2023-2024 North Carolina - Chapel Hill

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in light of transparency, just got the R. Best of luck to everyone on the waitlist!
Zero reflection of you as an applicant. Hang in there friend, try to keep your head high and best of luck xoxo

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Zero reflection of you as an applicant. Hang in there friend, try to keep your head high and best of luck xoxo
Was the only interview I had this cycle so definitely stings a little harder but I appreciate you so much.. we don’t even know each other but the camaraderie I’ve felt from this thread is unmatched.. just goes to show with your message so again I thank you and can’t wait for all of us to be physicians! Sat in my **** for about an hour and a half and then opened up my mcat books for a retake to be more competitive. Might have lost the battle but the war wages on haha! Best of luck to you too!!
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Was the only interview I had this cycle so definitely stings a little harder but I appreciate you so much.. we don’t even know each other but the camaraderie I’ve felt from this thread is unmatched.. just goes to show with your message so again I thank you and can’t wait for all of us to be physicians! Sat in my **** for about an hour and a half and then opened up my mcat books for a retake to be more competitive. Might have lost the battle but the war wages on haha! Best of luck to you too!!

Best of luck with your MCAT retake. You can also email Ms Reid and go over your application and what you lacked so you can make it even stronger for the next time you apply
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Not sure if this is allowed, but if any admitted student (up to 3) need housing close to UNC campus, please DM me!
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I’m wondering how many people would get off the waitlist. Since there is 220 spots this year, my guess is maybe 20-30 people get off the waitlist. I don’t know how different this year’s cycle is to past year’s cycles for people to have multiple acceptances and withdraw from UNC.
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I’m wondering how many people would get off the waitlist. Since there is 220 spots this year, my guess is maybe 20-30 people get off the waitlist. I don’t know how different this year’s cycle is to past year’s cycles for people to have multiple acceptances and withdraw from UNC.
I think in 2021 66 people got off the waitlist. According to the 2023 data 72 got off the waitlist. So movement is going to happen BUT I don't know how many people are on the waitlist right now. if theres around 300 then thats less than a 25% chance of coming off.
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I think in 2021 66 people got off the waitlist. According to the 2023 data 72 got off the waitlist. So movement is going to happen BUT I don't know how many people are on the waitlist right now. if theres around 300 then thats less than a 25% chance of coming off.
I also noticed in years past, they loaded up the waitlist due to concerns of COVID. This cycle should definitely be completely different; I don’t think there’s 300 people on the waitlist but I could be wrong…
I also noticed in years past, they loaded up the waitlist due to concerns of COVID. This cycle should definitely be completely different; I don’t think there’s 300 people on the waitlist but I could be wrong…
yeah I agree. I personally knew like 8 people on the waitlist during COVID and none of them came off of it.
ECU waitlists 100-150 students so we can assume UNC is waitlisting 200-250?
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How sure are we about these numbers? also when is the deadline for students to commit to one school? im guessing thats when we will see movement?
How sure are we about these numbers? also when is the deadline for students to commit to one school? im guessing thats when we will see movement?
April 30th. Also UNC only initially accepts their class size and then accepts the rest from the waitlist, I got this information with someone who works with admissions. Also, the acceptance data is public so I just subtracted the class size from the accepted and that's how I got the numbers.
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April 30th. Also UNC only initially accepts their class size and then accepts the rest from the waitlist, I got this information with someone who works with admissions. Also, the acceptance data is public so I just subtracted the class size from the accepted and that's how I got the numbers.
I see, so are we thinking there will be more movement than previous years due to class size increase?
It seems like a lot more people are on the waitlist this year compared to previous years, that doesn’t necessarily mean more waitlist movement for those of us on it though. So probably 30-50 will get pulled off out of the almost 300 that are on there. These are all just spitball numbers
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Wow do they really waitlist almost 300 applicants? That’s so many 😵‍💫

My assumption is they have sent out approximately 215 offers (to fill the “class size”) and there will likely be around 65 offers off the waitlist based on previous years’ acceptance data. Assuming they will give out around 280 As this year (based on the offer to matriculant ratios).
Wow do they really waitlist almost 300 applicants? That’s so many 😵‍💫

My assumption is they have sent out approximately 215 offers (to fill the “class size”) and there will likely be around 65 offers off the waitlist based on previous years’ acceptance data. Assuming they will give out around 280 As this year (based on the offer to matriculant ratios).
65 also seems consistent with the data from 2022 (66) and 2023 (72), conservative even
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Also, did anyone else notice that Brody’s Dean of admissions used to serve on UNC’s adcom? His pictures are on UNC’s website haha
Yup dr bright left unc to be the dean of admissions at ecu. He also used to work with the MED program
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Has anyone had the school added to the choose your medical school tab on AMCAS yet?
It's at 180, but I assume there are lot who were accepted that do not use facebook.
I was thinking that the people who didn't join it might be considering other options and might be waiting until April 30th. Everyone has a facebook. April 30th needs to hurry up lol.
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I was thinking that the people who didn't join it might be considering other options and might be waiting until April 30th. Everyone has a facebook. April 30th needs to hurry up lol.
Do you think they might start accepting off the waitlist after April 15? Since that’s the initial narrow down deadline. (I realize post-April 30 will probably lead to the most offers, though.)
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Does anyone know when scholarship determinations are typically made/ what the turnaround time is after submitting the scholarship application?
Does anyone know when scholarship determinations are typically made/ what the turnaround time is after submitting the scholarship application?
Received a call this morning about receiving a scholarship. I wasnt able to answer, so thats all the info I have right now. Submitted the app maybe a month ago? Accepted in December.

EDIT: UNC called back and offered a full tuition scholarship. Shocked and incredibly grateful.
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Received a call this morning about receiving a scholarship. I wasnt able to answer, so thats all the info I have right now. Submitted the app maybe a month ago? Accepted in December.
I received a call and was able to answer.
Submitted application in january
Accepted in January
Friend received a call this morning about a full tuition scholarship…. Fingers crossed the rest of us hear back about aid soon.
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Just checking that we aren't supposed to receive any kind of confirmation when we accept our spot on the waitlist? I'm getting paranoid lol
you were accepted off the waitlist or are you asking if there is a notification we get when we come off the waitlist?
neither. I'm making sure when we accepted our spot ON the waitlist (that needs to be done by 4/8) that they didn't send any kind of confirmation of doing that.
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Did they give out more information at second look regarding when financial aid notifications would be released?
Did they give out more information at second look regarding when financial aid notifications would be released?
Not really that I can remember. They basically said that with FAFSA being delayed, it could take until the beginning of the semester, but to keep an eye on our emails for any further info.
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Not really that I can remember. They basically said that with FAFSA being delayed, it could take until the beginning of the semester, but to keep an eye on our emails for any further info.
Was this inclusive of merit or need-based aid? It's hard to imagine that they would delay aid offers when some may be using the price tag as a key deciding factor.
The scholarship representative stated that they are starting to send scholarship notifications. They said that the majority of recipients will be notified in the next 1.5 months but you could hear back as late as July depending.
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Is anyone else waitlisted but doesnt see UNC on the choose your med school tool? The other school I’m waitlisted at is on there as “Alternate List”.