2021-2022 Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine (DMU-COM)

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The Real PG
Staff member
10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator when the secondary prompt is posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

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incoming M1 here! lmk if i can be of any help throughout this crazy process 🙂
I just had a question regarding the local GPA, I'm not too sure how it is calculated. It differs from from my AACOMAS gpa which is the only reason I am wondering.
I just had a question regarding the local GPA, I'm not too sure how it is calculated. It differs from from my AACOMAS gpa which is the only reason I am wondering.
if i remember correctly, the local GPA is calculated from your last 60 credit hours!
Weird but not bad. There's a practice exam for it on their website that's pretty close to the real deal. Scores aren't released for my test until end of July so can't really speak on how to prepare for it effectively other than use the practice test.
How is it? I take it in 3 weeks

Weird but not bad. There's a practice exam for it on their website that's pretty close to the real deal. Scores aren't released for my test until end of July so can't really speak on how to prepare for it effectively other than use the practice test.
Agreed. It's a strange test, but you can't do much to prepare for it. All I did was look through the sample scenarios. I get my results on July 19, so until then I have no idea if I approached it correctly or not.

Also, if you've taken a ProctorU test before, prepare for their standard requirements. That is, nothing on your desk, have to show a 360° of the room, have to use a mirror or a phone in selfie mode to show your computer screen, etc. They even made me move seats so that the entrance door was over my shoulder and in the camera frame.
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Since DMU has their secondary as part of the primary, what is DMU sending out? Still haven't gotten a received confirmation yet.
I thought SJT was easier than CASPER, but I anticipate a lower score because of how subjective the "right" answer is.
Do we have to take SJT? Or are we able to substitute our Casper score?
Do we have to take SJT? Or are we able to substitute our Casper score?
You cannot substitute one for the other, and you cannot send either score to a school that does not accept it. DMU "strongly encourages" applicants to take the SJT, but it is not strictly required. That said, it is free and only takes about an hour to complete. You would be ill-advised not to do it. Even a lower percentile score would probably be less harmful than no score at all.
Where does it say that DMU recommends the SJT, and where can I take it?
Where does it say that DMU recommends the SJT, and where can I take it?
Google AAMC SJT. Everything is done through the AAMC's website. It lists the schools on there that want it this year; there are only about a half dozen combined allopathic and osteopathic.
Did everyone do SJT test? Is it necessary? I know it’s not mandatory but want to gauge whether we should or not. I completed Casper but doesn’t seem they take that
Did everyone do SJT test? Is it necessary? I know it’s not mandatory but want to gauge whether we should or not. I completed Casper but doesn’t seem they take that
I did. It's free and doesn't require any prep so I figured I might as well.
Did everyone do SJT test? Is it necessary? I know it’s not mandatory but want to gauge whether we should or not. I completed Casper but doesn’t seem they take that
It took me 45 minutes to do. Nothing too crazy.
Anyone else still not complete? I set up my portal 6/25 and the "DMU Initial Review of Application Items" is still not received.
I thiiiiiink I'm marked complete- but do you have to finish SJT before being fully complete/getting an interview?
just got marked complete after 2 and a half week of submitting. I took the SJT yesterday so def don't need it to be complete
Do y’all think it’s worth applying here without taking the SJT? 3.7+/513, like the school a lot but the proctoring of SJT makes me uneasy
Do y’all think it’s worth applying here without taking the SJT? 3.7+/513, like the school a lot but the proctoring of SJT makes me uneasy
I just took it today. The proctoring sucks but if you have good internet, it’s no biggie. It only takes 75 minutes to finish and you get your score back quick. Only thing is that if you register now, your score won’t be sent until probably September.