2024-2025 Icahn (Mt. Sinai)

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pls!!! wld like to send an update letter
Both tbh. I would look over their website and see what resonates with you personally so you can talk about it honestly as it relates to your interests rather than trying to force something based on what you think is the right thing to say.

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I got a feeling my time (R) is coming...
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+1 OOS Pre-II R. Honestly wish they just rejected me yesterday than giving me hope after surviving yesterday's wave
I’m sorry about the Rs. Does anyone know what completion dates these R waves are for? It seems Julyish?
did anyone send an update letter and did not receive an R? not sure if my letter helped
I sent one last night and got the R this morning. I think I was already in the R wave for this morning but maybe my letter reminded them to reject me LOL
I sent one last night and got the R this morning. I think I was already in the R wave for this morning but maybe my letter reminded them to reject me LOL
haha! if anything I think my letter could have just prolonged my inevitable R. oh well