initially when you start you are going to have to be at school for labs at least 3 times every week. either 8am-noon or 10 - noon for anatomy and then 8-10 or 10-noon for OMM. Plus you will have DPR labs which are also in the am (8-10 or 10-noon). This makes commuting from further away a little more annoying since all of the above are required to attend. Lectures, however, are optional and everything can be streamed from home (and many prefer streaming as opposed to attending class. So If you are really trying to save some money or want to avoid the roommate headache/drama then if you can find a 6 month lease just to last you until Anatomy is over would be ideal. Don't feel you have to live right in a 10 min radius of nycom either. There are plenty of places easy enough to get to and are much cheaper. good luck!