2023-2024 Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine (ARCOM)

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The Real PG
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10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Received email today saying app was received and its under review.
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What do they consider as "Science Electives" when you apply?
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What do they consider as "Science Electives" when you apply?
Any science class that is not a medical school prerequisite. Some examples from the top of my head: zoology, marine biology, botany, undergraduate research, neuroscience, virology, bioinformatics, ecology, biophysics, anthropology, etc…
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Remember that not everyone gets a secondary here. If you get a secondary, it usually means that you are getting interviewed.
Good luck to you all this cycle!
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Remember that not everyone gets a secondary here. If you get a secondary, it usually means that you are getting interviewed.
Good luck to you all this cycle!
Neat! Could one wait months for a secondary? I received the review email on June 20…and silence since then.
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Just got an II this morning. My first and definitely a good feeling!
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When did you get a secondary?
I received and sent it in on July 7th. But I forgot the technical standards pdf so I sent that over the weekend. They told me they received it and attached it to my file. About 3-4 hours after that I got the II.
Is anyone experiencing issues with the secondary website?? They sent me a link, but I can't even get to the prompts or see the secondary application at all.
Are you using chrome? Also, if you can’t find it, it’s in the events tab on the website.
Kinda worried right now... I haven't got a secondary yet ☠️
Stats were 505 (125, 122, 130, 128), cGPA: 3.76.... not sure if there is some hidden red flag?? Lowkey $hitting my pants.

Edit: I emailed just to check if I missed an email since they said some of their emails don't get sent - they said they're still so early in the process and haven't sent anything yet! :D
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Kinda worried right now... I haven't got a secondary yet ☠️
Stats were 505 (125, 122, 130, 128), cGPA: 3.76.... not sure if there is some hidden red flag?? Lowkey $hitting my pants.

Edit: I emailed just to check if I missed an email since they said some of their emails don't get sent - they said they're still so early in the process and haven't sent anything yet! :D
My SDN friend, you are more than your stats! I have been personally told at both an MD school and a few DO schools they are holistic and don’t want one problem stat to get in the way of a quality future physician. A lot of us would kill for your stat line!

I have a 123 in b/b which sucks and got an interview! Your 130 is going to impress the right person somewhere. It impressed me! Keep us in the loop!
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My SDN friend, you are more than your stats! I have been personally told at both an MD school and a few DO schools they are holistic and don’t want one problem stat to get in the way of a quality future physician. A lot of us would kill for your stat line!

I have a 123 in b/b which sucks and got an interview! Your 130 is going to impress the right person somewhere. It impressed me! Keep us in the loop!
Wow, this made me tear up a bit. Thank you so much. So many people have told me not to apply MD and ngl, I have delayed my app on it because my 122 in CARS. Everyone has been saying it will close doors and to try DO. I appreciate you so much and I am wishing you the best 💕 You're going to be the best doc out there.
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Wow, this made me tear up a bit. Thank you so much. So many people have told me not to apply MD and ngl, I have delayed my app on it because my 122 in CARS. Everyone has been saying it will close doors and to try DO. I appreciate you so much and I am wishing you the best 💕 You're going to be the best doc out there.
I want a doctor that’s had to push through problems! You’re going to be that kind of doctor. Good luck Moonpie! If we aren’t in class together maybe I’ll see you in residency 😉
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Remember that not everyone gets a secondary here. If you get a secondary, it usually means that you are getting interviewed.
Good luck to you all this cycle!
You don't even know how much hope you gave my non-traditional, old-ass, 498-496 MCAT self with that comment. :rofl: Received secondary 4 days ago, submitted today. Keeping my fingers crossed.. I really thought I would get screened out.
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You don't even know how much hope you gave my non-traditional, old-ass, 498-496 MCAT self with that comment. :rofl: Received secondary 4 days ago, submitted today. Keeping my fingers crossed.. I really thought I would get screened out.
Are you me? Non trad ...old ass... 497 Mcat.... 🧐... Praying for secondary here.
Are you me? Non trad ...old ass... 497 Mcat.... 🧐... Praying for secondary here.
Hey, at least you didn't retake and do worse :claps:They seem to be pretty holistic in their review. My GPA is really good, but I've taken the majority of my classes online. I do have a ton of high level management/leadership experience and some cool ECs so I'm guessing those are what made them take a closer look at me and send me a secondary. I really like this school..I'm trying not to get ahead of myself but I'm really hoping for an interview.. I hope you get your secondary soon!
Does anyone know how long after you submitted your primary until you got your secondary?
Does anyone know how long after you submitted your primary until you got your secondary?
Impossible to tell. It could be today or all the way in March or never. They only send secondaries to people they actually will interview which is why applicants get interview invites usually just hours (up to 2 days max) after submitting their secondaries.
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Has anyone submitted the additional essays & requirement waiver request form? I’m wondering about how long it usually takes between sending that in and hearing back.
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Has anyone submitted the additional essays & requirement waiver request form? I’m wondering about how long it usually takes between sending that in and hearing back.
For me the turnaround was about 3 days.
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Has anyone submitted the additional essays & requirement waiver request form? I’m wondering about how long it usually takes between sending that in and hearing back.
Did you have to email them for the requirement waiver form? And did you only send it in after you got a secondary?
Did anyone have to submit the waiver form? how long after you submitted that did you receive your secondary?
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I open the events tab, and it only shows me workshops and such. I don't see any secondary prompts or even a place to submit
Hmm. You can wait the 24 hours for the actual link. But I followed these instructions to complete my secondary,

“If you do not receive email instruction within 24 hours after this notification, please visit https://explore.acheedu.org/, complete the form using the email address on your AACOMAS application and following the instructions. Once logged in, you should see a "Secondary Application" link on the left.”

If that doesn’t work, I’d call and ask for them to email the link. They are very nice. The secondary is REALLY important here because that means you’re pretty much getting an II. I got my II the next business day after submitting. But only after I completed the secondary AND completed the technical standards pdf.
Hoping to get a secondary with my low gpa 😬 does Casper matter? Wondering if taking it would make a big difference or not
Had my interview today! The interview and entire day is so relaxed and everybody is so friendly! They told us to expect decisions in about a month.
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Has anyone not received a secondary yet?
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People literally have interviewed already. Read the comment above yours.
Right… but that wasn’t my question. I asked if anyone had not received a secondary yet. Just because people have interviewed doesn’t mean others haven’t received their secondaries.
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Right… but that wasn’t my question. I asked if anyone had not received a secondary yet. Just because people have interviewed doesn’t mean others haven’t received their secondaries.
Ok got it. In this case just FYI, it’s been mentioned before that ARCOM only sends secondaries to people they plan to 100% interview. So if they interviewed, they received a secondary. Everyone else will not receive a secondary.
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Ok got it. In this case just FYI, it’s been mentioned before that ARCOM only sends secondaries to people they plan to 100% interview. So if they interviewed, they received a secondary. Everyone else will not receive a secondary.
Does this mean they are done sending secondaries?
Does this mean they are done sending secondaries?
No, they review apps throughout the cycle. If they deem that they want to interview you, they can send you a secondary at any time in the cycle (from today till March/April).
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