2023-2024 Vanderbilt

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Withdrew A today because I just can't afford it. A little heartbroken but hopefully someone on the waitlist who can swing it gets a great opportunity!
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Did anyone send in a letter yesterday and get confirmation of receiving it?
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Anyone on the WL hear anything? I thought they said in the email that movement would start this evening
Anyone on the WL hear anything? I thought they said in the email that movement would start this evening
The Accepted Student GroupMe is still at ~130 students, so they might be waiting to see if it hits below 90
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The Accepted Student GroupMe is still at ~130 students, so they might be waiting to see if it hits below 90
Thanks for checking!! I know there are usually a couple of students in the accepted student GroupMes, but even accounting for that, 130 seems pretty high when last year's class size was 96 😅
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I stand corrected. Apparently the WL is already moving! Good luck to everyone on the WL!
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Got the A call at 7:35 today. GL to everyone on the WL!
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Do we know if this is it? My commit to enroll deadline is early June so I don’t know should I just accept this is a no from vandy?
I’m also so tired of the wait and just want to move on with my life and plan my summer. Vandy’s start date is way earlier so it changes everything 🥲
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Do we know if this is it? My commit to enroll deadline is early June so I don’t know should I just accept this is a no from vandy?
I’m also so tired of the wait and just want to move on with my life and plan my summer. Vandy’s start date is way earlier so it changes everything 🥲
I feel you, so tired and drained from this process. Would love to get into Vandy but the constant waiting isn't great
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Same here honestly. It's the only school that I'm still in the run for and I'd prefer if they just rejected me so I can find the motivation to work on my primary apps again rather than stay hopeful. I'm so tired of waiting.
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Can anyone say when Vanderbilt requires a Commit to Enroll?
Can anyone say when Vanderbilt requires a Commit to Enroll?
According to MSAR Application Timeline 2024 doc, CTE deadline is May 28th (Fourth Tuesday in May) for MSTP and June 26th (fourth Wednesday in June) for MD program
Do we think they r done with waitlist?
I emailed the office. They said it’s hard to predict precise movement, but typically they admit some in early May, some in mid May and some early June.
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Tbh the waitlist has been moving every couple of days. At least that’s what I can tell from the GroupMe
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+1 still under consideration email received 💀 still gauging if it’s worth waiting anywhere and just commit to my PTE school so i can be done with this cycle and move on
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+1 still under consideration email received still gauging if it’s worth waiting anywhere and just commit to my PTE school so i can be done with this cycle and move on

Is it just me or does the email kinda imply that they’re basically done with the WL this year?
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Multiple people got in in June last year. I know they said movement wasn’t as active as it was in previous years, but there’s still hope. Praying for everyone that’s waiting
yeah especially since vandy's CTE is in late june. I am seeing a few CTE's start as early as Monday
yeah especially since vandy's CTE is in late june. I am seeing a few CTE's start as early as Monday
Same here, I m like debating if I should just start the pre-matriculation process with my PTE schools as the deadline is approaching too