2023-2024 Cincinnati

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Not my fight, but how is the size of an accepted students GroupMe this late in the admissions cycle not something read into when the Dean has given a figure for target class size?
!! It's literally an accepted students group lmao.. But perhaps I was being too pessimistic, the count may include some people that have withdrawn but haven't left the chat. Also, the count could potentially go down everyday as students withdraw later than the may 15 deadline.

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I don’t think people automatically remember to leave the group chat after they’ve withdrawn and I don’t think Cincinnati accepts more than their class size at once so they wouldn’t just have 20 extra students that they accidentally accepted. So hopes can still be up a little! I’m sure if they started accepting the waitlisted students someone would message here (I hope lol).
I don’t think people automatically remember to leave the group chat after they’ve withdrawn and I don’t think Cincinnati accepts more than their class size at once so they wouldn’t just have 20 extra students that they accidentally accepted. So hopes can still be up a little! I’m sure if they started accepting the waitlisted students someone would message here (I hope lol).
thanks. you just made my day with that perspective lol.
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Oh no. Definitely not the news I was hoping for. I thought today was the deadline and we would see a huge drop. Im not sure if we should still be hopeful. Around this time last year i think there were only 150 members in the group me ( based on SDN lurking). Class size is 180 so what happens to the excess 20 students accepted
I will also add that I think the SDN thread from last year was referring to the Facebook group not the group me. The current Facebook group is at 155 members (considerably less than the GroupMe). Not sure if this means anything but thought I'd throw it out there.
Hope more people have dropped as well!! I believe The fb group is lower
Has anybody tried to email and see if they plan to pull form the WL this year??


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Def good news but yeah so damn late I’m annoyed. I wake up every day hoping today might be it lol
Wait would we have time to find somewhere to live if we get off the waitlist in late June or July? I still really really hope I get in but def a concern also if I get in I need to take out loans to pay tuition man. Would love for them to speed this up so I know what to do with my life
also does anyone know if some people dont follow the april 30th deadline and continue to hold more than one acceptance??
This is actually too much, I’m just confused on what’s the holdup now. The PTE deadline has passed and many people have withdrawn.

How do u know many people have withdrawn? Group me hasn’t really changed
Got in touch with admissions, they said that for the first time they have given out too many spots and people arent dropping. There may be no WL movement at all this year. Possibly some (slim possibility tbh, correlates with group me number) in 2 weeks.
Got in touch with admissions, they said that for the first time they have given out too many spots and people arent dropping. There may be no WL movement at all this year. Possibly some (slim possibility tbh, correlates with group me number) in 2 weeks.
Did they send you an email? Any chance you can include a picture of what they sent if you feel comfortable with that?
They did but I’d rather not share. What I said was pretty much their comment aside from the group me
why in two weeks? this is so disheartening to hear tbh struggling to have hope but then also being realistic about reapplying
why in two weeks? this is so disheartening to hear tbh struggling to have hope but then also being realistic about reapplying

I’m lowkey devastated. Possibly in 2 weeks with the possibility of current admits dropping their acceptance because as of rn no one is dropping.
I heard that an email was sent to current admits asking to drop if they aren’t planning to attend. I wonder if group me has changed at all after that?
A current friend of mine is attending Cincinnati this fall. They mentioned 2x the normal acceptances were handed out this year. So... it seems like waitlist movement is going to be small.
Did they announce something about the waitlist? Did I miss something?