2023-2024 Drexel

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2023-2024 Drexel Secondary Essay Prompts
  1. Please discuss all of your current and recent activities and engagements that have prepared you for medical school. Please be sure to include any traditional and/or non-traditional clinical exposures and volunteering experiences that you have done that are not already included in your application. (2000 characters)
  2. Why are you interested in Drexel? Please also explain how you meet various elements of our mission - compassionate care, diversity, spirited inquiry, collaboration, and opportunity. (1500 characters)
  3. (optional) Please describe any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your medical or non-medical service experiences, including any circumstances that impacted your engagement in activities, academics, and MCAT that would have helped to prepare you for medical school. (1500 characters)

Good luck to everyone applying!

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+1 OOS secondary received 7/10/23

  1. Please discuss all of your current and recent activities and engagements that have prepared you for medical school. Please be sure to include any traditional and/or non-traditional clinical exposures and volunteering experiences that you have done that are not already included in your application. 2000 characters
  2. Why are you interested in Drexel? Please also explain how you meet various elements of our mission - compassionate care, diversity, spirited inquiry, collaboration, and opportunity. 1500 characters
  3. Please describe any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your medical or non-medical service experiences, including any circumstances that impacted your engagement in activities, academics, and MCAT that would have helped to prepare you for medical school. 1500 characters
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+1 OOS secondary received 7/10/23

  1. Please discuss all of your current and recent activities and engagements that have prepared you for medical school. Please be sure to include any traditional and/or non-traditional clinical exposures and volunteering experiences that you have done that are not already included in your application. 2000 characters
  2. Why are you interested in Drexel? Please also explain how you meet various elements of our mission - compassionate care, diversity, spirited inquiry, collaboration, and opportunity. 1500 characters
  3. Please describe any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your medical or non-medical service experiences, including any circumstances that impacted your engagement in activities, academics, and MCAT that would have helped to prepare you for medical school. 1500 characters
+1 OOS
Just to confirm, third prompt is required and not optional?
for prompt one, are they asking for a full summary recap of my activity section? I have like one other minor experience not included in my activities section, but not sure what else to write about except to repeat what I already wrote....
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for prompt one, are they asking for a full summary recap of my activity section? I have like one other minor experience not included in my activities section, but not sure what else to write about except to repeat what I already wrote....
please read the entire question and you will know what to do.
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Sorry, I didn't mean to be a snarky. I read that prompt as saying to just include the activities/experiences you've done after submitting your primary application.
? That doesn’t make sense we submitted our primary app a month ago what could’ve possibly changed since then
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? That doesn’t make sense we submitted our primary app a month ago what could’ve possibly changed since then
I started my gap year job so I was going to primarily talk about that and no other activities since I didn't include it on my primary.
? That doesn’t make sense we submitted our primary app a month ago what could’ve possibly changed since then
Actually a month is enough time to get a lot of hours in continuing to volunteer and start a job, among other things. It seems to me, that's what they're asking for, activities not in primary.
Actually a month is enough time to get a lot of hours in continuing to volunteer and start a job, among other things. It seems to me, that's what they're asking for, activities not in primary.
hmm that's an odd question than bc for most of us that took at least one gap year just continued our life as usual since a month ago with stuff that's already on primary lmao... i guess i have to contact admissions
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hmm that's an odd question than bc for most of us that took at least one gap year just continued our life as usual since a month ago with stuff that's already on primary lmao... i guess i have to contact admissions
Would you mind posting about it after you get a response please? It would be so helpful!
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Is it normal that I still didnt recieve OOS secondary? anyone else?
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Are we supposed to upload a photo for Drexel? Next to my name it says no photo, but I don't see anywhere to upload it- also is anyone uploading the optional CV?
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hmm that's an odd question than bc for most of us that took at least one gap year just continued our life as usual since a month ago with stuff that's already on primary lmao... i guess i have to contact admissions
Did you ever get an answer from the admissions office about this?
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just checked, it is optional. first two are required.
I'm not seeing where it says optional? Just wanna double check before I leave it blank 😅
i submitted a letter packet that includes a committee letter as well as individual letters. does anyone know if i should check that i’m including a committee letter or a letter packet from school letter service? i emailed admissions but thought i would ask here too if anyone knows
i submitted a letter packet that includes a committee letter as well as individual letters. does anyone know if i should check that i’m including a committee letter or a letter packet from school letter service? i emailed admissions but thought i would ask here too if anyone knows
When you say you submitted it, do you mean your school uploaded it to AMCAS? If so, that's just considered a committee letter. A standard committee letter includes with it individual letters of recommendation from professors/etc.
kinda stressed... still no secondaries even though I was verified 6/7
anyone have any general advice as to how to approach the first question? not sure if I should mention any current activities that are already on my primaryI
I talked about the activities that were on my primary that I am still doing, as well as my gap year job. A lot of people on here seem to be reading the second sentence as "only talk about new stuff", but I am reading it as "oh also please be extra sure to mention new stuff bc we wanna know about it".
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So the first question is basically asking to describe any activities you've done, and then also include any new ones that you started since submitting the primary. All my activities are already in my primary app and I've just been continuing them. I haven't started anything new. I'm just going to repeat everything on my primary basically.
I just did new takeaways/approaches to discussing activities already mentioned on my primary, and how they specifically made me sure medicine was for me/how they would make me a good med student
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When you say you submitted it, do you mean your school uploaded it to AMCAS? If so, that's just considered a committee letter. A standard committee letter includes with it individual letters of recommendation from professors/etc.
thanks for your reply! i did hear back from admissions saying i should select “compilation letters,” however they also said “The classification does not have much effect on your application, so it is nothing to stress about.”
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