DMU-COM Discussion Thread 2008-2009

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I will be interviewing at DMU on Thursday September 25. I will fly in Wednesday the 24th and fly out Friday the 26th, because there are no flights after the 3:30 interview conclusion that would still allow me to check in the required 2 hours before departure.

The interview confirmation e-mail said something about more interview details to follow. Before I book a nonrefundable hotel room, I need to know if Des Moines suggests a home stay with one of their medical students. Otherwise, if I book the room and later have to refuse an offer of a homestay, it may seem rude and/or suggest lack of interest. Do you know anything about whether or not home stays will be offered?

They do have a list of peopel who are willing to take interviewees. You can call the admissions staff and ask them for it and they'll email you the list, or if you want, I have it and I can email it to you. Its just a list of people and numbers/emails. I just emailed a few people and it worked out fine. PM me if you want the list, or just call admissions. good luck!

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They do have a list of peopel who are willing to take interviewees. You can call the admissions staff and ask them for it and they'll email you the list, or if you want, I have it and I can email it to you. Its just a list of people and numbers/emails. I just emailed a few people and it worked out fine. PM me if you want the list, or just call admissions. good luck!

Guess I should have thought of this before I booked my hotel. I'm interviewing Sept. 19th through their fasTrack program. Kind of reassured (although it sucks!) to see that others had a hard time trying to find a flight out the afternoon of their interview. I have to wait until noon on Saturday to fly home...
Guess I should have thought of this before I booked my hotel. I'm interviewing Sept. 19th through their fasTrack program. Kind of reassured (although it sucks!) to see that others had a hard time trying to find a flight out the afternoon of their interview. I have to wait until noon on Saturday to fly home...

i have to wait til 4pm on the Saturday after my interview!!!
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Okay, so I just got done interviewing at DMU. The facilities, students, and professors are second to none. I was interviewed by the first DO plastic surgeon in the country (also a former USAF Brigadier General). All I am going to say is that I don't think that many/most of the MD schools are going to hold a candle to this place.

I do have a question for you guys though. Once I got done with the interview, the plastic surgeon gave me his card and told me to call him if I had any questions about the national guard. Is this a good sign for how the interview went? Or is it nothing?
Well, looking at your MDApps profile, you were probably matched you up with him because of your past experience. If all he mentioned was contacting him for questions about the service and nothing about DMU, I would say it didn't mean anything + or - in regards to acceptance.

In any case you will know in 2 weeks or less.:) If I remember right, the decision comes by email. I think they also mailed me something that came later.

I saw your group leaving the admissions office this morning, I think, and then again upstairs waiting for your interviews around 2pm. I wasn't sure if the group were DO applicants or something else.
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I do have a question for you guys though. Once I got done with the interview, the plastic surgeon gave me his card and told me to call him if I had any questions about the national guard. Is this a good sign for how the interview went? Or is it nothing?

I wouldn't worry about it too much. Dr. P is probably one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, so he was probably just being friendly. Having him as an interviewer was probably a good thing. Being interviewed early is a very good thing too.
Okay, so I just got done interviewing at DMU. The facilities, students, and professors are second to none. I was interviewed by the first DO plastic surgeon in the country (also a former USAF Brigadier General). All I am going to say is that I don't think that many/most of the MD schools are going to hold a candle to this place.

I do have a question for you guys though. Once I got done with the interview, the plastic surgeon gave me his card and told me to call him if I had any questions about the national guard. Is this a good sign for how the interview went? Or is it nothing?

hey ayushman--didnt get to see you after the interview...nice to hear that yours went well. I was as impressed with DMU as you were...fantastic place and outstanding faculty. Got a couple more places to visit and keeping an open mind but I would def. be happy there Maybe see you there next aug!
To everyone who just interviewed at DMU, Congratulations! I have my first and so far only interview next week with DMU and I had a quick question about the process. I noticed how some of the reviews stated that the interview was done in a group. Does this mean there are a group of applicants interviewed at once with 2 or 3 interviewers asking questions? Do they ask one question and everyone answers? How does this work? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
To everyone who just interviewed at DMU, Congratulations! I have my first and so far only interview next week with DMU and I had a quick question about the process. I noticed how some of the reviews stated that the interview was done in a group. Does this mean there are a group of applicants interviewed at once with 2 or 3 interviewers asking questions? Do they ask one question and everyone answers? How does this work? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

What people may have meant by "group" interview is that you will be interviewed, by yourself, by a panel of three people (basic scientist, clinician, student). Very laid back, very low pressure. Flip through the interview feedback section of SDN to get a feel for the day :thumbup:
I had an interview on sept. 4th...How did yours go?
I really want to get into DMU....anyone else checking their email like a crazy
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I've heard through the grapevine that it will be more like 1-2 weeks.

I'll settle this debate on Friday while I am there...haha. I'll ask at some point during the day.
Two weeks has been the historic time period in which admissions informs interviewed candidates of their decision.
i guess i shouldn't have been such a doubter. i got the invite today!
I got an invite today but I need to schedule later than the calendar has options. Do you know if more dates will open in late October?

I actually have the same question. I might try calling tomorrow. I'm going to attempt to combine CCOM and DMU in one trip post-Oct 10.
hey all! I'm currently at my student hosts house (he is sleeping b/c he gets up at 5 am to study :scared:) and will be interviewing tomororw! Hope to see some SDNers!!!!
We're twins. I have the exact same situation, CCOM and DMU. I'm not gonna combine them though.

I just spoke with someone in the office (very friendly) and they will be opening up more dates, they only release them about a month in advance.
I'm baaaaaaaaack! Interview day went very very well. The campus and people are great, they really love their school. Their facilities are TOP NOTCH. Pretty ridiculous the things that they have here...seems like a fantastic place to go to medical school and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Except that the weather isn't too good. I was gonna go on a bike ride with my student host but its raining :mad:
Hey I just got back from my interview as well! What a great school. Hey RySerr it was good seeing you at the school. Who knows, maybe we will be sitting next to eachother in class next fall. Anyways, raining a lot, and I didn't get to see the area as much as I wanted to. If anyone has any questions, post 'em.
How is DMU dealing with rotations now? I have heard that they are trying to keep students nearby now for core rotations, but is that just offered as an option or a requirement? I personally wouldn't mind seeking rotations elsewhere, as long as the staff is supportive and makes sure you have the resources to find good rotations.
How is DMU dealing with rotations now? I have heard that they are trying to keep students nearby now for core rotations, but is that just offered as an option or a requirement? I personally wouldn't mind seeking rotations elsewhere, as long as the staff is supportive and makes sure you have the resources to find good rotations.

I think the presenter yesterday said that about 110 students out of their class of about 220 stay within the Des Moines area, and about 140 or so stay within Iowa. The others go to places like Ohio or other nearby states. Maybe he even mentioned Michigan.

As far as seeking rotations elsewhere, thats mostly in the 4th year where you make your own schedule and they strongly encourage you to break out of des moines and go visit other places.
I think the presenter yesterday said that about 110 students out of their class of about 220 stay within the Des Moines area, and about 140 or so stay within Iowa. The others go to places like Ohio or other nearby states. Maybe he even mentioned Michigan.

As far as seeking rotations elsewhere, thats mostly in the 4th year where you make your own schedule and they strongly encourage you to break out of des moines and go visit other places.

So the third year rotations are established for us? How does that work?
Hey ryserr21 I'm curious, how many people to a cadavier? Also when you are learning your "doctoring" or "simulations" did they say if you were supervised by a doctor or other students or simulations supervisor? Thanks!
So the third year rotations are established for us? How does that work?

Yes, they are established. From what I understand its kind of like a lotto as far as where you end up going, and then the school tells you "okay this is where you are going, this is when you are going, you are going for this long, and this is what you will be doing."

They pretty much rule your world and you do whatever they say. My student host had his online calendar that DMU sends to all its students......and every day it has the time of lecture, when and if there is a test, where they need to be and what time, etc. etc.

dan1 said:
Hey ryserr21 I'm curious, how many people to a cadavier? Also when you are learning your "doctoring" or "simulations" did they say if you were supervised by a doctor or other students or simulations supervisor? Thanks!

There were 5 students to a cadaver. We got to peer in through the obsevation deck while the first years were dissecting during anatomy lab, it was kind of weird to see. The way it works is that there are two groups to a cadaver, and on monday group A will come do a dissection and then next day group B will look at what group A did and also do some dissection (at least thats how i understood the description).

I'm assuming you are referring to the simulation lab with the manican patients?? You are definitey supervsied, haha. There are other students in the room with you (going through the same thing you are going through) and their are the people in charge of the sim lab who are watching you through the glass (you can't see them). THey are the ones controlling the symptoms and sounds of the manican. Also, you are being recorded by a video camera. So, after the sim lab you come back in and you breakdown the tape with the professor/doctor and you go ever "okay, why did you give him this? What were you thinking when you first saw the patient? Why didn't you do this? What should you have done differntly?" and stuff like that. So, pretty friken awesome.

THey also video record SPAL which is when you see the "actors" who pretend they have a problem that you need to treat.
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Hmmm righto, very informative thanks! I ask because at one of my other interivews they said to somewhat watch who would be supervising you in these types of learning environments because at some schools its a clinician and other its just your fellow students.

You couldn't comment on what their weekly schedule was like (9-5 every day or off by noon other days?)

Or even on how often their tests are? I believe Midwestern has theirs set up to have one every week or two weeks instead of just at the middle and end of blocks like other places. (If anyone knows different please confirm).
The way it works is that there are two groups to a cadaver, and on monday group A will come do a dissection and then next day group B will look at what group A did and also do some dissection (at least thats how i understood the description).

Doesn't Western have a system like that--two groups to a cadaver? I think that's what I heard from a current student.
Rotations: Rotations are at established sites. There is a lotto system where you will either choose to:
-Stay in Iowa: In Des Moines, you rotate through various clinics/hospitals around town (no aingle base hospital). You can move to other cities further away in Iowa where you will stay at one hospital (Davenport, Waterloo, etc...)
-Move to Michigan - you will be placed at a MSU-COM hospital (generally in a city around Detroit)
-Move to Ohio - you will be placed at an OUCOM hospital (Cleveland, Toleda, Dayton, Columbus, etc...)
A second lotto decides which exact hospital/city you will be placed in the state that you chose in the first lotto.

Anatomy Lab: Best in the nation. HD broadcast system to watch intro dissections by the profs, in-house created digital dissector guides at each table, 5 people per cadaver (one stays clean and navigates the digital dissection manual), very clean, very well ventilated, tons of support during lab (profs and masters students) and outside of lab (masters students).

Sim Lab: Supervision is by two PAs who are dedicated solely to the sim lab, a physician, and a sim technology expert. You have about 8 sim experiences second year, they're gradually trying to work it into first year; right now first years will be getting in class sim cases (wheel a sim into lecture hall and run a case), but they're looking to have small group cases like in second year (teams of 5 students actually in the labs)
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Thanks boner and toohot!
Yay! Interviewing at DMU on Oct 10.:) I've heard so much awesome stuff about this school (sdn and elsewhere). I'm excited to see for myself!
Hmmm righto, very informative thanks! I ask because at one of my other interivews they said to somewhat watch who would be supervising you in these types of learning environments because at some schools its a clinician and other its just your fellow students.

You couldn't comment on what their weekly schedule was like (9-5 every day or off by noon other days?)

Or even on how often their tests are? I believe Midwestern has theirs set up to have one every week or two weeks instead of just at the middle and end of blocks like other places. (If anyone knows different please confirm).

I'm pretty sure the schedule varies from week to week, so a current student can better answer this question. But as far as tests, my student host was in his 2nd year and was saying that he has a test every other week at the LEAST and quite often its every week. I think next week he has two tests, tuesday and thursday.

Doesn't Western have a system like that--two groups to a cadaver? I think that's what I heard from a current student.

yea, western has a similar system.

LilSDClimber - congrats!! you are going to love itI I hope the weather is better for you than it was for me :)
You couldn't comment on what their weekly schedule was like (9-5 every day or off by noon other days?)

Or even on how often their tests are? I believe Midwestern has theirs set up to have one every week or two weeks instead of just at the middle and end of blocks like other places. (If anyone knows different please confirm).

OK, time for a break from the biochem.

The schedule works out so that we have class from 8-noon for lecture almost every day. Then depending on the day we may have more lecture in the afternoon for OMM or we would have either OMM or anatomy lab. Everyone does 2 anatomy labs/week. Exams are done either from 8-9 or 8:30-9:45 depending on the class. You might be done once a week at noon, but 2-3 is typical for me- for some people there is a break from noon to 3 or 4pm and then a lab. I'm lucky in that I am not in one of the late groups.

As for tests, about 1 each week would be the average, though I count 23 on the schedule for fall but there are 19 weeks. We had a test Friday, and have another one Wed. and this coming Friday...busy week. But then it seems to go back to about 1 each week.
Hi everyone!

On the secondary, what do they want for clinical experience? Is it strictly dealing with patients in a hospital/clinic setting? I have experiences on my AACOMAS where I've had contact with people, but I feel it's more on the research just seems so empty when I only have shadowing experience as clinical experience.

Any advice is appreciated!
Hi everyone!

On the secondary, what do they want for clinical experience? Is it strictly dealing with patients in a hospital/clinic setting? I have experiences on my AACOMAS where I've had contact with people, but I feel it's more on the research just seems so empty when I only have shadowing experience as clinical experience.

Any advice is appreciated!

Fill it in the best you can, there is no penalty. When we look thru your app we notice what you have done, not if you put it in the right section (although please try to do so)

I'm a student ambassador and do interviews
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Fill it in the best you can, there is no penalty. When we look thru your app we notice what you have done, not if you put it in the right section (although please try to do so)


I chose to only put actual clinical experiences on my secondary. Will my AACOMAS experiences still be valid (ie looked at when deciding to interview me or not)? I didn't want to be redundant, but I want to make sure my whole application (primary and secondary) will be reviewed.

Thanks again!

I chose to only put actual clinical experiences on my secondary. Will my AACOMAS experiences still be valid (ie looked at when deciding to interview me or not)? I didn't want to be redundant, but I want to make sure my whole application (primary and secondary) will be reviewed.

Thanks again!

If I remember correctly, DMUs secondary doesn't ask you any questions like "clinical experience" or anything like that (please correct if I'm wrong, or if I have misunderstood what you are saying). It took about 5 minutes to complete. They just ask general info like name, number, address, etc.

So, I wouldnt hold anything back on the primaries. Add everthing you've got.
If I remember correctly, DMUs secondary doesn't ask you any questions like "clinical experience" or anything like that (please correct if I'm wrong, or if I have misunderstood what you are saying). It took about 5 minutes to complete. They just ask general info like name, number, address, etc.

So, I wouldnt hold anything back on the primaries. Add everthing you've got.

"Describe your clinical experience beginning with current or most recent experiences. This can be paid employment, volunteer work or both." - from the application.

On another note, there's no identifying information besides my name on the application (which happens to not be very special) so how will they know my secondary belongs to me?
"Describe your clinical experience beginning with current or most recent experiences. This can be paid employment, volunteer work or both." - from the application.

On another note, there's no identifying information besides my name on the application (which happens to not be very special) so how will they know my secondary belongs to me?

hahaha. its funny how quickly I forget things. So many secondaries, they all just kidna blend together I guess. Oh well, its not the first time i've been wrong and it wont be the last. sorry about that! :luck:
The 2 weeks are fast approaching for those guys who interviewed at DMU on sept 4th. Man I really hope I get an acceptance there. What an awesome school. Hmmm....hope my wife doesn't leave me because I'm gonna spend all my time studying and in the sim labs..HAHAHA:) (just kidding).

In my interview I talked to the adcom and asked them if "family status" was considered when assigning rotations outside of des moines. They said that it was "considered." They didn't sound very concerned about it though. Its gonna be tough enough to get buy on loans. Going to another city and paying a second rent for a couple months is gonna be killer:( WHY DMU WHY!!!???? WHY CAN'T I JUST STAY IN DES MOINES!!!!!???:laugh:

Oh well:) Even If I can't I'm still gonna accept if they offer me admissions.

Anyone know when they announce if they are offering you any scholarships?
I don't know when they announce the scholarships but I am getting tired of waiting for the acceptance notice. I want to get in really bad.

lol...I don't have to worry about my wife leaving me because Im not married...but that must suck though when you have to figure out the last two years of med school...

It was a good group of people at the interview.. I think that most of us will be admitted...but what do I know?....I felt confident at the interview but who knows what it comes down to.

good luck all...

ps...I was the bat guy..
i still have a week and 3 or so days left to wait (i went on the 12th)!! what about me!?!? haha. its okay tho, cuz i interviewed at Western on the 4th so am anxiously waiting their decision, so at least i have my mind on that.
Hey guys,

Just wanted to get your opinion about my chances of getting into DMU. I visited last year when my gf had an interview there for PT school and I just loved the campus. I just received their secondary yesterday and will be completing shortly. Here are a few of my stats, what are my chances of an interview/acceptance. Also, if it matters I am from MN and currently live in Omaha.

UGPA: 3.5
aGPA: 3.54
MCAT: PS 9 VR 9 BS 9 27O

Letter from a DO
Lots of clinical experience
Presented Research
Member of various college groups
All-American Golfer, Captain, 4 year letter winner
2-time All-American Scholar
4 Time Deans List
Volunteered as a grade school tutor, golf coach
Coached middle school bball for 4 years
I got my secondary yesterday and filled it out promptly. I submitted the application and have an AACOMAS fee waiver, and indicated this, but was still prompted to enter credit card information. I navigated away from the payment page and attempted to email them. Everytime I attempt to, the email gets sent back saying it was undeliverable. Does anyone know if there is anything I need to do so my application does not get put on hold?
Hey guys,

Just wanted to get your opinion about my chances of getting into DMU. I visited last year when my gf had an interview there for PT school and I just loved the campus. I just received their secondary yesterday and will be completing shortly. Here are a few of my stats, what are my chances of an interview/acceptance. Also, if it matters I am from MN and currently live in Omaha.

UGPA: 3.5
aGPA: 3.54
MCAT: PS 9 VR 9 BS 9 27O

Letter from a DO
Lots of clinical experience
Presented Research
Member of various college groups
All-American Golfer, Captain, 4 year letter winner
2-time All-American Scholar
4 Time Deans List
Volunteered as a grade school tutor, golf coach
Coached middle school bball for 4 years

I have the same MCAT score (9,9,9) and a similar gpa (3.6 science and cum.). I interviewed on th 4th of September and nobody has heard anything yet in terms of acceptace from DMU. I will let you know.

I work as a clinical research assistant (for 6 months). I think you are for sure going to get an interview. It does not matter what state you are from like it does with most public allopathic schools.

Good luck!