
  1. C

    How much does your clinical rotation determine your career?

    Hello, I am first year DPT student. I was just curious how much does clinical rotations determine your career after school? I got matched to clinical that's kinda at the bottom of my wishlist. Also how many rotations did your school have? I have total of 3 rotations. Just curious what...
  2. I

    SoCal Pain Position Available

    Hi all, I have an outpatient M-F full time pain position available in a private practice in SoCal. Please DM me for more details.
  3. MintyMoose

    Large Animal Vet in Academia

    Hi all, I was recently accepted into vet school and was thinking about my career path in the future. I know I have a long road to go and can always change course but I wanted to get some feedback from y’all. So I want to go into large animal medicine, working with all food animals and perhaps...
  4. IlDestriero

    Attending advice for college selection.

    Here’s my unsolicited advice for all you folks about to finalize your college decisions over the next few weeks. It’s worth what you paid, but advice I gave my own children. 1. Major in something that leads to a career other than medicine in case it doesn’t work out or you change your plans...
  5. WhateversClever

    Remote Data Verification

    I currently work in retail pharmacy and don't know how much longer I can survive. The pay is good but the stress, lack of respect and effect it has on my personal life can not be discounted. I recently had COVID and was forced to stay home for 10 days. It was the longest I had been off work in...
  6. EnPsychlopedia

    PhD/PsyD Careers in mental health and notes on what to avoid in a program

    Hello, all! Myself and few others over at Reddit are tired of getting the exact same questions about routes one can take to practice therapy or work in mental health, as well as questions regarding PsyD vs PhD, and about specific institutions which are notoriously predatory. To help combat this...
  7. M

    Would I Enjoy Being a Dentist?

    Would I Enjoy Being a Dentist? I recently was accepted to a dental school and I estimated my total cost of attendance to be $230K. I know what you’re probably thinking… if I’m questioning this, I should run away from this field. The thing is, I realistically don’t see myself doing anything...
  8. D

    Where can I find some great local dental job postings?

    Will be graduating soon and am looking for the best dental opportunities in my area. Recommendations for where I can find great local opportunities? I am visiting the portals below but wondering if there are other methods. Indeed ( Craigslist ( Beamsi...
  9. N

    Interesting career options

    Hey everyone, My name is Nolan Fisher. I'm currently a PGY-3 at the Cleveland Clinic PM&R Residency. As I approach the end of residency I'm starting to think more about what my practice will look like. Through residency we all get familiar with traditional inpatient rehab jobs in academia...
  10. D

    Questions about diff specialties and lifestyle of medicine

    Hey everyone, I'd like a career in academic medicine and shadowed nsgy and ortho the other day (applying to MD next cycle so still a long road ahead). I was thinking a bit into the future and kind of wanted to ask what the end goal of it all is. For those gunning ortho/nsgy/other comp long...
  11. confused undergrad

    Teaching and research as an MD

    Hello, I am interested in learning about the opportunities to teach and do research as an MD. What do you have to do? Post-doc after med school? Get involved with research during med school? How? What would the teaching opportunities look like? I've heard that teaching at the undergrad level is...
  12. confused undergrad

    MD or PhD?

    Hello, I am an undergraduate student majoring in Cell and Molecular Biology and minoring in Public Health and Chemistry. I just finished my second year. I was pre-med when I first entered college, but am now thinking about going to grad school for a PhD for a few reasons: I have a deep interest...
  13. D

    It is too late for me to switch this career choice

    I will start pharmacy school this August. However, after following this forum I have realized that my chance of getting a job is extremely low and my debt will be >200k. But I am feeling stuck because I can't really switch to any other career especially not engineering since I can't handle Math...
  14. C

    Peds & Informatics - but need a career path change

    Hi all, I recently finished peds residency in the US and now doing an ACGME fellowship in clinical informatics. However, after being in the fellowship I realize that the informatics career is not for me. Outside of work I'm also having some personal issues and overall it's shown me that I need...
  15. N

    Hospitalist job offer 220K base + production/quality

    I am currently a PGY-2 in a community hospital in the east coast. While I was initially interested in a specialty career, I find the hospitalist gig attractive. I have a senior who received the above offer. It is for an academic hospital in Pennsylvania, working 7 on/7 off schedule in a...
  16. T

    Ex-Ibanker now resident AMA

    I worked in finance, made the switch to MD, now PGY-2. Happy to talk about career change, finance, existential crisises, etc.
  17. D

    Reflection: Pain Is a Vital Sign

    Working to improve healthcare, I still don't look forward to being a patient—especially not unexpectedly. Here's a personal reflection on life and leadership following my medical episode. I hope you find it valuable. Reflection: Pain Is a Vital Sign
  18. T

    Need future career advice/suggestions please (rn > np, pa/something else?)

    Hi So here's my story Im a male student and recently graduated with a bachelor of science in biology with a very good 3.7 gpa. Unfortunately I have limited experience in health care and have only worked in school involving laboratory. I am stuck in a "what to do next" phase. I have been...
  19. P

    [Australian Doctors] Insight into Emergency Medicine vs General Surgery

    I'm a current intern in Australia, but with resident medical officer positions beginning to open up, I am tossing up between which pathway to set myself up for in the future. I'm curious when and how you decided on your specialty/area of practice. The perspectives of various fields seem so...
  20. D


  21. MedicalDoge

    Lowly Pre-med Question

    Hello Pathology experts, I have a few quick questions the pathology career in general. I am going into medical school and have a great interest in pathology. I know I am ahead of myself but I just want to get a feel for the field. 1) If I aspire to subspecialize in either neuropathology or...
  22. C

    Which healthcare field should I pursue?

    Third-year, Biomedical Sciences degree, 3.8 GPA, strong sciences. Little shadowing experience, no research experience (outside of intense lab courses, which I tended to dislike). Always wanted to go into medicine, never knew which field; MD, PA, NP, DO, OD... I've considered almost every major...
  23. E

    Hopkins MPH Vs. Harvard Job (+Harvard MPH)

    Hi all! I'm at a very strange and promising crossroads and would love to get some feedback, because I'm truly at a loss for what direction to take. I just got accepted to the Hopkins MPH Full-time program for the upcoming year, which I honestly thought I had no shot at. While waiting for that...
  24. B

    Should I still become a Pharmacist?

    I've been working at a pharmacy as a tech for a couple of months now and I like the actual job... but what I don't like is the customers. Everyone is always rude and will yell at you for just about anything. I keep a positive attitude and laugh about it, but sometimes it really gets to me even...
  25. M

    How did you choose medicine?

    Hello everyone, I am a communication disorders student who is having a rather hard time choosing what field I would like to go into. I have always been very attracted to the medical field as I genuinely enjoy helping people, in addition to some intense childhood experiences regarding my health...
  26. F

    Physical Health > Dream Career?

    Hi everyone! I guess my post is more confusing than anything. Long story short. I have a back injury and my doctor suggested that I stop doing all sports and do something that is not as physically demanding. And if I were to continue to do sports and put stress on my body, my injury would get...
  27. E

    Pharmacist Career Ladder

    Greetings all! I work as a clinical pharmacy coordinator at a growing health-system. I have been tasked by my administration to develop a Pharmacist Career Ladder akin to the one laid out by the Yale team in this publication: Implementation of a pharmacist career ladder program | American...
  28. R

    Should I follow my instincts & become a doctor?

    Hello, Well this is the classic should-I-be-a-doctor question. To sum it up: -I'm 16 years old (junior) -I've mostly always wanted to work in the medical field, though my dream job has varied (veterinarian, doctor, surgeon, etc) -I've always been interested in human anatomy and trying to figure...
  29. RedWhite&Blue

    What are your personal likes and dislikes for the Animal Science field?

    I've currently getting my BA in Animal Science, and will soon be making the choice whether I want to pursue dairy science or equine science. Either way, there are many contributors to why I love/don't like Animal Science. One thing I love about it is the diversity of animals I get to work with...
  30. I

    Is pharmacy a good career for those who love chemistry?

    I'm current a HS junior. I loved pre-AP chem, and I'm taking AP chem my senior year. I'm in AP physics now.
  31. C

    Career change from IT to Physical Therapy

    I am 35 y.o. with a B.S. in Computer Science, and have spent the last 10 years working with reputable IT companies in Boston area. Although I have fared well with my IT career, now I'm at a point in my life where I've come to realize that I need to pursue a more rewarding career in a domain...
  32. B

    Attention: Business Opportunity/ Partnership for Anesthesia Contract in NY

    Presenting unique opportunity for a possible partnership in Central NY at a state of the art surgery center. Currently 2 CRNAs have an exclusive long term contract and looking to partner with an Anesthesiologist. In the beginning phases of rolling out anesthesia so a great time to build...
  33. M

    I'm finding it hard to acquire clinical experiences. Help?

    Let me start of by saying that I am taking my prereqs at community college. So far I've taken: Sociology, Psychology, College Algebra, Speech, 2 English courses, and Philosophy. This summer I'll be taking Criminal Justice(diversity requirement), Information Systems, and a health class, and...
  34. B

    Attention: Business Opportunity/ Partnership for Anesthesia Contract in NY

    Presenting unique opportunity for a possible partnership in Central NY at a state of the art surgery center. Currently 2 CRNAs have an exclusive long term contract and looking to partner with an Anesthesiologist. In the beginning phases of rolling out anesthesia so a great time to build...
  35. T

    Confused about what career I want

    For the past few months I've been panicking and stressing out over career choices. I'm 27 years old and hold a BA in psychology and art. I went to college completely uninformed about a lot of things. I wanted to do animation at first, but that quickly went away. At some point during college I...
  36. msyato

    VCU vs. UC Schools (For Undergrad)

    Hello, to start off, I will hopefully be attending college this Fall. So far I've received admittance to some schools, in particular VCU. I am a California resident and also applied to UC schools, which I hear from in March. The point is, I want to know would it be worth it for me to choose VCU...
  37. G

    Career Path Help?

    Hello to everyone here at SDN, I'm new to the forum and joined to help myself decide on the right career path. Currently, I'm working on getting a Bachelor's degree in Biology. The problem is that the only career I feel excited about that I can get with a Biology degree is Dentistry and all...
  38. Tigrane

    Do Physical Therapists get (randomly or not) drug tested?

    I'm still young and for the past few years I've had trouble figuring out and solidifying a decision of what I'd like to do. When I was younger, like as a kid, I always aspired to become a doctor. I read up a ton on the subjects and dove pretty deep. My interest in pursuing that career dwindled...
  39. C

    Career-based Master's Programs

    Hi everyone! I'm thinking of applying to a Master's program (to bring up my GPA) before I apply to medical school. Can you think of any biology-based master's programs that are career-based? For example, there's MSc. in Genetic Counselling, which certifies one as a Genetic Counsellor. What are...
  40. C

