2024-2025 Einstein

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I have no idea if this is typical or not, but my interviewer really zeroed in on one aspect of my application. Like he didn't ask any of the typical questions beyond "Tell me about yourself". It was very conversational but also not at all what I was expecting.
That's interesting! Was it one interviewer or two?

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That's interesting! Was it one interviewer or two?
It was just one interviewer. We spoke for around 45 minutes, and it was clear that he'd read over my application and put thought into the kinds of things he wanted to ask me. It definitely wasn't one of those situations where they're visibly reading over everything for the first time during the interview.
does anyone know if Jan interviews are basically for the waitlist? looking back on past threads it seems to be the case but idk if results being pushed to march this year changes things
does anyone know if Jan interviews are basically for the waitlist? looking back on past threads it seems to be the case but idk if results being pushed to march this year changes things

Are you saying that the earlier you interviewed at AECOM, the better your chances?
does anyone know if Jan interviews are basically for the waitlist? looking back on past threads it seems to be the case but idk if results being pushed to march this year changes things
I don’t think anyone here has the answer to that -it’ll be all speculation. You could try calling and see what the admissions team may say.
does anyone know if Jan interviews are basically for the waitlist? looking back on past threads it seems to be the case but idk if results being pushed to march this year changes things
Where have you heard that decisions will come in march this cycle?
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What's the process for thank-you notes? Do you upload to the portal? Couldn't find anything about it
has anyone tried uploading a post-II update to the portal the adcoms sent? it said we would receive a confirmation email for every submission, but I didn't receive anything...
Anyone got any insights to whether there will still be acceptances for those interviewing early-mid February ?

Anyone got any insights to whether there will still be acceptances for those interviewing early-mid February ?

Yes, otherwise they wouldn’t be interviewing more applicants. The idea of interviewing only for waitlist is a myth at basically all schools.