppose to use?
When you sign in there should be a rectangle that's about uploading documents/photo but underneath that there should be another rectangle to start your app
Is anyone having a problem pressing the "I am done uploading documents" button? It is grayed out for me, and I don't see the button that should be underneath it for starting my app
Is anyone having trouble with LORS benig delivered?
When you guys submit, did Einstein send out an email confirming your submission? They don't have like a tab where I can see if everything submitted, so I would like to know.
When you guys submit, did Einstein send out an email confirming your submission? They don't have like a tab where I can see if everything submitted, so I would like to know.
they do send a complete email
Is it recommended to write something for the "anything else you'd like to tell us" prompt?
I don't want to force anything and waste adcom's time by writing a bs "why Einstein" essay, but I don't want to give them the false message that I don't care about the school
for reapplicants: how did you answer "please explain why you think you were not accepted to medical school in the previous year". Frankly, my gpa and mcat scores are lower than the average but I can't afford to (in terms of time and money) do a postbac or study for mcat again. I want to address that I lacked clinical experience and spent my gap year increasing this, but that is already addressed in Q1.
Has anyone else have had issues with submitting application? It is not working for me on chrome!
If anyone has an error with submitting, I would recommend using Safari. Chrome was giving me issues lol.
Hi, do you suggest submitting the app in any other form? I am having issues on chrome. Does internet explorer work or something.
what should the shorthand for their name be when referring to the school in secondaries? einstein or AECM?