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I love this thread so much!!

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That is not the appropriate way to eat a kit kat....

Also, I have to eat reeses in a specific way... All the chocolate first and then the peanut butter last.

SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!! Are we the same person!!?? I do that too!! I used to do it around my coworkers and they would all give me disgusted looks LOL I love the little peanut butter ball at the end! SO GOOD!
I had a really strong reaction to finding out that someone eats a reeses the same way I do....
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I just eat them. I don't waste time picking them apart. Too good to not just eat them the way they are. Though I'm partial to the miniatures and the minis.
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(Just posting to see if my badge is there yet. Getting ready for modding. 😎)
:laugh: I came across this while searching for an avatar. Can't decide if I should keep my current, or switch to this.

Yup, I'm switching it! :laugh: As much as I love David, this picture is better!