2022-2023 Einstein

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Does anyone know when the white coat ceremony is this year?
Typically it happens around the second week of August. Last year it was on Wednesday, August 10th so I'm guessing this year it'll be on Wednesday August 9th. However, Einstein tends to do a week of activities leading up to the first week of class around (Monday of the third week). So safest bet is to have from August 6th and on free.

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Is it a bad sign that I didn't get a "still interested email"? I interviewed about a month ago - no decision yet. Hoping that this email only went to people who either interviewed much earlier and/or people on WL
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Is it a bad sign that I didn't get a "still interested email"? I interviewed about a month ago - no decision yet. Hoping that this email only went to people who either interviewed much earlier and/or people on WL
Pretty sure this only goes out to people who have already received a decision back and were WL. When you get a rolling admissions email, they ask you to email them "your thoughts about possibly attending Einstein" and then, once you do so, they send you the follow-up "still interested email," which essentially says (paraphrasing) "hey, you expressed interest, are you still interested and is this your top choice; if so, email us".
Did anyone receive the “commit to enroll elsewhere” email? I’m so confused I don’t understand what it means and what they want us to respond with??
Did anyone receive the “commit to enroll elsewhere” email? I’m so confused I don’t understand what it means and what they want us to respond with??
same!! And they just sent that other "still interested" email that I already responded to
Did anyone receive the “commit to enroll elsewhere” email? I’m so confused I don’t understand what it means and what they want us to respond with??
Im not 100% sure but I just stated I have another acceptance but the deadline to commit is late, so I want to hold my spot at Einstein?
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Did anyone receive the “commit to enroll elsewhere” email? I’m so confused I don’t understand what it means and what they want us to respond with??
I think it’s for the people who have an A somewhere else and they have to commit today but they still want to remain on Einstein WL.
Im not 100% sure but I just stated I have another acceptance but the deadline to commit is late, so I want to hold my spot at Einstein?
Ok this is what I thought as well but I wasn’t 100% sure that’s what they wanted from us. Thank you!
I think it’s for the people who have an A somewhere else and they have to commit today but they still want to remain on Einstein WL.
I have an A somewhere but I don't have to commit to them just plan to enroll, do you think they would still want an email?
I have an A somewhere but I don't have to commit to them just plan to enroll, do you think they would still want an email?
I think they only get notified once we select commit to enroll in CYMS, could be wrong tho but IMO wouldn’t hurt to reply to that email if that’s the case.
I have an A somewhere but I don't have to commit to them just plan to enroll, do you think they would still want an email?
You could just say you don’t have an early commit to enroll to report.
Post II R this morning. Kind of sad but relieved to know that my application cycle is over and I know where I am matriculating. Best of luck everyone you got this!
any late interviewers (march april) that didn't get any sort of communication post interview whatsoever?
Anyone who interviewed on or around 3/24 hear anything back yet? Haven't even gotten a waitlist email or anything
Same for me. Do we think they're going to wait until next week for any acceptances?
Possibly. Apparently there was a CYMS glitch which caused a huge delay in waitlist movement. It was fixed four days ago so I guess early next week might be the earliest we’ll hear back? Idk
Anyone who interviewed in april hear back about anything yet?
Congrats to all who were accepted! Would love to know when did yall interview and did you all receive the still interested email?
Congrats to all who were accepted! Would love to know when did yall interview and did you all receive the still interested email?
Interviewed 3/10 -> hpwl ("rolling admissions waitlist" email) 4/20 -> still interested email 4/26 (i replied to the rolling admissions email on 4/26 and had an immediate reply and was sent the still interested email same day) -> accepted 05/10
congrats to all those accepted! Did they give you a deadline to decide by?