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It was an honorable death self-inflicted by the samurai.
oh, well that doesn't fit the description of "brutally murdered by people testing out rule 6 who got lucky because I didn't feel like singlehandedly rewriting the game in the late hours of the night" tbh

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The tie worked pretty well d1, so I think we should do another
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Wait, why did you want him involved with the tie?
It just seems weird to stand by without a stake in a mayor vote tie while people worry there might be death. If you don’t care which wins then just pick one.
I guess this wasn't counted but it was supposed to be a vote lol
I mean, unless we get evidence you had reason to believe you really had multi votes, I’m just gonna go ahead and treat all of them as jokes
It just seems weird to stand by without a stake in a mayor vote tie while people worry there might be death. If you don’t care which wins then just pick one.
It was voting without actually caring about the candidates that got us into the situation to begin with. The tie was forced, not accidental. If you make the bed, you have to lay in it.
I mean, unless we get evidence you had reason to believe you really had multi votes, I’m just gonna go ahead and treat all of them as jokes
I mean, the multi vote part was a joke, but I did actually think they were just counting my latest vote 🤷‍♀️
I mean I wouldn't have broken the tie if I'd known obviously since I was explicitly good with it tying, but yeah, I did think my vote changes were being counted
I mean, the multi vote part was a joke, but I did actually think they were just counting my latest vote 🤷‍♀️
Oh, if you're serious, in the future you'll want to unyeet (or unelect, in this case). Counting manually has run the issue of creating double or triple representation on the tallies, so we try to put up guards to monitor the last minute waffles better/expeditate time between write up and final count.
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Night 1

The sounds of chickens and cows and yes, several goats filled the air. The county fair was in full swing and the animals were looking their very best, the children who had raised them standing proudly nearby, waiting for the judges' assessments. As each animal entered the fair grounds, they were examined by a team of veterinarians and veterinary students. A clean bill of health meant they could join the competition, but if there were any concerns, the animal was turned away, for everyone's health and safety.

Late in the animal entry process, the team was suddenly accosted by a flock of untamed guinea fowl. The birds flapped here and there, pecking at any exposed skin, and the vet team was totally overrun. It was the perfect distraction. While everyone else was attempting to corral the wayward poultry, someone snuck a small goat with a strange look in its eye right past the exam table. It stumbled as it walked, and stopped to rub its head on an exposed beam, before it disappeared into the livestock barn with its mysterious owner.


The barns were bustling even late into the evening. While the majority of the glory of the fair occurred during the day with the sounds of carnival rides, vendors with tasty treats, and intense competition, the night was where the real elbow grease went to work. Children bathed their livestock and spent hours brushing them, getting their coats to the perfect gleam.

The lights were dimmed at night to give the illusion of rest, but the hum of quiet conversation and radios playing belied the notion of sleeping. A few flickers drew everyone's attention; it had been stormy earlier, so perhaps the grid was just resetting as trees were removed from power lines. Suddenly, the lights went out and radios silenced as the power went out. There was a moment of total quiet before panic started in the dark barns. Loud clangs of stall doors opening (or being broken down) drowned out the sounds of confused livestock and children up way past their bedtimes. Though it was difficult to see, it was clear that a stampede was occurring.

The sun's rays crept over the horizon tentatively, as if afraid to see what chaos had wrought overnight. Buckets, hay, and shavings were strewn everywhere from the night's frantic running. In the haste to get animals contained, the fair staff had shoved animals into any available stall and planned to sort out where they belonged once daylight's warm embrace was upon them.

Two horrified screams came from opposite ends of the barn. Someone was missing from their rightful place, but then they were found. Unfortunately, they were found in a sorry state, crumpled in the back of a stall bedazzled with the name of someone else. It was a somber start to the fair.
Goat Fight GIFs | Tenor

Dead is...
Mulan Matchmaker GIFs | Tenor

village matchmaker and neighbor

10 players remain
@Animal Midwife
@Chillbo Baggins
@Clem J

On to greener pastures:
@mkg323, DISHONOR ON YOU, DISHONOR ON YOUR COW, village matchmaker and neighbor

It is now Day 2. Vote closes tomorrow, 7/29, at 9 PM CDT. not sure I can recall a single other game where mkg was the n1 kill
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I mean, the multi vote part was a joke, but I did actually think they were just counting my latest vote 🤷‍♀️
Whenever people miss the “you must unvote before voting” rule, I’ve usually seen mods call it out, and if not people notice it when their old vote is on the tally. Why did the previous two times you failed to change your vote not tip you off? What about the previous games you’ve played on SDN with the same rule?
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Where did this multi vote thing come from? Another inside joke?
This above isn’t wolf hunting but does show she’s confused and trying to figure out the game rather than asking her pack
What about this post (below) made you change your vote?
This one was the main one that I was looking at
so do you genuinely think AM shouldn't be mayor or was this just for the lols

was she mayor last time and it backfired?
This one also is a bit more solvey than most of what we all were posting.

Obviously nothing incompatible with wolfing but enough for her not to be my top suspect from D1
wait so did you play the first goat game or not? what were they supposed to have learned? (I know you're like mostly kidding [???] but I also don't get the joke and wonder if it's actually relevant)
Caveat: this one I don’t like, the tone just feels wolfy with too much explaining/justifying why she’s asking the question to feel genuine, getting similar feelings today
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Where has @zenon gone?


This tag doesn’t seem to work :unsure:
This above isn’t wolf hunting but does show she’s confused and trying to figure out the game rather than asking her pack
This one was the main one that I was looking at

This one also is a bit more solvey than most of what we all were posting.

Obviously nothing incompatible with wolfing but enough for her not to be my top suspect from D1

Caveat: this one I don’t like, the tone just feels wolfy with too much explaining/justifying why she’s asking the question to feel genuine, getting similar feelings today
How do you feel about her treatment of Clem thus far?

Just testing this
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Oh, if you're serious, in the future you'll want to unyeet (or unelect, in this case). Counting manually has run the issue of creating double or triple representation on the tallies, so we try to put up guards to monitor the last minute waffles better/expeditate time between write up and final count.
Oh that must be why 🤦‍♀️

Stupid, I know this and forgot to do it
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Whenever people miss the “you must unvote before voting” rule, I’ve usually seen mods call it out, and if not people notice it when their old vote is on the tally. Why did the previous two times you failed to change your vote not tip you off? What about the previous games you’ve played on SDN with the same rule?
I just forgot 🤷‍♀️
i'm pretty sure my 'explaining/justifying' is a trauma response to being accused of "asking questions to ask questions" in literally every game. I never got any real feedback for that despite asking. AM was the first one not to ignore me when I asked how I could improve on that.

re: the tie consequence - i'm wondering what folks think the consequence would have been - the way I interpreted the rule is written, I figured the two who tied would die, and I didn't even think it would apply to the mayoral vote, just to yeets. the way genny phrased it a while back, it sounded like she thought there would be mass death as a result of a mayoral tie. did anyone else think that? in smaller game, I feel like that would be a bit silly to do on d1.

Oh god why is it still a tie

if you were worried about it, how come you didn't change your vote?

@SportPonies does "tie goon" (combined with your excitement re: yesterday's tie) mean you actively seek them out?
i'm pretty sure my 'explaining/justifying' is a trauma response to being accused of "asking questions to ask questions" in literally every game. I never got any real feedback for that despite asking. AM was the first one not to ignore me when I asked how I could improve on that.

re: the tie consequence - i'm wondering what folks think the consequence would have been - the way I interpreted the rule is written, I figured the two who tied would die, and I didn't even think it would apply to the mayoral vote, just to yeets. the way genny phrased it a while back, it sounded like she thought there would be mass death as a result of a mayoral tie. did anyone else think that? in smaller game, I feel like that would be a bit silly to do on d1.
Yes. 2/3 mods are confirmed to hate ties so much they'll kill accidental offenders (and shorty herself made multiple ominous posts the whole time the tie existed, even after close). So I and some others didn't think they'd take to an intentional tie that well.
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So i'm assuming wolves don't want to die in a mass execution, therefore they have a special interest in changing the tie to favor one of our co-mayors. but if they either 1) didn't know the tie was happening, or 2) didn't realize we could all die, then they would have let it stand. and those two things point to absent wolves. Or I suppose it could have been 3) frozen and crying in wolf chat.

But none of those things sound like my behavior at vote close, so you need to reevaluate your vote.
Can you... or anyone but mostly you since your the one who keeps talking about it... explain why there was belief that a tied mayoral vote would cause a mass execution?
i'm pretty sure my 'explaining/justifying' is a trauma response to being accused of "asking questions to ask questions" in literally every game. I never got any real feedback for that despite asking. AM was the first one not to ignore me when I asked how I could improve on that.

re: the tie consequence - i'm wondering what folks think the consequence would have been - the way I interpreted the rule is written, I figured the two who tied would die, and I didn't even think it would apply to the mayoral vote, just to yeets. the way genny phrased it a while back, it sounded like she thought there would be mass death as a result of a mayoral tie. did anyone else think that? in smaller game, I feel like that would be a bit silly to do on d1.

if you were worried about it, how come you didn't change your vote?

@SportPonies does "tie goon" (combined with your excitement re: yesterday's tie) mean you actively seek them out?
As my first act of business.

I don't have a lot of meta on anyone here except Nook so mostly I'm just gonna be reading into things like vibes and purity and **** which... generally works for me.

The first part of this post feels pure as **** so I ask the class is this true does Sheltermed get accused of this regularly?

If so is it actually unreasonable they'd be confused about the mod thing? Reading through earlier I thought the aggression towards Sheltermed felt... unnecessarily aggressive because like I felt they were genuine in their confusion but everyone else was like attacking them for it and to me it was just like why are we not trying to help them understand this but at the time in my catch up I largely ignored it but reading this post makes me feel bad for them and I'd like to know how true what they are saying here is.
Whatever floats your goat - Day 2 Tally

genny (1) - AM
Clem (1) - Vis
sheltermed (1) - Chillbo
Chillbo (2) - Zenon, Zenge

Leading: Chillbo, kind of, not enough for me to feel motivated to tag yet
5/10 voting
Missing: people who aren't on mayors or on the AM family tree

Vote closes tomorrow, 7/29, at 9 PM CDT (~24.25 hours).
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As my first act of business.

I don't have a lot of meta on anyone here except Nook so mostly I'm just gonna be reading into things like vibes and purity and **** which... generally works for me.

The first part of this post feels pure as **** so I ask the class is this true does Sheltermed get accused of this regularly?

If so is it actually unreasonable they'd be confused about the mod thing? Reading through earlier I thought the aggression towards Sheltermed felt... unnecessarily aggressive because like I felt they were genuine in their confusion but everyone else was like attacking them for it and to me it was just like why are we not trying to help them understand this but at the time in my catch up I largely ignored it but reading this post makes me feel bad for them and I'd like to know how true what they are saying here is.
This is my first game with her in years outside of the one I modded so not sure if it occurred recently outside of that. However, in prior years it wasn't uncommon for a discussion like this to come up regardless of her affiliation. So I try to look into overall play rather than just focusing on the isolated event.
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This is my first game with her in years outside of the one I modded so not sure if it occurred recently outside of that. However, in prior years it wasn't uncommon for a discussion like this to come up regardless of her affiliation. So I try to look into overall play rather than just focusing on the isolated event.
so basically yes I've always been dumb LOL