2023-2024 Mt. Sinai (Icahn)

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Just so everyone can maybe get their mind of this until next week, one person on cycle track yesterday.
What does this mean?
I think they only do one day each week for waitlist acceptances per last years thread. Someone reported an acceptance on cycle track yesterday. So I don’t think we will hear back until next week. Sorry, was unclear. 😓
I think they only do one day each week for waitlist acceptances per last years thread. Someone reported an acceptance on cycle track yesterday. So I don’t think we will hear back until next week. Sorry, was unclear. 😓
Cool, thanks for the information.
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My current A has a pretty early CTE in Mid June so I need them to start moving the ball already lol
Mine too June 15th lol, but I think on the Sinai WL tab on the portal it says you can tell them as it gets close. If I am not mistaken.
Has no one heard anything? The only reported A off the WL on SDN was last Monday
I have seen that the facebook group had a couple people added over the past few weeks--at some point it went down like 10 people and then back up, but I don't really bank on that movement because there could totally be people there who joined earlier and committed elsewhere and haven't left, people who only just decided to join, M1's etc. Otherwise, haven't seen anything. They also had commencement last week, so I am thinking (/hoping) that there will be news this week or maybe after. Crossing my fingers for us all!!!
At this point I don’t even know if they’re going to take us off the WL before the end of 2024
Were you accepted before or accepted off the waitlist?
Accepted wayyy before but never waitlisted. I ended up dropping it because I got in somewhere else. I was talking to a friend recently who mentioned they negotiated their northwestern tuition down to 90% covered from 50% because our state school offered them 100%. Wondering if I messed up not negotiating lol. I mean no going back now lol but just wondering if this would've been something that worked at Mount Sinai.
Anyone know when Sinai’s CTE date for regular admissions are?
Thinking of applying her next cycle if my new MCAT is much higher. At what MCAT should I even begin considering here for an ORM/white dude with decent EC's?

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