2024-2025 Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine (ARCOM)

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Did you get the actual secondary link? I only got the secondary confirmation email
Yeah, didn't get the actual link for the secondary yet.

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+1 for OOS secondary, and II received shortly after submitting
Which email did you use for submitting the signed technical standards form? I didn't see a specific email so I just sent mine to their general admissions email.
Hey guys I’m an OMS-1 at ARCOM and I remember this blog kept me up at night last cycle, so I wanted to provide a token of hope for those seeking it.

I was a low-stat, OOS applicant and this school took a chance on me. Do not be discouraged by your MCAT score. I can say with confidence this school wholeheartedly takes a holistic approach to admissions and being a “good-fit” within our community is equally/if not more important than your quantitative stats.

I will say however, if this is where you want to go and you feel as though you are in lower-tier of applicants (MCAT + GPA), you MUST make a concerted effort to show sincere interest in the school.

-GO to medical school conferences where ARCOM Adm. members are present. Build connections.

-GO to virtual open houses and be open to conversation.

- GO to campus, get a feel, and ask for a tour of facilities to show your face around.

Any/all opportunities you have to show genuine interest, capitalize on them.

The entire staff and faculty are intimately connected and intertwined. They talk as if they all sleep under the same roof at night. They will notice you. Make your dream a self-fulfilling prophecy and fight for it.

Best of luck to everyone this cycle, and if anyone has questions feel free to PM.
Hey guys I’m an OMS-1 at ARCOM and I remember this blog kept me up at night last cycle, so I wanted to provide a token of hope for those seeking it.

I was a low-stat, OOS applicant and this school took a chance on me. Do not be discouraged by your MCAT score. I can say with confidence this school wholeheartedly takes a holistic approach to admissions and being a “good-fit” within our community is equally/if not more important than your quantitative stats.

I will say however, if this is where you want to go and you feel as though you are in lower-tier of applicants (MCAT + GPA), you MUST make a concerted effort to show sincere interest in the school.

-GO to medical school conferences where ARCOM Adm. members are present. Build connections.

-GO to virtual open houses and be open to conversation.

- GO to campus, get a feel, and ask for a tour of facilities to show your face around.

Any/all opportunities you have to show genuine interest, capitalize on them.

The entire staff and faculty are intimately connected and intertwined. They talk as if they all sleep under the same roof at night. They will notice you. Make your dream a self-fulfilling prophecy and fight for it.

Best of luck to everyone this cycle, and if anyone has questions feel free to PM.
as a fellow oms I i can completely agree. also feel free to pm me with any questions 🙂
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one more thing that i think is important to note: the past 2 years of boards were not the best for arcom but they've completely 180-ed the program and upperclassmen are talking about how lucky oms1s are for having a slower curriculum... they're very open to changing things around here and are very perceptive to student input! don't not apply because of previous stats... they really do want us all to succeed (literally from day 1)
one more thing that i think is important to note: the past 2 years of boards were not the best for arcom but they've completely 180-ed the program and upperclassmen are talking about how lucky oms1s are for having a slower curriculum... they're very open to changing things around here and are very perceptive to student input! don't not apply because of previous stats... they really do want us all to succeed (literally from day 1)
Could you explain the differences in curriculum? What makes the new curriculum slower and better?
Could you explain the differences in curriculum? What makes the new curriculum slower and better?
first off, they made anatomy 2 semesters and not 1… they also have allowed for more “white space” in the calendar before exams… for example, there are some days before exams where we have no class at all. the professors all worked together to make the schedule and ensure there is more study time throughout the day as well. as of right now (week 4), we have only morning classes monday, wednesday, and friday; on tuesdays we have osteopathic principles and practices lab (omm) and maybe a foundations of osteopathic patient care lab. thursdays varies for right now… again, it might change as we get more into the semester (i think anatomy labs are monday or wednesday depending on your group) but i’ve talked to a lot of oms2s and they say we have a much better schedule than they did
first off, they made anatomy 2 semesters and not 1… they also have allowed for more “white space” in the calendar before exams… for example, there are some days before exams where we have no class at all. the professors all worked together to make the schedule and ensure there is more study time throughout the day as well. as of right now (week 4), we have only morning classes monday, wednesday, and friday; on tuesdays we have osteopathic principles and practices lab (omm) and maybe a foundations of osteopathic patient care lab. thursdays varies for right now… again, it might change as we get more into the semester (i think anatomy labs are monday or wednesday depending on your group) but i’ve talked to a lot of oms2s and they say we have a much better schedule than they did
Thanks for your in-depth response!
i submitted my primary in june any reason why I may of not gotten a secondary yet?
i submitted my primary in june any reason why I may of not gotten a secondary yet?

It takes awhile and they’re very selective on who they pick. I submitted my primary in May and didn’t get a secondary until end of July.
i submitted my primary in june any reason why I may of not gotten a secondary yet?
Getting a secondary is getting an interview at this school. It may take a great amount of time before receiving the secondary. Everyone who gets a secondary is almost guaranteed an interview, unless red flags pop up. But like 99%. But what you say in your secondary will matter when it comes to your final decision.
that makes sense. For yall who got secondaries, did you do casper?
also they’re constantly reviewing applications. some of my friends didn’t submit primaries until december and got interviews… they really care about your personal statement
Can someone briefly share their interview experience with ARCOM? I have an interview scheduled soon and I was just curious how I could best prepare for the 30-minute closed-file interview. What types of questions will they ask? Will it be more of a chill conversation getting to know each other?
Can someone briefly share their interview experience with ARCOM? I have an interview scheduled soon and I was just curious how I could best prepare for the 30-minute closed-file interview. What types of questions will they ask? Will it be more of a chill conversation getting to know each other?
my biggest tip is to try and be as relaxed as possible (easier said than done)… the faculty here truly just want to get to know you and see if you’re a good fit for the school. my one piece of advice would be to come up with questions for both the faculty member and community member (if they’re still having community members in the interview). just be yourself because they already like you enough to give you an interview this early on 🙂
Does this school offer virtual interviews or is it in person only? I just got the secondary application yesterday.
Just got another email and it does specify that interviews will be in person only. Just a heads up for everyone.
will be an incoming OMS I next month, if anyone has questions about the application process/anything else i might be able to answer, feel free to message me! as i start at arcom, ill also be able to answer more student-specific questions but that’ll be in a few months probably 🙂
Idk if you have started but i wanted to apply but the idea of living in arkansas has been confusing me since i come from a big city. How have you found it
Idk if you have started but i wanted to apply but the idea of living in arkansas has been confusing me since i come from a big city. How have you found it
honestly, you don’t get out much so it hasn’t been bad at all. that sounds really bad but it’d be like that wherever you go. med students just don’t get out much lol