2024-2025 Icahn (Mt. Sinai)

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When do they interview till? Feb? Also how does their decision making process go do they release starting january?

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does icahn like to receive updates? i interviewed in early september but don't remember if they mentioned it. if decisions come out mid-january would it be worth sending a letter (and when?)
does icahn like to receive updates? i interviewed in early september but don't remember if they mentioned it. if decisions come out mid-january would it be worth sending a letter (and when?)
During my interview they said they want to see continued interest (letter of interest/update letter) i believe, so if you have something worth updating I think its good
For those who are interviewing for the MD-PhD program, how late did the interview dates go when you signed up?
I got my II in October and was offered only one date for November, so I couldn't see the other interview dates. However, during the info session, I think they said they'd be interviewing until December!
I got my II in October and was offered only one date for November, so I couldn't see the other interview dates. However, during the info session, I think they said they'd be interviewing until December!
I heard that last year they interviewed through January, and this is what their website says too. Does this mean they are going through the process earlier this year?
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my friend goes here and last year they interviewed till March/April
Is this for the MD-PhD program? From what I can tell from last year's cycle on Cycle track, I think the MD-PhD interviews tend to wrap up a month or two earlier than the MD only interviews
Is this for the MD-PhD program? From what I can tell from last year's cycle on Cycle track, I think the MD-PhD interviews tend to wrap up a month or two earlier than the MD only interviews
whoops completely missed that nuance -- no this is for MD - only
Is this for the MD-PhD program? From what I can tell from last year's cycle on Cycle track, I think the MD-PhD interviews tend to wrap up a month or two earlier than the MD only interviews
So are we thinking that the MD-PhD II's are coming to a close?
So are we thinking that the MD-PhD II's are coming to a close?
Maybe! You can check the MD-PhD calendar for specific interview dates. When I searched for Mount Sinai, I saw they had interviews earlier this week and one more session for December. From what I've heard, the dates are self-populated by the programs themselves, but they might not be fully up to date so I can't say for sure what Sinai's timeline is. I hope it's helpful though!
Any tips for the interview? Also how long is each interview? btw OOS II received 12/2 complete 7/3 LM 73
It’s legit so chill and conversational. Feels like the interviewers are incredibly prepared and are interested in getting to know you. Just know your app and be prepared for the most general of questions and you’ll be fine
Sorry to hear that you guys- better things are coming your way!!! Sorry to be annoying but curious about your complete dates - wondering if this R wave is going in order of completion
Sorry to hear that you guys- better things are coming your way!!! Sorry to be annoying but curious about your complete dates - wondering if this R wave is going in order of completion
seconding this - btw how do u check when the cycle track numbers of II, R, and A submitted?