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DVMD does seem to have a useful role, and she has proved that she can still use it. I don't know for sure that conversion supersedes the original role, but if she couldn't use her role last night when she wasn't blocked I would definitely say she's a wolf. Since her role is still usable, I really don't know...but moving people is necessary for the only way we can seer now.

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five minutes! I gotta count votes.

I am so excited.
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Yep, still not a wolf. Wish I was, because whoever's the wolf is probably doing a pretty good job.

I wouldn't say swings is still cleared, if she was.
Yep, still not a wolf. Wish I was, because whoever's the wolf is probably doing a pretty good job.

I wouldn't say swings is still cleared, if she was.

please someone in the FBI look into me tonight.
Just making it awesome for you DVM. Also IT had to do some stuff on my comp for 15 minutes of the hour this took.

It is a sad and lonely life that DVM leads. Being the pusher of people, she spends all day moving them about. Moving them to and fro. Preventing the various villains of this world from reaching the immobile meme. It is the lonely duty that she had chosen for herself. Moving, moving, moving. It is in her map room, where she plans all of the moves that we find our subject.


Packen, Swings and Orcagirl burst into the room, the harsh light from the open door shines into the dark and dusty map room. DVM shields her eyes so as to see the three "visitors" through the bright gradient of light. She slowly approaches them and offers them to sit and stay a while. Orcagirl initially walks forward towards a chair to accept the offer and makes it half way across the room before Packen puts an arm onto her shoulder to stop Orca and adds "remember what we are here for?" "Oh yes… oops" replies Orcagirl. She then straightens up and announces, to no one in particular "We are here to arrest DVM and bring her to justice for potential corruption of data". Orca then, as orca does, starts meandering around the map room aimlessly.

DVM looks taken aback and adds "and on what grounds are you to judge me?" But swings pipes in immediately "On my grounds. I've authorized this trial. As well all agree, judges must be accountable to the judged. I may not be a judge anymore, but I have gotten permission from Lissarae to have one last trial. I'll be presiding at yours. If you could come quietly". DVM doesn't say a word. She just glares at Swings and starts walking towards the three of them. But swings puts a hand up to stop her. "You know the rules, you have to be bound. We've had enough fugitives". DVM sighs and puts her hands out, wanting to get this over with already. "I've told you a million times I'm push it over there Patrick". Packen nods and says "we know. We know. This will just be a formality. Orca, do you have the rope?". Orca looks around perplexed. She then shrugs and goes "I think I put it down somewhere while you were all talking. Hold up I'll find it." And with that Orca begins searching, starting at the far corner of the room. Swings and Packen just shake their head at Orca's airheadedness. DVM impatiently yells "I want to cooperate, but you're taking so damn long. Look where you've actually been Orca! Where you have actually been. You haven't even been in that corner!"

Orca laughs out loud and says "Well I remember that I left it by a globe&#8230;" All three meme's by the front door quietly acknowledge the stupidity of that statement in a room full of globes. Orca doesn't miss a beat and keeps talking "&#8230; and it seems that the best way to remember which globe is just to start in a corner and move every single globe until I find out which one I left it by." Suddenly DVM's eyes go wide. "WAIT. No. I can find it for you! I'll do it!" But packen and Swings grip onto his shoulders and hold him in one place with a firm one handed grip each. DVM is suddenly sweating profusely as Orca walks past a globe in the other corner of the room and proceeds to aimlessly spin it as she walks by it. A very loud <Click> is heard coming from the book case a few feet from the globe and it shifts an inch.


Packen and Swings both grab DVM tightly by the arms now, aware that something is deeply wrong. They yell to Orca to check out the secret door, but Orca doesn't even need to do so. Due to the weight behind it, the door revolves on its own within a second or two and the heavily lacerated and mauled body of Tropical Tucan falls out. Every part of his body cut to shreds except for James Van Der Beek's perfect face. Packen and Swings collectively tackle DVM to the ground at which point Swings yells "what is the meaning of this??!! Why did you do this??!!" To which DVM simply begins laughing a deep, glitchy laugh. Why it's quite simple, I decided to be push it over there Patrick&#8230; and this was my plan:

Suddenly DVM's body starts to shimmer and flicker between different shapes and consistency which freaks the memes holding her down enough to let go of her rapidly modifying arms. Which is exactly what DVM needed, she rolls onto her back and unleashes a powerful force that launches both Packen and Swings into the air, where they hit the ceiling and then fall limply to the ground. The lay there moaning as fully viral DVM rises and looks at Orcagirl. "Go away you little snoop. Those are my maps!" In anger DVM swings her arm and a globe goes flying at Orcagirl's head. She ducks it narrowly as it crashes into the wall and busts open. Two more arm swings send a second globe flying perilously close to Orca's head again, and a large painting of the internet circa 1999 flying off the wall, which does clip orca in the shoulder, sending her spinning out and falling to the ground favoring her shoulder. DVM moves closer to Orca who looks up at the glitch villain and DVM throws an uppercut at the air which, from feet away, hits orca with some invisible force and launches her into the hiding cove where Tropictuco's body was hidden until a few minutes ago. Orca can be heard groaning after she crashes into a backwall somewhere in that hidden room.

DVM turns rapidly and holds out an outstretched palm. Swings, who tried to sneak up on DVM is launched straight backwards and pinned to a wall with her arms and legs splayed. But with her attention finally fully focused in the wrong direction, DVM cannot stop Packen from leaping onto her back and wailing down with punches. DVM falls to a knee as the blows come, her broken focus causing Swings to be released from her pinning force, but it doesn't last for long as DVM shimmers for a second and then a wave of energy blows packen off of her, blows swings back into the wall again, blows all loose objects such as the various chairs and globes back against the walls and shatters the glass over a few of the wall-mounted prints. DVM just begins laughing loudly. She twists her wrist and sends a giant pile of debris from the last action across the ground and onto Packen, effectively trapping packen behind a mountain of broken wood and metal. She then slowly clomps over to where Swings lay, slowly trying to get up, but clearly very dazed and confused. She holds her arm out and begins to raise swings up by, what must be, a telekentic force to her neck from the way swings is gagging and grasping at her neck. She raises swings to eye level, which given the size of this new viral form, is over a foot off of the ground for swings. She then says "You&#8230; all of you&#8230; must be purged&#8230; for the systems&#8230; for the world&#8230; to be ours." A voice behind DVM then says "excuse me?"

DVM swings around angry that someone would disturb her dramatic speech. She sees orcagirl standing in front of her with something clenched in her fist. Orcagirl, seeing she has DVM's attention says "Excuse me, but you forgot something." DVM angrily yells "What!". Orcagirl takes a deep breath but doesn't say anything. She just blows really hard onto her hand, which opens as she does it. A plume of white powder flies up towards the area where DVM's head roughly is. The scream of pain from DVM is both high and low pitched, which was quite jarring. The virus begins to stagger away blindly as it just got a faceful of LIS's DDoS attack powder. DVM begins coughing. Coughing. Gagging. Gasping. DVM falls to the ground, shaking from the coughing and letting out inhuman (and inmeme) moans.

Orcagirl doesn't miss an opportunity for fun and pulls out a little knife from inside of her meme clothes. DVM who is down on all fours is suddenly straddled by orcagirl who begins stabbing. And stabbing. And stabbing. Laughing gleefully the whole time like a child who was just left unattended in a candy store. She continues stabbing long after the glitching beast underneath her has quit its death moans. She continues stabbing until Swings finally pulls her off and they both agree to try to unbury Packen from under all of the debris.

Perhaps, finally, there can be peace in our time. Perhaps finally the viral assault is over and memes can live in peace. Perhaps.

You have successfully lynched DVMDream, the rootkit virus, able to move other players freely to and from the domain it was infecting due to its telekinetic powers

No memorium for viral scum!


Day over. Night begins. Deadline around 8pm. That's right. The game continues.




**EquineConstant - Surprised Kitty Grumpy Cat**
Nohika - Hipster Kitty - Hipster Kitty v2.0







Recycle Bin

SOV - Success Kid
Lupin - Overly Attached GF
Kaydubs - Happy Cat
Devyn - Squinty Eye Fry
Trematode - Scumbag Steve
LIS - DDoS Attack Virus
SnS - Worm Virus
WldLfStdnt - Trojan Virus

Dyachei - Insanity Wolf

WTF - First World Problems
FFM - Socially Awkward Penguin
TheDrJojo &#8211; I Have No Idea What I'm Doing Dog
FTB - Condescending Wonka
Samoa - Paranoid Parrot
That Redhead - Logic Bomb Virus
SDP - Sudden Clarity Clarence
WildCatJ - Hipster Ariel
KP - Pedobear, Basement Cat
WolfSpeaker - High Expectations Asian Father
PetPony - Dramatic Chipmunk
JJohnston - I Regret Nothing Chicken
Hedgie - Brace Yourself - Worm Virus v2.0
Escalla - McKayla Maroney
TropicTuco - 90's Problems/James Van Der Meme
DVMDream - Rootkit Virus
Last edited:
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I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!

3 freakin' days to get you lynched!!!!!!
Pretty sure the last wolf is nyanko or lissa. Unless packen is fooling me to the max. Pretty sure orca would have switched votes to not have DVMD lynched.
Pretty sure the last wolf is nyanko or lissa. Unless packen is fooling me to the max. Pretty sure orca would have switched votes to not have DVMD lynched.

I don't know, we're endgame enough that could have been a last ditch effort to gain trust for the last few rounds. And of course you're still on my suspicious list. Pretty much everyone is on my suspicious list.

Pretty sure the last wolf is nyanko or lissa. Unless packen is fooling me to the max. Pretty sure orca would have switched votes to not have DVMD lynched.

If I were a wolf there would be two kills a night unless I was blocked. My role allows me to kill and the wolf part would allow me to kill. You don't really want that.
yeah, I have to skim to the end of the write-up right away, b/c I am so impatient. Then I read the whole thing.

Haha, I do the same thing!!!!

I don't know, we're endgame enough that could have been a last ditch effort to gain trust for the last few rounds. And of course you're still on my suspicious list. Pretty much everyone is on my suspicious list.

You got my role from DocE - you know I CAN'T be converted and I am still the same meme that I started as.

I swear, the investigation into Lissa told me she is still a meme and her role is also non-convertible.

Also, just realized, the Dawson's message was probably from tropic, wasn't it?? (I know you can't answer till the game is over)...and that means you were trying to attack me 🙁
Haha, I do the same thing!!!!

You got my role from DocE - you know I CAN'T be converted and I am still the same meme that I started as.

I swear, the investigation into Lissa told me she is still a meme and her role is also non-convertible.

Also, just realized, the Dawson's message was probably from tropic, wasn't it?? (I know you can't answer till the game is over)...and that means you were trying to attack me 🙁

Tropic was allowed to use her role on a player. From my understanding there was a chance it would do something bad, but also a chance it would do nothing at all. I think she said who she used it on somewhere though it could be in a PM. I'll check.
STILL not a wolf. why would DVM have pushed for me to be lynched if I were a wolf, when with 2 wolves the wolves could have won in like 2 more nights with a kill?
Can't find a PM about it and have to study so I can't check the thread right now. I don't think she meant to hurt anyone.
Can't find a PM about it and have to study so I can't check the thread right now. I don't think she meant to hurt anyone.

Eh, it's no big deal, I just put two and two together when reading DocE's last write-up. It doesn't really matter, I just now know why I got that PM

I think you guys are FOS about not being able to be converted btw.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you being choc rain still. 😎

If we were both lying, that would mean that EC would have been in on it too since she snitched on me, which would mean that there would have been 4 wolves before we just lynched DVMD, in which case the game would have been over.
Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you being choc rain still. 😎

If we were both lying, that would mean that EC would have been in on it too since she snitched on me, which would mean that there would have been 4 wolves before we just lynched DVMD, in which case the game would have been over.

Well you're wrong. Why are you choosing to ignore that DVMD was trying to get me lynched? I don't trust EC either, she keeps voting for me for no reason.

orcagirl claims to have a night kill and claims that she was going to kill me tonight. That would be pretty stupid of her to do tonight, because losing 2 villagers would really suck (assuming the wolf kills someone tonight too).

Anyway you guys have been trying to fling poo at me all game, I would have been a pretty stupid convert.
Also Packen, your reasoning for voting for DVMDream was that she had been blocked twice and there were no kills. I blocked her one of those times (by blocking FBI) so it makes absolutely no sense to think I'm a wolf.

Someone in your information chain (or you) is embellishing or lying if you think everybody else should be clear.
Well you're wrong. Why are you choosing to ignore that DVMD was trying to get me lynched? I don't trust EC either, she keeps voting for me for no reason.

orcagirl claims to have a night kill and claims that she was going to kill me tonight. That would be pretty stupid of her to do tonight, because losing 2 villagers would really suck (assuming the wolf kills someone tonight too).

Anyway you guys have been trying to fling poo at me all game, I would have been a pretty stupid convert.

I think I said that when DVM said she suspected you and swings. I said we should lynch one and kill the other. Don't worry. I'm not killing you tonight. From where I sit, even though I don't know anything, I think that the villagers might stand a good chance right now.
so recap:

Packen says Lissa can't be converted.
Lissa says EC says Packen can't be converted.
EC just won't die.

orcagirl kills people at night and was cleared before night 4.

swings was cleared before night 4 as well?

i'm goddamn tay zonday with nothing to do except block and nobody to talk to about what i'm doing.
Just a modified roster list as the members of wikipedia have agreed to "no confidence/revote/swapping". Basically they want to flip flop leadership.




**EquineConstant - Surprised Kitty**
Nohika - Hipster Kitty - Hipster Kitty v2.0






tropical toucan

Recycle Bin

SOV - Success Kid
Lupin - Overly Attached GF
Kaydubs - Happy Cat
Devyn - Squinty Eye Fry
Trematode - Scumbag Steve
LIS - DDoS Attack Virus
SnS - Worm Virus
WldLfStdnt - Trojan Virus

Dyachei - Insanity Wolf

WTF - First World Problems
FFM - Socially Awkward Penguin
TheDrJojo – I Have No Idea What I’m Doing Dog
FTB - Condescending Wonka
Samoa - Paranoid Parrot
That Redhead - Logic Bomb Virus
SDP - Sudden Clarity Clarence
WildCatJ - Hipster Ariel
KP - Pedobear, Basement Cat
WolfSpeaker - High Expectations Asian Father
PetPony - Dramatic Chipmunk
JJohnston - I Regret Nothing Chicken
Hedgie - Brace Yourself - Worm Virus v2.0

Ok so I was the one who attacked EC last night. My power has only been activated for the past few nights and I was only told it *may* do something harmful. Or it may only leave someone perplexed. I tried it on nohika, hedgie, JJ, then EC last night. That was the first time anything happened. At first I thought nothing would happen if the person was a villager and something harmful would happen if the person was a wolf. But then nothing happened with hedgie and we all know how that turned out. So I used it on EC because she's been at the top of the lynch list for a while now anyway and I wanted to know what it would do. Like orca, I probably won't use it again.

So I know this probably looks suspicious but now you all know why I thought hedgie was ok up until PP's death, and what happened last night. Orca and I are switching leader roles so someone can feel free to use her to snitch on me because I now have nothing to hide.

Also, I snitched on orca last night and she's a villager.

Not sure what night this is all from, but this was just a couple of nights ago. A night or two before tropic died. You might want to recheck that. Also I've only killed once so far. I had some bad information from Hedgie for that kill. I'll tell you I might have my sights on someone for tonight, but it's not nyanko. I'm hoping I'm right this time.
I don't trust EC either, she keeps voting for me for no reason.

Well we can't lynch her.

But I don't think she is a wolf. I don't think she would have blocked DVMD the other night if she were.

Here is why I am suspicious of you being a conversion. Back when FFM blocked meme, DVMD was REALLY upset by this. Then when it was just you in there, she said she didn't want to move anyone in there because it would be the worst position to have a wolf, as leader of 4chan, she said being able to block a whole group was too much power. She said she would not move anyone in there...yet, she could have moved you out at any time if she wanted...

I don't know if DVMD would have voted for you, maybe she would have if she knew she was going down. I have been burned by this logic in the past. So I am a bit skeptical.
Well we can't lynch her.

But I don't think she is a wolf. I don't think she would have blocked DVMD the other night if she were.

hello this is the same exact logic that I am trying to use to tell you I'm not a wolf. DVMD SAID she got blocked by 4chan and there were no kills that night.

Here is why I am suspicious of you being a conversion. Back when FFM blocked meme, DVMD was REALLY upset by this. Then when it was just you in there, she said she didn't want to move anyone in there because it would be the worst position to have a wolf, as leader of 4chan, she said being able to block a whole group was too much power. She said she would not move anyone in there...yet, she could have moved you out at any time if she wanted...

No she couldn't. I have a feeling she could only move people out of her own group.
Hope you don't mean me or you are surely wrong and I would have everyone look at YOU as being a possible wolf.
DVM moved swings right after I blocked FBI 2 nights in a row and there were no kills, BY THE WAY.

I think EC blocked DVMD the first night too, that was the night you were attacked?

That is kinda suspicious...hopefully swings is being snitched on tonight? I think that is why DVMD said she was going to move her