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Apr 21, 2004
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Which airport do you guys recommend? I'm thinking San Francisco. Thanks.

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oakland airport is usually cheaper (at least for southwest airline flights) and its about 10 minutes closer.
i'm planning on flying into oakland... i agree that it's cheaper, and i don't think traffic is as bad (which isn't saying much...)
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Oakland is usually cheaper if you're travelling in the West Coast. However, I think it's a more straightforward shot to Vallejo if you go to Oakland Airport anyway. Good luck.
LT2 said:
i'm planning on flying into oakland... i agree that it's cheaper, and i don't think traffic is as bad (which isn't saying much...)

you'll be surprised how bad the traffic is both in the morning and afternoon on I-80 East... a normal ten minute drive will take you no less than thirty minutes...
How about shuttle service? I called the places the school provided but the prices ae higher than what the school says. Every single one of them sounds like they're run by Indians - from India. Nothing wrong with that but it's hard to communicate with them.
the cheap way to go is to land in SFO, take BART (subway, www.bart.gov) towards Richmond, get off at Del Norte Station, get a cab to Vallejo. $5.80 one way BART + ~$20 cab... = $30.

you can also land in OAK, and take BART, even cheaper that way....
gogo110182 said:
the cheap way to go is to land in SFO, take BART (subway, www.bart.gov) towards Richmond, get off at Del Norte Station, get a cab to Vallejo. $5.80 one way BART + ~$20 cab... = $30.

you can also land in OAK, and take BART, even cheaper that way....

I've never taken the subway before. I'm afraid I might not get off where I'm suppose to. Do they call out the stops or display it or do you have to pull a chain like buses? I will land at San Francisco Int'l airport. If you can spell out what I need to do that would be GREAT! Much appreciated! I just looked on Yahoo Maps and it seems like BART will have to cross a body of water. Does it go through a tunnel or something?

I just looked at the site you provided. I think I've figured it out. Correct me if I'm wrong. There's a ticket vending machine there. If I want to go to Richmond I should buy a "RED" ticket (costs $6.00). Is this right? Then I should take a cab from Richmond to the college? Is the sun still out at 8:00PM in the area? Thanks!
BART Red* Tickets
75% Discount for Persons with Disabilities
and Children 5 to 12 Years Old:
$24 Ticket Costs Only $6!
Note: Children 4 and under are FREE!

Haha, you should buy tickets at the station if you do not meet the above underlined restrictions. Those are discounted tickets, they don't sell individual tickets online. BART goes through a trans-bay tunnel, just underneath the bay bridge.

The thing with getting off at Richmond (last station) is that you're guaranteed to get either robbed or shot before you can even get into a cab... hehe, maybe not that serious, but do avoid that area if you can. That's why I told you to get off at El Cerrito Del Norte, much safer area, and get a cab there. It's still pretty bright outside at 8pm. Things might change in a month though. I will PM you a detailed direction if you want to take BART once I get a chance, but definitely before Friday.

What date and time are you arriving at SFO? I live 15 mins away from TUCOM, so maybe if i am off work, I can pick you up or something. PM me if you want. By the way, my interview is on the 26th....
isnt vallejo still pretty far from the nearest bart station? i forgot what the bart map looks like, but know that driving to great america took about 30 mins without traffic from berkeley. how far north does the bart go?
marine world you mean, is about 30 mins from berkeley.......and 20 mins from El Cerrito del Norte. It still beats getting a cab, or shuttle at SFO and go all the way to Vallejo.......
stay at the Quality Inn. its decent and the shuttle service was great.
when i went about 90% of the other ppo there for their interview stayed there too.

btw i think its owned by asian people.
lktm831 said:
stay at the Quality Inn. its decent and the shuttle service was great.
when i went about 90% of the other ppo there for their interview stayed there too.

btw i think its owned by asian people.

That's what I thought. I saw an asian behind the reception area in their brochure.
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FutureDocDO said:
That's what I thought. I saw an asian behind the reception area in their brochure.
what's wrong with asians................
Not to burst anyone's bubble, but the majority of motels are owned by South Asians...and yes, I'm South Asian but NO my parents do not own a motel/hotel/small business 🙂
lktm831 said:
btw i think its owned by asian people.

Welcome to CALIFORNIA!!!!

Where diversity is the norm. Unlike other parts of the country, where a person with more melanin production sticks out like a sore thumb in a sea of paleness. California is fantastically filled with color and culture and diversity. White is the minority here.

Yes, the shuttle service is probably run/and owned by Indian-American people, and yes the hotel is probably owned by Asian people(a very general term for the largest continent with many, many diverse groups of people). And so what?? Is it that abnormal in the rest of this country? Not in the big cities, I know certainly. This is what makes California one of the best states,(IMO the BEST) and I have lived in many other states.

So if you choose Cali for school, better get used to it! 😎
Wow, where are you guys from? Never seen another color than white and black?And who cares who owns, works or lives in an area at this day and age. If you guys want to become physicians I think you guys might want to work on interacting with different cultures and ethnicities.
gogo110182 said:
what's wrong with asians................

LOL. Just saying that I could tell from the brochure. Nothing wrong with it being Asian-owned. I, myself, am an Asian-American.
did tucom give a 1 week deadline or 2 week to schedule an interview?? i'm at school right now and i don't have the paper with me and i'm pushing a deadline if it's one week 😱 ...
LT2 said:
did tucom give a 1 week deadline or 2 week to schedule an interview?? i'm at school right now and i don't have the paper with me and i'm pushing a deadline if it's one week 😱 ...

You're fine. It's two weeks.
FutureDocDO said:
You're fine. It's two weeks.

thanks, i was getting a bit nervous! 😳
Who's all nervous about this panel interview "thing"? I certainly am! Nervous just thinking about it!
For all you guys who got an interview already, may I ask what your stats are? Thanks!
uwalum said:
For all you guys who got an interview already, may I ask what your stats are? Thanks!

CA...I also want to warn those who are driving to the interview: DRIVE THERE SOME DAY BEFORE THE INTERVIEW FIRST. I live in Berkeley and am very close to Vallejo so I was able to travel there. However, I found that it was very confusing to get to. So I recommend that those who are driving to the interview try the drive once before the actual interview. And good luck.
When's the latest you can submit an application. I thought I read somewhere that you can submit up into April... I was thinking about delaying after I finished the AMCAS applications and if not many secondaries received - then applying to the DO schools?
ssingh0 said:
When's the latest you can submit an application. I thought I read somewhere that you can submit up into April... I was thinking about delaying after I finished the AMCAS applications and if not many secondaries received - then applying to the DO schools?
as u already know, applying earlier is best, and just becuase the primary deadline is all the way in april, my opinion is that spots will be scarce by then. if ur numbers are high, then they will probably give u an interview, even if its later in the cycle. but if they are that high, then allo would have already shown u some love. just apply as early possible.