2023-2024 Nebraska

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omg I forgot to send a thank you email to my interviewers. I interviewed early October. Would it be weird to send it now?
I don't think it's a big deal- I didn't send one at all because I forgot and I was still accepted!

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I don't think it's a big deal- I didn't send one at all because I forgot and I was still accepted!
Congratulations on your acceptance! If you don’t mind me asking did you hear back the same day they told you on interview day or did you hear before?
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OOS pre-II R, submitted 08/07/23

In their email it said I could appeal and that if I did, they would want me to focus my appeal on why UNMC is a place I would attend given the opportunity. Does this mean they didn't reject me based on my qualifications, just that they doubted I would actually matriculate? I'm considering appealing.
Please what was the outcome of your appeal
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It’s December and (im)patiently waiting for the first round of decisions to come out
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It’s December and (im)patiently waiting for the first round of decisions to come out

Me too!! But I feel like I will get rejected tho due to a low mcat score. The last interview for this cycle is 12/8/23 so I assume it would be towards the end of December after they have interviewed everyone.
Me too!! But I feel like I will get rejected tho due to a low mcat score. The last interview for this cycle is 12/8/23 so I assume it would be towards the end of December after they have interviewed everyone.

They invited you to interview for a reason
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No, but they sent the first round of acceptances on Dec 12 last year.
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It’s the 15th decisions today or Monday?
Best Wishes Good Luck GIF by Studios 2016
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OOS Acceptance with very strong ties + where I went to High School. Completed August 14. Interview Oct 9. Accepted 12/21 around 9:51 am CST
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I interviewed at unmc and have a great application other than my mcat score. My mcat score is well below the unmc’s average and that’s bc of English not being my first language, I have been speaking only for a few years. I am sending my transcript today bc it’s the last day to send updates and was thinking of adding a letter of intent too. I have interviewed and accepted to DO schools but deep down I know my heart belongs here and I don’t want to go anywhere else. I also didn’t get a chance to tell them the classic “if get accepted here I will attend here”. So do I send the letter of intent or just send my transcript.
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I say include the letter, everyone in Nebraska likes a good letter.
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I interviewed at unmc and have a great application other than my mcat score. My mcat score is well below the unmc’s average and that’s bc of English not being my first language, I have been speaking only for a few years. I am sending my transcript today bc it’s the last day to send updates and was thinking of adding a letter of intent too. I have interviewed and accepted to DO schools but deep down I know my heart belongs here and I don’t want to go anywhere else. I also didn’t get a chance to tell them the classic “if get accepted here I will attend here”. So do I send the letter of intent or just send my transcript.
I would include the letter especially if it’s the last day to send updates. And please don't feel discouraged by the MCAT score at all they already interviewed you because they like you. Good luck to you!
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Has anyone received an MD/PhD acceptance, WL, or post-II rejection yet?
Has anyone received an MD/PhD acceptance, WL, or post-II rejection yet?
I applied MD/PhD, dead silence ever since my interview (even when I sent my receipts and asked Brianna questions the day after my interview in early Nov).
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OOS acceptance (MD-PhD) received 12/29 (interviewed 10/12). Wishing the best to other co-applicants and looking forward to meeting folks in the incoming class!
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OOS acceptance (MD-PhD) received 12/29 (interviewed 10/12). Wishing the best to other co-applicants and looking forward to meeting folks in the incoming class!
Congrats future double doc!! Would you mind sharing your LM or stats?
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Interviewed on October 27th and still haven't heard anything. Expecting to hear sometime soon, but has anyone in my interview date range heard anything yet??
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Interviewed on October 27th and still haven't heard anything. Expecting to hear sometime soon, but has anyone in my interview date range heard anything yet??
Also interviewed on 10/13 haven’t heard yet; they only told us between January and March but no specific date to expect
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Interviewed on October 27th and still haven't heard anything. Expecting to hear sometime soon, but has anyone in my interview date range heard anything yet??
I interviewed on 10/20 and have not heard anything yet.
Is there a group chat/ Facebook for accepted students?