
  1. Y


    23 yo, 2017 college graduate, 2.9 GPA bio major. Volunteered for AmeriCorp for 6 months after graduation, decided I wanted to be a doctor/continue education. Accepted to a masters of bio program (pre-professional focus) at a small university...set to attend January 2019 - January 2020. Trying...
  2. G

    Shadowing medical students the day before an interview?

    I was speaking to one of the Docs that I scribe with and asked him for interview tips. He suggested something he did for his residency interviews where he asked to shadow a resident for a day and said I should ask to shadow a 3rd year med student as it showed initiative and a real desire to...
  3. G

    WAMC/ Should I add more schools?

    cGPA and sGPA as calculated by AMCAS or AACOMAS: 3.9+ and 3.9+ MCAT score(s) and breakdown: 522 (129/129/132/132) State of residence or country of citizenship (if non-US): AZ Ethnicity and/or race: White Undergraduate institution or category: Large public state university Clinical experience...
  4. L

    EDP Interview Date

    Hey y'all, I applied EDP to the University of Utah and they offered me an assessment day MMI spot on either August 27th or September 7th. If I chose the 27th I would have to do an online interview by Thursday, so I am pretty nervous since I don't have much time to prepare. Since it is EDP, will...
  5. C

    3.5gpa 523 MCAT

    Hey all, (will probably redact this later for anonymity) Stats are as said, 3.5 c/sGPA and 523 MCAT balanced. ORM. Planning to apply next cycle. Should Top20s be a part of my application? What general schools should I target due to asymmetric stats? GPA trend is super upward, from a 2.39 (1st...
  6. J

    Controversial PS topic: Terrorism

    Hello! In my PS, I mention treating a suspected terrorist while volunteering on an ambulance in the Middle East. I really like what I say, and I bring no politics or opinions into the paper. I was wondering if this is too risky or if it is ok? If anyone is willing to read my PS and give some...
  7. V

    Should I retake my MCAT 512,3.93

    Hi all, Just got my MCAT score back 128-125-129-130. My last two AAMC were 519 and 520---quite a drop.Never scored below 127 in my CARS. I got 3 hours of sleep, which I suspect dropped my score.I studied for 4 months. I was aiming for 515. I feel like I scored so much lower than my FLs...
  8. T

    Reapplicant here. What are my chances?! School list help?

    Hey @Goro @Faha Im sure you get these a lot but I would love some help with my school list. I am a reapplicant and I feel like my school list might have cost me last year. I posted my stats below. New stuff that was not in last years application has ** ** around it Thank you!!!! Year in...
  9. Z

    502 MCAT. Do I have any hope?

    Hello guys, I'm a long time reader, first time poster. I received my MCAT score (2nd try) about a week ago and I've been feeling bummed ever since. Here are my stats: -South Asian -Texas resident -Biology major with a minor in biochem and business administration - 3.7 GPA at a community...
  10. C

    School List Help

    I'd love some input for my school list! I'm a reapplicant this cycle. Had interviews at UNC and NYU last year and was waitlisted at NYU. In the middle of my two year break before reapplying. Chemistry B.S. w Biology minor at top 5 public university, Honors College and PBK Overall GPA: 3.74...
  11. P

    Regarding withdrawal date

    Hi all, as I am gearing up to apply, I have a question. on my transcript, it states that I had a withdrawal date of x/x/xx. I had originally registered for a course but could not afford to pay for the course; I was advised that my course would be dropped due to non-payment. the courses do not...
  12. F

    Meaning of date degree "earned"?

    Hello, I have an odd question. I completed all coursework for my degree in year 2010 and that is the date through which I attended that college (end date). However, I did not file for graduation and receive my diploma until year 2014 (strange story and I didn't need my diploma). Oddly, AMCAS...
  13. F

    Take MCAT 2x to get reviewed early or just once (7/22) ?

    Hello, I am currently agonizing between: June 30 test date and getting about 80th+ percentile or waiting until July 22 and getting a 90th+ percentile or doing BOTH to get reviewed early. I am great at test taking strategy, just need to cram in more content. Also, I am still trying to finish...
  14. H

    Should I retake?

    Hey guys, so I just got my MCAT score back and was happy to see that my composite score was a 509, but then disappointed to see that my Bio section was a 124. My other sections were: 128 in Chem, a 127 in CARS, and a 130 in Psych. I just finished a post bac program, I'm a minority student and...
  15. E

    3.8 gpa, 509 mcat
