I'm making an executive decision, and y'all can bitch about it later.
But given how the voting is going, I'm going to end it. I don't see it changing, and I don't have the heart to make it happen.
No wolf brag, because frankly, I f'ing hate getting converted. Call this a wolf bitch, instead.
First, foremost, and most importantly: Nicely played, villagers. And I'm including me in that. Especially some of the n00b players, who made some super smart deductions. Really impressed by some of the newer players on the village side. Y'all crushed it. I'm happy with my contribution early in the game, and a bit ticked as hell at the forcible conversion. Like, I'm not sure wtf these wolves expected me to do. It doesn't matter how experienced a player is, when you convert someone like that they're going to get caught. Experienced player doesn't mean superhuman or magic.
I would <STRONGLY> encourage some of the newer mods to reconsider how they implement - or IF they implement - conversion. Back in the older days when y'all were still in diapers, it was more common to have conversion involve a choice. Wolves picked their convert TARGET, and the target was given a "do you want to convert?" option (blindly), and the wolves were then informed about whether their attempt succeeded. It forced wolves to think about not just who they <wanted> to convert, but whether the convert would be willing. Occasionally some mods gave a "convert or die" choice, but that was much less common. Either method, though, doesn't force someone who has been working hard at playing to suddenly forcibly have their alignment switched, which I think is a dick mechanic.
I haven't seen a choice like that in .... I dunno .... a year or two? I don't remember the last time. And because of that, none of the n00b mods ever consider putting it in. It's not in their frame of reference.
I was really enjoying this game, playing fairly well (a few bum moves, but in general getting **** done), and then wham-0, the wolves made a stupid decision to convert the most-cleared player in the game, who many of you - quite intelligently - immediately suspected. The wolves had very little chance of winning, and made it even worse by picking me as their convert.
Other than the conversion, I really liked the mod set-up. Some nice tweaks to mechanics, and the wolf numbers were perfect - this would have been a challenging game even for good wolves. Sweet modding.
Good game, villagers.
@nyanko 's post about how I would lynch myself if I were in her shoes (or however she put it)? Pay attention to that. If your gut says lynch someone, DO IT. ALWAYS. I would have lynched me and not looked back, just like she did.