RAVE HERE thread

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My honours proposal is finished and has been passed out to my supervisors. There are 8 of us, and I'm the only one who has gotten it done (and this should have been done at the beginning of October :eek:)

Still, I'm happy I don't have to worry about it.

Now I can focus on Biochem.

I also made Dean's list... but... you only need a 75 average to make it :rolleyes:

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So Vail bought Northstar ski resort, and now my $279 Double-Whammy pass includes Heavenly! That's Northstar, Sierra, and Heavenly in one pass. Sweeeeet.

Oh, and I got the second highest score on a chem exam I thought I bombed!
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I got an 86% on my molecular genetics exam!! I pulled an all-nighter studying for it last night so I'm super happy. That pulls my grade in that class up to an 84% which is SO awesome because if I can get A's in my other classes (2 of which are a shoo-in and one of which is very possible) I will still get a 3.75 this quarter as long as I maintain at least a B in MolGen. Plus, we have a bonus project that is worth 40 points, and to pull all my exam grades up to an A- right now I only need 20 points. So if I do well on the last two midterms and the final I could very well pull an A-! I'm not too hopeful for an A since for some reason he puts the bar for an A at 95% (the school sets it at 93%), but a 90% for an A- is definitely possible!

The best part? NOW I get to go SLEEP! =D
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Just got done with an endocrinology test, which is the one that notoriously has a failing average history. I can say pretty confidently that I didn't fail :)
Finished two huge papers in one night! I feel super accomplished :D
Alright... a lot of people I normally talk to wouldn't understand how excited I am about today. This morning, a foster dog of mine (a 3-4 year old blue heeler/beagle mix) was adopted. I've fostered this guy for almost 2 years (he's been in foster care for six months before I had him). I thought he never would be adopted.... he's by far my favorite of all of the 9 dogs I've fostered/adopted out. He's got issues when it comes to warming up to people (very shy/reserved) but once he does, my goodness... funniest little dog I've ever seen. I'm just so thankful that the family that adopted him is willing to work with him, they understand his needs and are 100% willing to go above and beyond to care for him. I've been an emotional wreck all morning but I have to just step back and be thankful that I was able to find a great home for another great dog.
Alright... a lot of people I normally talk to wouldn't understand how excited I am about today. This morning, a foster dog of mine (a 3-4 year old blue heeler/beagle mix) was adopted. I've fostered this guy for almost 2 years (he's been in foster care for six months before I had him). I thought he never would be adopted.... he's by far my favorite of all of the 9 dogs I've fostered/adopted out. He's got issues when it comes to warming up to people (very shy/reserved) but once he does, my goodness... funniest little dog I've ever seen. I'm just so thankful that the family that adopted him is willing to work with him, they understand his needs and are 100% willing to go above and beyond to care for him. I've been an emotional wreck all morning but I have to just step back and be thankful that I was able to find a great home for another great dog.

Yay, great job. :D
The South Street Bridge (in Philly) is open!!!! My commute has just shortened by 15-20 min. I realize that doesn't seem like a lot but I really like to sleep in and I'll take anything I can get.
I figured since I posted a rant, I'll post a rave.

I went to the hospital on Friday because my leg had been asleep for 24 hours and my back was sore. I didn't want to wait until my doctor's appointment on Tuesday. Nothing serious is wrong with me... all I did was pinch a nerve and it will eventually go away on its own. I felt 75% better yesterday. Funny how you start to feel better AFTER you spend a couple of hours in the ER. Another rave... I only had to wait about an hour to be seen.

I bought a lottery ticket last week. I won $10. I spent $6 on scratch cards. I won $9. I'm feeling lucky.
The South Street Bridge (in Philly) is open!!!! My commute has just shortened by 15-20 min. I realize that doesn't seem like a lot but I really like to sleep in and I'll take anything I can get.

I second the excitement!! :soexcited:

I thankfully take the train or bus in so it hasn't given me the royal screw like so many others. Enjoy your xtra :sleep: tomorrow morning!!

Now, if they could only speed up the Ridge Avenue project... What a mess!!!
One of the vets that I interned with this summer (also one of my LOR writers) called me today to see if I'd heard anything yet. He also told me that I could ride around with him some more during Christmas break! That call made my day.
Awesome day! Heard back from my school about the internship at a specialty hospital (so cool!)!!!! I need your guys' advice, though. I have 13 specialties to chose from and I can only pick 4! Anyone want to help with my choices?? (I'm going to keep it to PM, so I don't divulge anything on here). Too much interesting stuff, so little time! :D
Bench clothing is the current trend at my university. Bench clothing is EXPENSIVE. Well, I found a hoody online for more than half-price. Now I can look cool while being cheap!

I've only ever fallen for trends twice before... Gap sweaters in 2002 and Converse in 2006. The Gap sweater was a huge waste of money, but I cannot imagine my life without my chucks.
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The vet I shadow (read: volunteer for) 3 times a week has a son who plays soccer. His son's team was having a fundraiser selling frozen goods that you allow to thaw and then bake. I decided to buy 2 things, but figured I would pay for it later. I kept forgetting a check until today when the order came and he said he was covering everyone in the clinic's orders. I thought it was a nice gesture :) especially since I'm not even an employee there.

I got a 96% on my 2nd biochem test! One of my friends said if I can get 96+ on all 3 tests, I get muffins. I'm so holding her to it. Just one more test to go!

One of my best friends, who I haven't seen in months, is coming into town for tonight and tomorrow night! I can't wait to see her.

I love my new camera. A DSLR was a good choice.

I have an amazing fiance. No reason why, he just is.

Umm, can you tell I think life is awesome right now?
I love my new camera. A DSLR was a good choice.

Which dSLR did you get?
I got the Canon XSi about a year ago and love it! I wish I had more time to play around with it but working with what I've been able to figure out on the go, it takes great pics.
Since I ranted about this... I figure I owe a rave about it.

I made a 91% on my physics exam I was ranting about. (and yes, I'm still annoyed everyone else got to party on halloween and I was studying, but it worth waaaaaay more than a party).

Also, I now have an 88% in the class (ok, so she hasn't put in the zero I have for missing a homework assignment). If I work my butt off I could POSSIBLY make an A... but it would require making an A on the final. Normally I would say this is impossible, but right now I'm kind of on top of the world about this B. Because HOPEFULLY she's the kind of teacher who might round an 89.5 % up to an A (my school doesn't do + or -, you either get an A, B, C or whatever in the course).

My goal for the semester was a 4.0, and I thought after my first physics exam that would be impossible. It's still a long shot (an A on a physics final... :scared:) but it's totally possible.
Which dSLR did you get?
I got the Canon XSi about a year ago and love it! I wish I had more time to play around with it but working with what I've been able to figure out on the go, it takes great pics.

I have a Nikon D3000 since I have no/zip/zero/nada experience with DSLRs.

Here are a few pictures I have taken with it:



I have a Nikon D3000 since I have no/zip/zero/nada experience with DSLRs.

Here are a few pictures I have taken with it:

He/She is so pretty!

The dSLR's take a lot of getting used to. I had a canon point and shoot and surprisingly a lot of the manual setting on that are similarly placed on the camera to my dSLR.

Today, one of the student workers we hired a couple of months ago gave me a little thank you card saying how much she appreciated me and me helping her through classes, for introducing her to the barn we both ride at now for stress relief and for being a great coworker. She also said she was so proud I was going to be a vet and that she's happy we're getting to know each other as friends.

That dorky little card made my whole freaking week. I think every time I get frustrated with chemistry or sad about not getting an interview, I'm going to look at that little card and know I'll smile.
This Spring I'll be taking Temple Grandin's livestock handling class. I haven't been able to fit it into my schedule before this, so I'm excited that I can finally fit it in! She's such a great resource, I feel lucky to have the opportunity.
Laitmanvet, Linus is super cute! I love the markings on his/her face.

Livestockdoc, that is utterly awesome! So jealous!

Coquette22, nice pictures. I can't wait to get another lens or two to play around with. Yay Christmas and birthday!
I'm kind of jealous! I just have the "best bang for the buck" camera, and it's almost two years old now too. Still works well for vacations and such, but all I've been using it for lately is taking pictures of fungi and parasites through the microscope. Blah.
I have a Nikon D3000 since I have no/zip/zero/nada experience with DSLRs.

Here are a few pictures I have taken with it:




Cute pup. Look into an SB-600 at some point. A directional flash is nice because you can bounce it off the ceiling and avoid the offset shadow.(pics 1 and 3) Better lighting will also allow you to shoot at a higher aperture which will give you better depth of field for stuff like picture 2.

DSLR's are great. I love my D70 even though its like 6 years old now.
Cute pup. Look into an SB-600 at some point. A directional flash is nice because you can bounce it off the ceiling and avoid the offset shadow.(pics 1 and 3) Better lighting will also allow you to shoot at a higher aperture which will give you better depth of field for stuff like picture 2.

DSLR's are great. I love my D70 even though its like 6 years old now.

Thanks for the tip. The annoying shadows were part of the reason I decided to go for a DSLR.

Picture 2 was mainly me playing around with the aperture, so it's not the best picture, but I liked the effect of having a lower aperture setting.
I mentioned a while back that my husband fell in love with an adult stray chihuahua we had at the clinic. To be perfectly honest, I was incredibly uninterested in getting another dog soon (still miss my 16 yr old lab so much that it hurts, enjoying sleeping in, not having to find a pet sitter...)

Well, that freaking chihuahua has become my best little buddy and I just LOVE having her around. She's easily trainable, SUPER friendly with people, barks for protection but not for much else, and as of about a week ago: IS NOW POTTY TRAINED!!! (yes, folks, with a LOT of determination and lost sleep, a chihuahua can be houe trained)

It's also been amazing to watch my husband and this dog. They love eacother so much and have this awesome relationship. I don't expect you all to understand but my hubby has basically been anti-dog since we got married and it was slowly crushing my soul. (truly) Now, I have to remove the dog from his arms in order to hug him when I get home. It's GREAT.

Whenever I have a spare moment, I find myself flipping through the pictures on my phone of the night she came home. As soon as I had let her out of her carrier, she ran over to my husband, crawled into his lap, and stayed there for 4 hours. She picked us as her family and I'm glad she did!

However, from the chomping sounds I'm hearing from the bedroom, it sounds like I need to go remove my bathrobe from her clutches...
I got my most recent GCII lab report back - 36.5 out of 50! Which sounds awful but compared to my 18/50, I'm on cloud nine. I can still manage a B in the class if I workworkwork and gosh darn it I WILL.

Also, instead of getting taco bell after chem lab like I normally do, I brought my lunch today. I'm making headway on my goals. Baby steps!
Also, instead of getting taco bell after chem lab like I normally do, I brought my lunch today. I'm making headway on my goals. Baby steps!

Yeah, but crappy food tastes so much better than healthy food! Oh, I guess I'm not helping, am I? :whoa:
I just found some creamy organic tomato soup that comes in a little box thing... pour it in a mug, microwave it, add goldfish crackers... it's WONDERFUL. And healthy. Not that I eat healthy. But I COULD, if all of it tasted like this. :) It's so easy too!
I just found some creamy organic tomato soup that comes in a little box thing... pour it in a mug, microwave it, add goldfish crackers... it's WONDERFUL. And healthy. Not that I eat healthy. But I COULD, if all of it tasted like this. :) It's so easy too!

Have you ever had tomato soup and macaroni? I'm eatng it right now. Delicious. Just get some elbow macaroni and boil it until it's cooked. While that's going, combine a can of tomato soup and a can full of whole milk into a saucepan and cook it until it's hot, stirring often. When it's all done, dish yourself out some noodles, douse liberally with the tomato soup, and enjoy. It's amazing.
Also, instead of getting taco bell after chem lab like I normally do, I brought my lunch today. I'm making headway on my goals. Baby steps!

I always need junk food after chem labs. They're just so soul-crushing. I have organic chem II next semester and I'm expecting to gain a couple pounds from post-chem-lab junk food.
Have you ever had tomato soup and macaroni?


No, no I have not, but I will seek to remedy that in the near future.
Last night I decided I'd make myself run 3 miles before work this morning... (Didn't want to wake up THAT much earlier, more mileage can come later). So I got up early, to find that it was freezing and raining. But I still went out and did it! Woo! I've never gone out so early to work out before work or class ever (stepped out the door at 6 30am), so I'm proud of myself haha.

Although now all I feel like doing is crawling back into bed because I'm super sleepy.. Hmmm.

Good job! I keep trying to get myself motivated to run in the mornings, but no luck so far :(
FINALLY managed to align my schedule with that of a local falconer and got to spend the better part of this morning with him and his two hawks out in the field. It was raining, but I hardly noticed.

I'm sure I looked pretty funny for most of it, because I still get this big dumb grin on my face whenever I get up close to a raptor. Oh well. :) Can't wait to get out with them again!
FINALLY managed to align my schedule with that of a local falconer and got to spend the better part of this morning with him and his two hawks out in the field.

That sounds fantastic! What a great way to spend a morning.
Now, to just make up the histology test that I missed....

I was hoping you weren't going to have to take that damned thing when you were feeling so crappy. Glad you get to make it up. And glad you are improving, albeit heavily medicated. Better living through chemistry, right?
I finally got to see Spamalot tonight. It was awesome and I regret not having seen it earlier! So amazing!
I finally got to see Spamalot tonight. It was awesome and I regret not having seen it earlier! So amazing!

I am so jealous of you right now. I so want to see Spamalot. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is quite possibly my favorite movie - I even have the screenplay lol. My friend got it for me for christmas in high school. Best. Christmas Present. Ever.
I am so jealous of you right now. I so want to see Spamalot. Monty Python and the Holy Grail is quite possibly my favorite movie - I even have the screenplay lol. My friend got it for me for christmas in high school. Best. Christmas Present. Ever.

Haha that is fantastic! I was only bummed out because my fiance wasn't there with me. He loves that movie more than I do. I think he's been able to sing the Sir Robin song since he was a kid...
Haha that is fantastic! I was only bummed out because my fiance wasn't there with me. He loves that movie more than I do. I think he's been able to sing the Sir Robin song since he was a kid...

His head smashed in
And his heart cut out
And his liver removed
And his bowels unplugged
And his nostrils raped
And his bottom burnt off
And his penis...

That, that's enough music for now lads.

Oh now I want to go watch it over and over and over
Went to the Harry Potter midnight premiere last night - AMAZING and EPIC!!!!! :thumbup: And today I get to take my anatomy final and be done with that class until round two in the spring! Wooooo! :D
1.) I made AMAZING coffee this morning.
3.) My communications prof brought us cake in class.
4.) My IHSA coach was only going to have me show one day this weekend and she changed her mind and I'm showing both days!

What an emotional roller coaster these past few weeks have been.
My best friend had her baby via C-section this morning. I just came home from the hospital after spending about 4 hours up there tonight with her. Just me, her, and the baby since everyone else (friends and her hubby and other child) had already left, and it was amazing :) She is definitely the most beautiful child ever, and makes me want one of my own so badly. Then I realized that I can just steal hers anytime I want ;)
I have had every day this week off since Wednesday and I only have to work Monday and Tuesday then I get Wednesday and Thursday off, then back to work. But it makes me happy to have had a FIVE day weekend...so incredibly nice. :D
So, Harry Potter was pretty awesome. I really want to read the final book again now. I have a test on Monday, but then I'm free for a while, and if I can get those two lab reports done, I'll actually have the week after TG mostly free as well. I was going to study for the GRE (because I'm apparently a masochist) but I dunno... that might be too much. We'll see. I might read HP7 instead. :hungover:
So, Harry Potter was pretty awesome. I really want to read the final book again now. I have a test on Monday, but then I'm free for a while, and if I can get those two lab reports done, I'll actually have the week after TG mostly free as well. I was going to study for the GRE (because I'm apparently a masochist) but I dunno... that might be too much. We'll see. I might read HP7 instead. :hungover:

It's killing me, too! As soon as my last exam is over, I think I'm going to be starting the series from the beginning again!
1) My husband got a part-time job after looking for over a year. And he has a possibility in the works for another part-time job. He's feeling way better about himself and we will have extra income.

2) My brother got married on Friday and his wife is an amazing person. She's great for him.

3) As part of our exotics rotation, we went on a nature hike at Ijams (if you live in Knoxville and have never been here, you need to go)

4) I take the NAVLE on Monday. That means that today is the last day I have to study for it! (Unless I fail, but I'm really hoping to pass)

5) There is now a sugar cookie flavored egg nog, and it is amazing. Even the husband likes it and he hates egg nog.
So, Harry Potter was pretty awesome. I really want to read the final book again now. I have a test on Monday, but then I'm free for a while, and if I can get those two lab reports done, I'll actually have the week after TG mostly free as well. I was going to study for the GRE (because I'm apparently a masochist) but I dunno... that might be too much. We'll see. I might read HP7 instead. :hungover:

I went last night too! I liked it as well. Its been so long since I read the book, but I was still able to follow the story and remember most if it.
Afterwards I took a taxi home and was thinking it was a very similar experience to that bus in movie #3 (i think) - the night wizard bus thing. He must have floored the gas pedal and then slammed on the brake at every block. sheesh.