Star WWars III Game Thread

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Meh I'm not sure this matters in terms of long-term outcome. Either you flip wolf and then we're looking at skiski, or you're telling the truth and this traces directly back to dy being wolf, in which case we get her tomorrow. Either way, we're getting some info today. My vote's staying where it is for now.
no. it doesn't trace back to me being a wolf. but this is certainly what they'd like you to believe.

thinking outside the LIS/dy box, who ELSE could be a wolf?

time to use those brains

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So you're claiming Lando? Wasn't it you who was asking about Lando's allegiances a few days ago?
Yeah on Monday we were talking about Lando. Sorry these aren't all in chronological order, I'm on my phone.
(Because one was from Jabba, the other came as a rebate from Lando.)

The credits coming from Lando to me seems like a wolf sent BBC credits. Lando was definitely a rebel (in fact, he was a general in the Rebel Alliance) and he helped destroy Death Star II. Also, he has a blaster pistol and potentially was the one who's done the night kills.

(I know the question wasn't directed at me.) I think it is both: role Lando sending item credits.

So, when Lando was still a dick who was not working with the Rebels?

Yes this would be true if thats the correct timline. I don't know if I would classify Lando as empire though.

I'm just trying to narrow it down because of ... someone's ... earlier comment that Lando would be a wolf because he (later) became a rebel general, etc.

Seems like bad logic, then, based on where we're at on the timeline.

But it wouldn't put him in the small core group of rebels that the mod envisioned for this game.

Lando is very much chaotic neutral until the end of Empire when Vader double crosses him. He wants the Empire to stay out of his business but isn't exactly a Rebel supporter either (again, until Vader crosses him).

In SW Rebels, Lando is a smuggler with ties to the forming Rebel faction at the time, but he didn't throw his lot in with the Rebels until Empire Strikes Back.

"Empire" classification doesn't matter much in this game. Owen Lars was not Empire, but he was a villager because he wasn't Rebel.

That was me that suggested he could be one. I am pretty limited on my Star Wars knowledge so when I saw credits given as a refund from Lando, I googled him and read up on him some. The Star Wars website said that he has a blaster pistol and is part of the Rebel Alliance. I didn't really know when he first made an appearance in the movies, but if he isn't in them until V, then I don't know. If we still have Death Star I, we can't be that far then.

I have an unfortunate amount of things to get done before 10PM CST tonight so after a brief skim it sounds like people are good being done with the bounty hunter thing, yet everyone is still voting for BBC based on a pseudo-sketchy paired role claim and the lynch avoidance she didn't realize she had. And maybe Lando is around bribing/redirecting people.

May I suggest that if BBC's partner is around and just is afraid to come out, you could just start a chain to one person in your PM group saying something to the effect of "I heard BBC does have a partner - pass it on" and then everyone passes it on to the person above them in the group (and if you're at the top PM the person at the bottom). It might tell the wolves which group you're in but at least you're helping clear your partner. If you just soft-vouched for them on thread I don't think that'll be enough to sway people at this point.

This was the whole exchange Ally and I had on thread about her N5 results. In my PM with her on Endor when she mentioned the not-good-not-evil presence she said "I had the not good not evil presence. I dunno what it does - seer? tracker? - but since I wasn't up to anything, it doesn't really matter."

So when I found out Coop had reversed tracked LIS and ally visited it didn't make me think she had an item. She also told me about the ale which is why I didn't think Ally had an item N5
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Whoops sorry, 4 hours sleep last night and I hadn't eaten my wheaties yet.

There's a highlighted inconsistency in the timeline I sent to you last night, dy -- it has to do with N4, I believe. So if we're looking elsewhere, that's where I'd start, along with taking a hard look at who released the ally/LIS visiting info (kara, guis).
Ski, did your source pick up any more conversions last night?

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Nada. No conversions last night. Since Dy was blocked using the jail which blocks actions against you too, I assume either she was the kill target or that the wolves decided not to kill last night (but I'd think that them not trying to kill would be less likely)
in that case, he probably converted skiotter last night.
I visited SkiOtter because of my normal night ability as Lando....

Dy was blocked and there was no kill. I wasn't blocked and Ski can confirm that because of the credits I gave her.

***lynch Dy***
Can confirm this.
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PippyPony - know he role, vouching STRONGLY
LetItSnow - lando. Vouching a little
dyachei - is me.
SkiOtter - LIS visited last night
Filly Bay

ok. so of these people, I have filled in some info. fill in what you can?

why is cdoconn ok now?

what about krabs or guis?
I get what you're saying, but I don't know if I'm buying what you're selling.

Hmm. Decisions, decisions. Going to go clear my head with some physics problem sets, will be back later.

Clear your head? Physics?

I'm going to stick with my vote to be honest. I guess I believe the two players who say that ally visited LIS and I don't know what other reason she would have had for that.
I'm going to stick with my vote to be honest. I guess I believe the two players who say that ally visited LIS and I don't know what other reason she would have had for that.
thats fine and I totally get it.

just trying to figure out what happens if he *isn't* a wolf
I would think you would have still been notified of a potential attack though, which makes me think ski was converted if LIS turns up rebel.
right, which is why I shared that info.

it could be conversion that has nothing to do with either of those players
I would think you would have still been notified of a potential attack though, which makes me think ski was converted if LIS turns up rebel.
right, which is why I shared that info.

it could be conversion that has nothing to do with either of those players

I wasn't though. And there has only been one conversion so far, Tuesday night.
Why Ski specifically? I haven't really seen anything about her this game.
Ski would also be a really strategic conversion choice because she's our only official/verified source on whether a conversion took place overnight. And if she got converted and just said on thread that no conversions took place people would be inclined to believe her without asking questions...
I wasn't though. And there has only been one conversion so far, Tuesday night.
Yes, but you have to understand that if LIS is a wolf, and we have info that says he interacted with you last night, then yes, maybe he just gave you credits, but maybe he converted you so that you wouldn't say there was another conversion last night. Maybe the no kill was to throw us off from the potential original(s) than may still be out there. With two tracking methods available, it makes sense that LIS would know he was going to be tracked last night, so if he just interacts with someone using his original ability, that person can confirm that and the tracker can confirm he interacted with that person, and if he turns up wolf, then obviously we look to the person he interacted with, and we waste a day lynching someone who wasn't converted while ignoring the other potential wolves. Honestly you were the best choice for that because if he interacted with someone else, then we would be more inclined to believe you when you said there was or was not a conversion. I'm willing to hold off judgement on your wolfiness right now, but it's something that we need to figure out tonight and tomorrow assuming this lynch successfully takes down another rebel.
Ski would also be a really strategic conversion choice because she's our only official/verified source on whether a conversion took place overnight. And if she got converted and just said on thread that no conversions took place people would be inclined to believe her without asking questions...
Understandable. Hmm okay. Thank you.
Yes, but you have to understand that if LIS is a wolf, and we have info that says he interacted with you last night, then yes, maybe he just gave you credits, but maybe he converted you so that you wouldn't say there was another conversion last night. Maybe the no kill was to throw us off from the potential original(s) than may still be out there. With two tracking methods available, it makes sense that LIS would know he was going to be tracked last night, so if he just interacts with someone using his original ability, that person can confirm that and the tracker can confirm he interacted with that person, and if he turns up wolf, then obviously we look to the person he interacted with, and we waste a day lynching someone who wasn't converted while ignoring the other potential wolves. Honestly you were the best choice for that because if he interacted with someone else, then we would be more inclined to believe you when you said there was or was not a conversion. I'm willing to hold off judgement on your wolfiness right now, but it's something that we need to figure out tonight and tomorrow assuming this lynch successfully takes down another rebel.
Ah, I see what you're saying. Not a wolf, but don't really know how to prove that to you.
Well hopefully that can get cleared up tonight. Right now you aren't my #1 suspect, and I'd be more interested in finding potential originals.
I am curious about our suspicions of having more originals though - we've gotten five originals in a game of 30 players + we suspect there are now one or two converts. I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about the droids being in this game because to me you would have to have both droids as opposed to one or the other (it would be like having Han without Chewie imo), but I feel like 7 originals is too many to start with for game balance. I'm not certain though.
Also lynch LIS.

Seeing how he flips will give us a lot more info to go on for the rest of end game than pretty much any other player. I buy his role but role reveals are easy when you're a convert anyway. I think right now there are too many suspicious questions about him and if he flips village then we have a good list of candidates to start looking hard at instead.
I am curious about our suspicions of having more originals though - we've gotten five originals in a game of 30 players + we suspect there are now one or two converts. I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about the droids being in this game because to me you would have to have both droids as opposed to one or the other (it would be like having Han without Chewie imo), but I feel like 7 originals is too many to start with for game balance. I'm not certain though.
I just don't know if there are more originals or not, and I don't want to totally discount the possibility. Like I said, hopefully we can figure out Ski's deal tonight, and deal with that tomorrow.

We also have the weird info showing up in the write-ups and we don't know where that came from yet. I don't think it corresponds with LIS's role, but it could be chaos or it could be the droids. Maybe the droids are a combined role, since really the two are hardly ever separated (yes it happens, but they are together more often than not) so I could see someone's role possibly being R2 & C3PO.
Wait so jail both blocks and protects? So dyachei could have been the target of the wolves?

We interrupt these physics problems for an important message from our sponsors.

Does anyone have an accurate list of who the imperial prison detainees were each night? Trying to fill in some gaps.

Some updates on dy's list:

mmmdreamerz - I think we can safely assume 3M's role is Jabba now, based on yesterday. Affiliation, I'm still not sure on.
kcoughli - I'm a little bummed KC is apparently silenced today...I have some questions about her allegiances.
PippyPony - know he role, vouching STRONGLY aw thanks dude
LetItSnow - lando. Vouching a little
dyachei - is me. Based on some patterns, I'm inclined to think dy is still telling the truth. If she is, then I have a good idea of what her role is and can vouch strongly.
SkiOtter - LIS visited last night
Filly Bay

why is cdoconn ok now? - I personally bought cdo's role reveal more than the wacky ones that now-confirmed wolves have tried (*coughBBC*coughally*), and I bought her verification of the med pac N2, but other than that, have no real info.

what about krabs or guis? If LIS flips village, then they both need to be prime suspects.

We now return to our regularly scheduled homework.
I'm making an executive decision, and y'all can bitch about it later.

But given how the voting is going, I'm going to end it. I don't see it changing, and I don't have the heart to make it happen.

No wolf brag, because frankly, I f'ing hate getting converted. Call this a wolf bitch, instead.

First, foremost, and most importantly: Nicely played, villagers. And I'm including me in that. Especially some of the n00b players, who made some super smart deductions. Really impressed by some of the newer players on the village side. Y'all crushed it. I'm happy with my contribution early in the game, and a bit ticked as hell at the forcible conversion. Like, I'm not sure wtf these wolves expected me to do. It doesn't matter how experienced a player is, when you convert someone like that they're going to get caught. Experienced player doesn't mean superhuman or magic.

I would <STRONGLY> encourage some of the newer mods to reconsider how they implement - or IF they implement - conversion. Back in the older days when y'all were still in diapers, it was more common to have conversion involve a choice. Wolves picked their convert TARGET, and the target was given a "do you want to convert?" option (blindly), and the wolves were then informed about whether their attempt succeeded. It forced wolves to think about not just who they <wanted> to convert, but whether the convert would be willing. Occasionally some mods gave a "convert or die" choice, but that was much less common. Either method, though, doesn't force someone who has been working hard at playing to suddenly forcibly have their alignment switched, which I think is a dick mechanic.

I haven't seen a choice like that in .... I dunno .... a year or two? I don't remember the last time. And because of that, none of the n00b mods ever consider putting it in. It's not in their frame of reference.

I was really enjoying this game, playing fairly well (a few bum moves, but in general getting **** done), and then wham-0, the wolves made a stupid decision to convert the most-cleared player in the game, who many of you - quite intelligently - immediately suspected. The wolves had very little chance of winning, and made it even worse by picking me as their convert.

Other than the conversion, I really liked the mod set-up. Some nice tweaks to mechanics, and the wolf numbers were perfect - this would have been a challenging game even for good wolves. Sweet modding.

Good game, villagers.

P.S. @nyanko 's post about how I would lynch myself if I were in her shoes (or however she put it)? Pay attention to that. If your gut says lynch someone, DO IT. ALWAYS. I would have lynched me and not looked back, just like she did.
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I'm making an executive decision, and y'all can bitch about it later.

But given how the voting is going, I'm going to end it. I don't see it changing, and I don't have the heart to make it happen.

No wolf brag, because frankly, I f'ing hate getting converted. Call this a wolf bitch, instead.

First, foremost, and most importantly: Nicely played, villagers. And I'm including me in that. Especially some of the n00b players, who made some super smart deductions. Really impressed by some of the newer players on the village side. Y'all crushed it. I'm happy with my contribution early in the game, and a bit ticked as hell at the forcible conversion. Like, I'm not sure wtf these wolves expected me to do. It doesn't matter how experienced a player is, when you convert someone like that they're going to get caught. Experienced player doesn't mean superhuman or magic.

I would <STRONGLY> encourage some of the newer mods to reconsider how they implement - or IF they implement - conversion. Back in the older days when y'all were still in diapers, it was more common to have conversion involve a choice. Wolves picked their convert TARGET, and the target was given a "do you want to convert?" option (blindly), and the wolves were then informed about whether their attempt succeeded. It forced wolves to think about not just who they <wanted> to convert, but whether the convert would be willing. Occasionally some mods gave a "convert or die" choice, but that was much less common. Either method, though, doesn't force someone who has been working hard at playing to suddenly forcibly have their alignment switched, which I think is a dick mechanic.

I haven't seen a choice like that in .... I dunno .... a year or two? I don't remember the last time. And because of that, none of the n00b mods ever consider putting it in. It's not in their frame of reference.

I was really enjoying this game, playing fairly well (a few bum moves, but in general getting **** done), and then wham-0, the wolves made a stupid decision to convert the most-cleared player in the game, who many of you - quite intelligently - immediately suspected. The wolves had very little chance of winning, and made it even worse by picking me as their convert.

Other than the conversion, I really liked the mod set-up. Some nice tweaks to mechanics, and the wolf numbers were perfect - this would have been a challenging game even for good wolves. Sweet modding.

Good game, villagers.
Wait. Does this mean the game is over? We have our last wolf? (and I actually survived a game instead of being killed N1?)
Hah, I was actually thinking "man if LIS was actually converted he was probably really pissed about it too"
I thought that on the morning of the conversion, like crap... they probably don't even know how much he hates being converted. I understand making that choice, but sometimes the most cleared person is not the best choice.
Hah, I was actually thinking "man if LIS was actually converted he was probably really pissed about it too"

Hell yes. You know me.

I mean, when I started playing you usually got a choice whether you accepted the conversion. And occasionally a convert-or-die. And I made it really f'ing clear that I'd refuse or choose death so people quit converting me for a while.

And then for some reason mods quit allowing choice. Ever since then I've been raging mad about it. 🙂
I thought that on the morning of the conversion, like crap... they probably don't even know how much he hates being converted. I understand making that choice, but sometimes the most cleared person is not the best choice.

Usually it's not the best choice. Way better to pick someone middle of the road. Someone who is marginally clear but doesn't really have dirt on them one way or the other.

There's just no way in hell I make it to end game in this scenario: early in the game, game has a conversion-detector (Ski), wolves already getting crushed. They <might> have squeaked out a victory choosing someone like @nyanko as their convert, but.....
Hell yes. You know me.

I mean, when I started playing you usually got a choice whether you wanted. And occasionally a convert-or-die. And I made it really f'ing clear that I'd refuse or choose death.

And then for some reason mods quit allowing choice. Ever since then I've been raging mad about it. 🙂
Did people often choose to be converted? I think I'm in the "death over conversion" camp. I think a game recently gave the convert a choice, and they chose no, and the wolves were super pissed about it because they didn't know the person would be given a choice.