2022-2023 Hawaii (Burns)

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Got in IS 😭 crying guys. I was a reapplicant, so I know what it is like last year not getting the answer that you may want. Wishing everyone best of luck
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OOS R just now! Congrats to all who were admitted and good luck to everyone on the waitlist!
OOS R, definitely sucks to get this news after over 5 months of waiting but best of luck to those still in the running!
Just got the A! OOS applicant, and this is my first A of this seemingly endless cycle 😭. holding out hope for everyone else who's still in the running (here or elsewhere!!)
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IS A about an hour ago! My first A of the cycle - I am beyond words!!!
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Does anyone know if they are accepting update letters/letters of intent from waitlisted applicants?
Does anyone know if they are accepting update letters/letters of intent from waitlisted applicants?
From my experience last year, they definitely do accept letters of intent. In addition you can request an evaluation of your application from admissions. I requested this even when I had been on the waitlist to prepare. Last year Dean Asano called me and we went over everything together. It was very helpful and she’s very sweet.
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IS A last night, good luck to everyone in this cycle
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sent an email Monday night to relinquish my waitlist position and got an acceptance email Tuesday morning lol. IS
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I think there's a facebook group now? I was told that typically MS1 officers make the group but there's only two people in the group now so I wasn't sure if that was an official one or if they're ready for people to join
I think there's a facebook group now? I was told that typically MS1 officers make the group but there's only two people in the group now so I wasn't sure if that was an official one or if they're ready for people to join
i was also told from a current student that the class above typically makes the FB page after the class is officially formed (like after the may 15 deadline) so i'm not sure if that'd be an official one or another one!
i was also told from a current student that the class above typically makes the FB page after the class is officially formed (like after the may 15 deadline) so i'm not sure if that'd be an official one or another one!

I think per last year’s thread, they made the group sometime in early April. But I’ll just wait until an officer says something haha (maybe after the in person second look date or May 1st when people have to commit to enroll)
Received A yesterday!!! IS applicant, can't believe I'm staying home. Been told that there is decent waitlist movement by one of my interviewers, so I am rooting for you!
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IS applicant accepted from the waitlist a hour ago!! I am so incredibly grateful for this opportunity. I know how difficult and mentally taxing the application process can be, but I hope this message provides hope and serves to show the waitlist is still moving!
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