2024-2025 Einstein

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for those who have interviewed - have u sent any letters (ex: update)? and if so, how did u submit it?
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Are "update letters" the same as "letters of intent" or "check-in letters"?

If a school didn't send a reply yet by Thanksgiving, would it be okay to send an email to them?
Are "update letters" the same as "letters of intent" or "check-in letters"?

If a school didn't send a reply yet by Thanksgiving, would it be okay to send an email to them?

Idk my rule of thumb is write an update wrapped in a letter of interest, and send it (unless the schools does not accept them). What do you have to lose? They wont reject you cuz of that, and maybe it might help one adcom person to put you a little higher on the list. I personally emailed mine
Are "update letters" the same as "letters of intent" or "check-in letters"?

If a school didn't send a reply yet by Thanksgiving, would it be okay to send an email to them?
update letters are not the same as letters of intent. Update letters are an expansion of continued letters of interest, however it incorporates new updates to activities that you feel are important for admissions to know. Intent letters state that if accepted, you will attend that school. That's why you should only send an intent letter to one school. However, it isn't 100% binding bc I know some people who sent intent letters but didn't attend that school due to numerous reasons.
How casual is the student info session? If I have to work during the same time and there's a chance I would get called away in the middle and need to sign off abruptly, is it still appropriate to go or should I not attend?
How casual is the student info session? If I have to work during the same time and there's a chance I would get called away in the middle and need to sign off abruptly, is it still appropriate to go or should I not attend?
Very casual! No admissions people present iirc
Who should we address letters of intent to? I can see on their website that Noreen Kerrigan is the Associate Dean of Admissions, but I was told in a previous email to send updates to Ms. Dina Nardi. Is that still the case now that the update portal is open?
Who should we address letters of intent to? I can see on their website that Noreen Kerrigan is the Associate Dean of Admissions, but I was told in a previous email to send updates to Ms. Dina Nardi. Is that still the case now that the update portal is open?
I addressed mine to the AECOM Admissions Committee members
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Does anyone know how much longer they will send out II? I haven't received one yet, having completed application in July. Wondering if they are done sending them out?
They interview pretty late historically, harder to say this cycle as there is a slightly smaller class and free tuition will probably limit their need/intention to have a waitlist
Is it correct to assume since it is free that they are taking people with the highest stats?
Is it correct to assume since it is free that they are taking people with the highest stats?
Not necessarily, but I assume avg stats will go up a bit. It depends on what they prioritize when reviewing. Einstein has always been a school with a research focus so they may interview applicants with more research output, but we have to wait and see.
I went to an info session last year and Dean Kerrigan said they are specifically trying to make sure they don't become NYU. they want to maintain the character of the school
Will you please share what they meant by that? Thanks!
Will you please share what they meant by that? Thanks!
Basically i think that they dont plan on just taking the highest stats. they said specifically they dont really want their average mcat to change too much. another phrase they used was that they are looking for the "right applicants". i dont know if stats will be the only deciding factor
I think you're supposed to upload update letters to the update portal. I got the link for it in an email a couple of weeks ago.
Gosh I hope they really dig deep and take a chance on someone like me. Future PCP & would love not to go into further debt and maybe actually save up for my kiddos college funds 🙃😅
They interview pretty late historically, harder to say this cycle as there is a slightly smaller class and free tuition will probably limit their need/intention to have a waitlist
Do you mean they will probs interview less ppl and have a better post-II acceptance rate?
Do you mean they will probs interview less ppl and have a better post-II acceptance rate?
I was told by the current students in the post-interview student session that they’re actually interviewing MORE people this year due to the increased number of applications, and that’s why we’re not hearing back until March rather than February like previously. So unless the class size has increased as well I guess that means a lower post-interview acceptance rate.
Can anyone give any further information about what it means that Einstein is on some sort of probation and what that is about? I have heard that, and not sure where to go for clear information about this and what it might mean for students. Thanks!
I was told by the current students in the post-interview student session that they’re actually interviewing MORE people this year due to the increased number of applications, and that’s why we’re not hearing back until March rather than February like previously. So unless the class size has increased as well I guess that means a lower post-interview acceptance rate.
OOF ok that makes sense
For those who sent in pre-ii update letters, did you get a confirmation stating it was received? Just wondering how I know for sure they got it. Thank you sm!
For those who sent in pre-ii update letters, did you get a confirmation stating it was received? Just wondering how I know for sure they got it. Thank you sm!
i thought they didn’t allow updates prior to an interview invite
Can anyone give any further information about what it means that Einstein is on some sort of probation and what that is about? I have heard that, and not sure where to go for clear information about this and what it might mean for students. Thanks!
LCME is one of the accreditation committees that oversee medical education across the US, basically at our last review there were a handful of items they deemed in need of attention and that landed the school in a fully accredited but on probation (aka hey work on these things and we are following up in 2 years to see your progress rather than a full stamp of approval for 10 years), it happens to many schools and no medical school in US has ever lost accreditation, tldr it's an actively being worked on thing that is making school better at a faster rate than standard, but in no way should deter/worry you
I have my interview coming up next week! Anyone have any advice or what I should expect?
I have no idea if this is typical or not, but my interviewer really zeroed in on one aspect of my application. Like he didn't ask any of the typical questions beyond "Tell me about yourself". It was very conversational but also not at all what I was expecting.