2022-2023 Einstein

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Does this mean it’s over?
I asked if she could provide any information on potential WL movement and she said she sadly couldn’t, depends on when everyone decides but she’ll alert us immediately. So idk, probably but hopefully not!
Hey, did anyone on the WL get an email with award package from the FA office this evening? The email says "Welcome to Albert Einstein COM Community" and I'm over here wondering what that means or if everyone on the WL got that, too
Hey, did anyone on the WL get an email with award package from the FA office this evening? The email says "Welcome to Albert Einstein COM Community" and I'm over here wondering what that means or if everyone on the WL got that, too
got it too
A this morning from the regular WL. Expressed lots of interest and substantial updates since my interview. Good luck everyone!
Congrats future doc!! If you don't mind sharing when did you interview and were placed on the regular WL?