2023-24 Duquesne University College of Osteopathic Medicine (Pittsburgh)

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I'm kinda in the same boat with you in terms of similar stats, any idea as to why other schools haven't bitten yet? do you think maybe it was your writing, clinical hours, interview, etc?
almost certain i know why: late submissions

i’ve always had problems with only being able to do things last minute, especially when it comes to writing-based tasks (e.g. applications). i knew that applying early was important from the beginning, but i ended up completing almost every secondary on the due date in both cycles (22-23 & 23-24)

this cycle i submitted my TMDSAS & AMCAS primary in september with both verified in october. AACOMAS primary was submitted/verified in november. secondaries for all schools were completed october-february

i have completed four other interviews which i’m waiting to hear back from (i had one interview last cycle)

i will say that i think my writing and clinical experiences (or lack thereof) have improved significantly since my first cycle (i think they were my greatest downfall in my first cycle, other than my late submissions), and i’m confident in saying that this made a huge difference in the number of interviews i got this year. i’m also willing to bet that if i had applied earlier, i probably would’ve had an even more successful cycle

all that to say: some of my schools probably haven’t even reviewed my written app yet lol but i have a good feeling with how my other interviews went and am expecting at least one additional acceptance this cycle

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IS WL with strong ties to Duquesne 😭. Interview went very well and I loved the staff so this one hurt a bit!
WL but that was expected as my interview invite stated that it was for a waitlist seat :)
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i received an interview invite about 2 days after my secondary! submitted a late secondary (mostly because i forgot). interviewed recently and all the staff were SUPER friendly!
hey guys, was wondering if anyone else had any advice on what to do or had a similar experience to me. I interviewed on 1/23, it’s been almost 7 weeks and I haven’t heard back. During the interview they didn’t state that the class was full yet and said there were a few openings left. Saw someone on this thread with the same interview date who’s already heard back. Any advice on what to do?
hey guys, was wondering if anyone else had any advice on what to do or had a similar experience to me. I interviewed on 1/23, it’s been almost 7 weeks and I haven’t heard back. During the interview they didn’t state that the class was full yet and said there were a few openings left. Saw someone on this thread with the same interview date who’s already heard back. Any advice on what to do?
If you check your portal, you might see the decision there. I don’t think they personally email or call everyone about their A, WL or R.
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If you check your portal, you might see the decision there. I don’t think they personally email or call everyone about their A, WL or R.
Unfortunately I’ve been checking the portal frequently and there’s been no updates :/
OOS in-person II today..

Does anyone know how waitlist movement has been? The email said that all interviews are for waitlist positions now so I don't necessarily want to spend the time/money to travel for an in-person interview if there is barely any waitlist movement going on.
OOS in-person II today..

Does anyone know how waitlist movement has been? The email said that all interviews are for waitlist positions now so I don't necessarily want to spend the time/money to travel for an in-person interview if there is barely any waitlist movement going on.
You can request for a virtual interview. I did because I had the same issue. My interview was over Zoom.
Just withdrew my acceptance/deposit. Hoping it goes to someone here, best of luck everyone!
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so, reading this, are there any requirements for the preferential admissions like u have to get a 3.5 in the masters? certain mcat requirements to get into the med school after completing their masters? anyone know? because the website for the master's is really barebones.
Currently in the mbs program. there isn’t much info. if u can message me here feel free not sure if that’s possible if not u can on reddit my @ is mycoolalterego2000
did you ever get an answer
very hard cut off. There’s no way around it. The requirements have changed for this throughout this application cycle but now, if you don’t have a 500 you don’t even get a secondary. current MBS student at duqcom .
hey guys, was wondering if anyone else had any advice on what to do or had a similar experience to me. I interviewed on 1/23, it’s been almost 7 weeks and I haven’t heard back. During the interview they didn’t state that the class was full yet and said there were a few openings left. Saw someone on this thread with the same interview date who’s already heard back. Any advice on what to do?
if you have other acceptances, I would look at those. The waitlist is very extensive in current students, and their mbs program are still waiting to be accepted even. their communication is interesting - someone who has been an MBS student at the medical school this year
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I see some conversation about DUQ but not much. It seems to not have a lot of the negatives of newer DO schools.:

- FAFSA eligibility
- rotations already being set up nearby in Pitt area and in Philly
- reputable leadership and professors from other top DO programs
- non-profit status

DUQ would be very convenient as I already live in the area so I'm trying to find reasons why I SHOULDN'T apply there.

Anyone have any deeper insight, esp from members of the inaugural class / those who interviewed for it this year?
Haven't heard anything from them after getting on the waitlist except for an email about the MBS program (which I took as a rejection?) but when I checked my portal today I see this payment due notice for enrollment? Is this for the MBS program or what? there's nothing else on the screen that says what this is for lol


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Haven't heard anything from them after getting on the waitlist except for an email about the MBS program (which I took as a rejection?) but when I checked my portal today I see this payment due notice for enrollment? Is this for the MBS program or what? there's nothing else on the screen that says what this is for lol
It's $1500 deposit to enroll at the DO program. You should prob call tomorrow and check your spam.
Haven't heard anything from them after getting on the waitlist except for an email about the MBS program (which I took as a rejection?) but when I checked my portal today I see this payment due notice for enrollment? Is this for the MBS program or what? there's nothing else on the screen that says what this is for lol
Congrats! Pretty sure that means you've been accepted!!!

I would expect a call today. Make sure you're watching for the 412 area code. When I was accepted I never got an email, just a call from the Dean of Admissions. After the call your application portal will be updated with the official letter of admission (if it hasn't been updated already). Under the home tab there's a section for decisions, it will say that you have a status update and there will be a link to view the letter.
Haven't heard anything from them after getting on the waitlist except for an email about the MBS program (which I took as a rejection?) but when I checked my portal today I see this payment due notice for enrollment? Is this for the MBS program or what? there's nothing else on the screen that says what this is for lol
Can I ask when you originally interviewed/waitlisted?
Congrats! Pretty sure that means you've been accepted!!!

I would expect a call today. Make sure you're watching for the 412 area code. When I was accepted I never got an email, just a call from the Dean of Admissions. After the call your application portal will be updated with the official letter of admission (if it hasn't been updated already). Under the home tab there's a section for decisions, it will say that you have a status update and there will be a link to view the letter.
Do you think it’d be a bad idea to send an email after being waitlisted reiterating this is your top choice? Not sure how the committee feels about the emails
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Do you think it’d be a bad idea to send an email after being waitlisted reiterating this is your top choice? Not sure how the committee feels about the emails
I can only speak to my own experience, and I did not send any follow-up after my interview. Personally from my interactions with the administrators, I don't think that they would be opposed to follow-up. They all seemed very driven to recruit students who were genuinely passionate about DUQCOM's mission, so I think that if you frame your follow-up in this way then they would be receptive to a follow-up email.
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Congrats! Pretty sure that means you've been accepted!!!

I would expect a call today. Make sure you're watching for the 412 area code. When I was accepted I never got an email, just a call from the Dean of Admissions. After the call your application portal will be updated with the official letter of admission (if it hasn't been updated already). Under the home tab there's a section for decisions, it will say that you have a status update and there will be a link to view the letter.
Emailed them and it's for the “Next Available Seat” program, so basically if a spot opens up I would be able to join this year's class, otherwise I have a guaranteed acceptance for next year's class. sounds pretty cool but just need to figure out the details like if I can still apply again next cycle or I'm bound by this offer if I accept.
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Just got an email after being waitlisted about joining the MBS program. Assuming this is a nice way of rejecting🙃😅 congrats to everyone in the first class! You all are going to do great!
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Just got an email after being waitlisted about joining the MBS program. Assuming this is a nice way of rejecting🙃😅 congrats to everyone in the first class! You all are going to do great!
I agree with you that it was a nice way of stating that they rejected your application. I received it too but I was not into the school because my MCAT score is below 500. I emailed them back and I informed them that I have already been accepted in more than one school. I do not need no MBA whatever
withdrew my acceptance this morning -- hope it goes to one of you lovely folks!
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Hi! I'm hoping to apply this upcoming cycle. From what I can tell they are graduating their first class this upcoming cycle, do we have any info on the loans available? Are federal loans available? Also, is it OOS friendly?
Hi! I'm hoping to apply this upcoming cycle. From what I can tell they are graduating their first class this upcoming cycle, do we have any info on the loans available? Are federal loans available? Also, is it OOS friendly?
IDK about the loan stuff. but Fall 2024 which is the class of 2028 is their graduating class. they are just starting their first class this year
Anyone get an email asking if they’d like to stay on waitlist?
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Hi! I'm hoping to apply this upcoming cycle. From what I can tell they are graduating their first class this upcoming cycle, do we have any info on the loans available? Are federal loans available? Also, is it OOS friendly?
federal loans are available
I can only speak to my own experience, and I did not send any follow-up after my interview. Personally from my interactions with the administrators, I don't think that they would be opposed to follow-up. They all seemed very driven to recruit students who were genuinely passionate about DUQCOM's mission, so I think that if you frame your follow-up in this way then they would be receptive to a follow-up email.
i’ve commented this on other posts just to make sure others are aware. As an inaugural class mbs student at DUQCOM I too was amazed by the “genuine passion” and the “strong mission” presented during the application process… feel free to message me on Reddit @ mycoolalterego2000 if you have any questions about my experience (I know this is vague But I am not comfortable publicly sharing this info or my opinion however please consider talking to past students here so you are fully informed on what the school entails)
Haven't heard anything from them after getting on the waitlist except for an email about the MBS program (which I took as a rejection?) but when I checked my portal today I see this payment due notice for enrollment? Is this for the MBS program or what? there's nothing else on the screen that says what this is for lol
i’ve commented this on other posts just to make sure others are aware. As an inaugural class mbs student at DUQCOM I am happy to share my honest experience.. feel free to message me on Reddit @ mycoolalterego2000 if you have any questions about my experience (I know this is vague But I am not comfortable publicly sharing this info or my opinion however please consider talking to past students here so you are fully informed on what the school entails) as far as this situation that you are experiencing goes with the ambiguous deposit you can expect a lot more of this if you decide to attend!!
I see some conversation about DUQ but not much. It seems to not have a lot of the negatives of newer DO schools.:

- FAFSA eligibility
- rotations already being set up nearby in Pitt area and in Philly
- reputable leadership and professors from other top DO programs
- non-profit status

DUQ would be very convenient as I already live in the area so I'm trying to find reasons why I SHOULDN'T apply there.

Anyone have any deeper insight, esp from members of the inaugural class / those who interviewed for it this year?
as a past MBS student here, I would absolutely be willing to share why you shouldn’t apply here. I can be reached on Reddit @ mycoolalterego2000😃
I agree with you that it was a nice way of stating that they rejected your application. I received it too but I was not into the school because my MCAT score is below 500. I emailed them back and I informed them that I have already been accepted in more than one school. I do not need no MBA whatever
Emailed them and it's for the “Next Available Seat” program, so basically if a spot opens up I would be able to join this year's class, otherwise I have a guaranteed acceptance for next year's class. sounds pretty cool but just need to figure out the details like if I can still apply again next cycle or I'm bound by this offer if I accept.

I can only speak to my own experience, and I did not send any follow-up after my interview. Personally from my interactions with the administrators, I don't think that they would be opposed to follow-up. They all seemed very driven to recruit students who were genuinely passionate about DUQCOM's mission, so I think that if you frame your follow-up in this way then they would be receptive to a follow-up email.
i’ve commented this on other posts just to make sure others are aware. As an inaugural class mbs student at DUQCOM I too was amazed by the “genuine passion” and the “strong mission” presented during the application process… feel free to message me on Reddit @ mycoolalterego2000 if you have any questions about my experience (I know this is vague But I am not comfortable publicly sharing this info or my opinion however please consider talking to past students here so you are fully informed on what the school entails)