2014-2015 University of California - Irvine Application Thread

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Hi guys! Does anyone know if UCI accepts pre-II updates? I can't seem to find any information on their website
Unless it is incredibly substantial, pre-II updates don't typically end favorably.

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Does anyone have the US News Report on interviews vs. acceptances?
(me too, woops)
The general rule is that they are unlikely to be the make or break in your application, so it is better to save them for after interviews... Most schools treat them neutrally, some specific schools like them, and a handful don't like them at all. I would imagine UCI treats them neutrally, but what's done is done so I wouldn't overthink it.
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The general rule is that they are unlikely to be the make or break in your application, so it is better to save them for after interviews... Most schools treat them neutrally, some specific schools like them, and a handful don't like them at all. I would imagine UCI treats them neutrally, but what's done is done so I wouldn't overthink it.

Ok phew, thanks!
Hi current ms1 here. I will try n answer any questions to ease anxiety if I can.

For the record I was complete early august and didn't hear a peep until late February. Interviewed April 8 accepted may 9. So it really doesn't mean anything the pooling and review of apps is pretty random.
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Any II's or rejection emails this week?!
Submitted mine 7/21 an
Hi current ms1 here. I will try n answer any questions to ease anxiety if I can.

For the record I was complete early august and didn't hear a peep until late February. Interviewed April 8 accepted may 9. So it really doesn't mean anything the pooling and review of apps is pretty random.

Thank you for your mercy :bow:
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The general rule is that they are unlikely to be the make or break in your application, so it is better to save them for after interviews... Most schools treat them neutrally, some specific schools like them, and a handful don't like them at all. I would imagine UCI treats them neutrally, but what's done is done so I wouldn't overthink it.

That's good. I just sent them to schools that I applied early on like I did last time, still got an II last attempt (W/L) at UCI after sending so hoping lightning strikes twice.
anybody know if UCI is receptive to update letters pre-interview? i have some pretty big updates (publication, and a few others). thanks!
anybody know if UCI is receptive to update letters pre-interview? i have some pretty big updates (publication, and a few others). thanks!

I sent one pre-interview that was part appeal and part update letter, but that was post-rejection. Got an interview the next week and put on WL.
Just wanted to pop in and say good luck to other people interviewing here!
Timeline: verified 7/7, received secondary 7/15, submitted it 7/24, II on 8/27, will be interviewing in a couple weeks
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hey guys... how strict do you think they are on the 30-day deadline? I just realized my deadline is two weeks ago... :(

edit: i submitted it just now and the site let me submit it but i guess my chances are shot now... ugh and the questions weren't even tough.
were you able to submit your application late? mine's due this wednesday, but two of my recommenders still haven't submitted their letters. it's driving me crazy......:( i'm using inter folio, so i really need them to submit them tomorrow!
were you able to submit your application late? mine's due this wednesday, but two of my recommenders still haven't submitted their letters. it's driving me crazy......:( i'm using inter folio, so i really need them to submit them tomorrow!

I really think that you should call and ask. The admissions office is usually very responsive and they'll be able to answer your question directly!
I really think that you should call and ask. The admissions office is usually very responsive and they'll be able to answer your question directly!
they finally submitted their letters today...so i'm good to go!
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So, for those who have submitted the secondary - Does everybody have the "interview instructions " tab available…even if you are still "under review"

When I click on this tab, it says "Congratulations on being selected to interview at University of California, Irvine…" But…this is probably just wishful thinking and everybody who submitted their secondary already has this tab available?
So, for those who have submitted the secondary - Does everybody have the "interview instructions " tab available…even if you are still "under review"

When I click on this tab, it says "Congratulations on being selected to interview at University of California, Irvine…" But…this is probably just wishful thinking and everybody who submitted their secondary already has this tab available?
I saw that option before I turned in my secondary.
II for 9/29, Lizzy M 65-68, IS. Complete 7/23. Anyone else PRIME-LC? Not sure what kind of questions they will be asking for the Spanish interview...
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I asked this previously in this thread, but it wasn't quite answered: Does Irvine's status ever change to on-hold, or is a continual "under review" considered a hold (since you're not invited for an interview, but not rejected)? I understand it's a long waiting game, but I'm just curious.
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II for 9/29, Lizzy M 65-68, IS. Complete 7/23. Anyone else PRIME-LC? Not sure what kind of questions they will be asking for the Spanish interview...
I applied to the PRIME-LC but I have not received an II yet. My Lizzy M is ~68. I am IS and was complete in early August. I would imagine in the Spanish interview they would want you to expound on your interest and involvement with the Latino community. I would read everything on the PRIME website--latest news, class profiles etc. I don't have any knowledge or experience here, just my thoughts. Congrats on your interview and I hope it goes well!
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Has anyone recently received an II for the regular MD track? I'm guessing the second batch of interview invite letters hasn't been sent out yet?
Did anyone's "secondary payment revived" and "interview status" turn blank? I was complete in July and always had both of those filled it "under review". It's been blank the last two days and when I called they said its normal?
Did anyone's "secondary payment revived" and "interview status" turn blank? I was complete in July and always had both of those filled it "under review". It's been blank the last two days and when I called they said its normal?
Not to frighten, but others stated that their statuses went blank right before some bad news =(. Not sure if the same happened to people who got IIs...but lets hope!
Not to frighten, but others stated that their statuses went blank right before some bad news =(. Not sure if the same happened to people who got IIs...but lets hope!

Yeah I was thinking the same. I was hoping to find a post about this happening to someone to got an ii :/
Did anyone's "secondary payment revived" and "interview status" turn blank? I was complete in July and always had both of those filled it "under review". It's been blank the last two days and when I called they said its normal?

For me, my "secondary payment received" box is blank but my interview status still says "under review". (I definitely made the payment, I see it here in my bank statement and have the emailed receipt from the UCI cashiers). I was also complete in July.
For those that interviewed this past Monday 9/29, does anyone remember the timeline process for when we should expect to hear back? Feel free to PM me!
Do you know how they take updates? Put down that I was part of this research from September - Expected June 2015. However, I left the research this month, so that part on my activities list, which I submitted a month ago, would be false now.
Plans can change over time, it is fine as long as you didn't know about the changes back when you submitted your expected activities list.
So don't update them about it?
I personally wouldn't update just to let a school know about a negative change and also because I have multiple activities so no one activity for me is all encompassing. You should try to pick up another activity soon to replace the one that ended so if you do decide to update schools, it would be a more neutral or positive update.
Has anyone gotten an II since early September?
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i tried to look for it on the secondary, but i could not find it. did i just miss it?
It's listed under the instructions:

"4. Permanent Residents or Approved DACA Applicants
- Applicants who are Permanent Residents must submit a copy of their Green Card in
order for their application to be considered complete. "
Anyone from the 9/15 interview date remember what Dr. Peterson said about decisions? I vaguely remember end of October but am not sure if she meant that we would hear back at that time or before then...
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It's listed under the instructions:

"4. Permanent Residents or Approved DACA Applicants
- Applicants who are Permanent Residents must submit a copy of their Green Card in
order for their application to be considered complete. "
Thank you! I missed that for some stupid reason.
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