2024-2025 Indiana

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I just received my date to interview in late August. I just need to confirm the date within seven days through the IUSM portal.
Have your prerecs and letters been checked off? When did you get notified about your interview
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OOS RD II received today, LM 81, AMCAS complete 5/31

edit: no significant IN ties either
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Has anyone else not received an OOS secondary yet? unsure if they screen but i’m starting to worry…
Has anyone else not received an OOS secondary yet? unsure if they screen but i’m starting to worry…
Indiana does not utilize secondaries unless you've been chosen for interview! 🙂 So no need to worry.
Just got primary received notification, my primary was processed 6/12
OOS II received 7/26, LM 81

Everything is marked complete except my prereqs, says "Prerequisits [sic] have not been met." in notes? Anyone else have this? Not sure whether this means they haven't reviewed this yet or that I don't meet their prereqs.

I did use a significant amount of AP credit, including gen chem lab/lecture and physics lecture, but IU's MSAR page indicates they accept AP. Their website says "MD Admissions Committee accepts some AP credit. The Committee strongly recommends prerequisites be completed at a 4-year university. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to determine which courses will fulfill requirements."

Not sure what to think.
OOS II received 7/26, LM 81

Everything is marked complete except my prereqs, says "Prerequisits [sic] have not been met." in notes? Anyone else have this? Not sure whether this means they haven't reviewed this yet or that I don't meet their prereqs.

I did use a significant amount of AP credit, including gen chem lab/lecture and physics lecture, but IU's MSAR page indicates they accept AP. Their website says "MD Admissions Committee accepts some AP credit. The Committee strongly recommends prerequisites be completed at a 4-year university. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to determine which courses will fulfill requirements."

Not sure what to think.
They're notorious for being stringent about prereqs. You may need to take an additional class. Either way, you can still interview and get accepted
My prerecs and letters still haven’t not been reviewed and my interview has not been scheduled.. interview notification on 7/19
Just got verified today. Did anyone like me submit their primary on the first day and not get verified. I realized I didn’t submit my Casper score to them until last week🤦‍♂️ I never received a notification they were waiting on it, so I’m wondering if that delayed verification or if this is a just normal.
Just got verified today. Did anyone like me submit their primary on the first day and not get verified. I realized I didn’t submit my Casper score to them until last week🤦‍♂️ I never received a notification they were waiting on it, so I’m wondering if that delayed verification or if this is a just normal.
I thought that they didn’t require CASPER this year? It says that it’s only recommended under their supplemental information site
I thought that they didn’t require CASPER this year? It says that it’s only recommended under their supplemental information site
Oh, I guess it’s just a coincidence my app got verified not long after sending them a Casper score. I hope they appreciate the 2nd quartile score lmao.
How long has it taken for RD applicants to receive a confirmation email that they received your primary? I submitted mine 5 days ago so was just wondering.
just got my interview scheduled despite missing the dean's letter and all my LORs. but they're needed within 30 days
They're notorious for being stringent about prereqs. You may need to take an additional class. Either way, you can still interview and get accepted
Update, I called the admissions office to ask. They said that "Prerequisites not met" means it hasn't been reviewed yet. If it has been reviewed, it will either say prereqs complete or they will specifically list the missing requirements in the notes section. I was told to email the admissions office about AP.
Hi everyone, I'm OOS applied RD and was verified by AMCAS on 6/13, had Indiana on my list when transmission happened. I haven't gotten any kind of confirmation email from them yet, wondering if I should try calling admissions? I double checked and I had already sent my CASPER score to them so it's not that. Thanks!
Hi all, I received an email from the admissions office saying that my request for the UMP program has been approved and that I can start an application for that. I'm not sure I am interested in this program. Is there a way to indidate interest for the traditional program only?
Hi everyone, I'm OOS applied RD and was verified by AMCAS on 6/13, had Indiana on my list when transmission happened. I haven't gotten any kind of confirmation email from them yet, wondering if I should try calling admissions? I double checked and I had already sent my CASPER score to them so it's not that. Thanks!
In the same boat, might shoot them an email
Hi everyone, I'm OOS applied RD and was verified by AMCAS on 6/13, had Indiana on my list when transmission happened. I haven't gotten any kind of confirmation email from them yet, wondering if I should try calling admissions? I double checked and I had already sent my CASPER score to them so it's not that. Thanks!
update: emailed admissions and they said not to worry, they download and go through everything in "small batches" and I will get an email when they've started processing my application. waiting is painful ahhh
+1 IS Interview Date scheduled 9/4, notified on 7/23 and then got the email today
+1 IS II (scheduled for early Sept). Primary submitted 5/28, II received 7/23