2023-2024 Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM)

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That’s what happens when you have a minimum 500 MCAT for a brand new school… SMH
MCAT of 500 can get you in few DO schools that are up and running for a while and where one can have access to Federal loans. Heard that the DEAN of OCOM [he was ex DEAN at ICOM earlier] has mandated this minimum 500 requirement. Plus OCOM will have virtual anatomy and no lectures, most likely students will be given some online content to study on their own.

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Those who have gotten off the WL, what time have you been getting calls/emails? I need to know when you’ll give up hope for the day lol
Those who have gotten off the WL, what time have you been getting calls/emails? I need to know when you’ll give up hope for the day lol
Please don’t ever give up hope 🙁 I actually got the email at like 6:40 pm (I’m in EST though) so that’s prob around 3-4pm in NM. I then got the call like 20-30 minutes later at around 7 pm EST. Hope this helps!
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Congrats all!! Anyone else waiting to hear back for WL? & Did they specify campus?
Does anyone know how many spots are left in their NM & FL campus and how big the WL is? Interviewed on Monday 5/31.
Recently submitted my secondary... am i cooked?
You may need to put on some seasoning and flip yourself 😭 But in all seriousness, I’m not saying it’s impossible to get an II and an A, the odds aren’t exactly in your favor when submitting a secondary this late in this current cycle.
Hey around what time do they usually send out decisions? I interviewed 5/13 and they said they'd send out decisions in 2 weeks but I haven't seen anything yet
Hey around what time do they usually send out decisions? I interviewed 5/13 and they said they'd send out decisions in 2 weeks but I haven't seen anything yet
You’ll probably get your decision tomorrow with (or before) us 5/14ers since they were out of office today. I’m just assuming tho. Good luck!
if we even get them today, it feels like we won’t tbh
I know some of the people who interviewed months ago received their decisions around 7 PM EST so there's still a chance we'll hear back today. but yeah if we don't receive anything within the next hour then I'm afraid we won't hear back until tomorrow/later this week :/