2024-2025 Buffalo (Jacobs)

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congrats for those who've interviewed/been accepted!

How was the interview for y'all?
I got WL, not an A, but I honestly was not surprised. I had two interviews - one with a current M1 and one with a practicing alumni. The student interview was my least favorite interview I've had this cycle and I was so uncomfortable. He basically went in and the first question was "so why do you want to be a doctor" and yes, that's generally the first question of all interviews but this was literally the first thing he even said. No hi's, no introductions, just joined zoom and went straight for it. Then, we went down my entire AMCAS where he asked "can you tell me about this." No conversation, as soon as I finished speaking he would nod and move on to the next activity. Then, I literally asked my questions, with one being whether he could talk about his day to day like as a student at UB and he scoffed, very arrogantly, and responded with "I wake up, I go to class, I study." I was like ?? huh ok. The only conversational part of it was when he asked me what my favorite chinese food was after reading I had worked part time in a JAPANESE restaurant.

My faculty interviewer was nice. But he was 10 min late, zoomed in from his car while he was driving, and flat out said he didn't read any of my application. We finished in 20 min, and he ended with saying you interview well, I don't see why you wouldn't get in. But, he was nice so I won't complain.

Overall, not a fun interview at all. I'll probably withdraw my WL, super grateful to have gotten several other acceptances at top choices, but wished my experience could've gone. Sorry for my rant, I'm just being cranky. Best of luck to everyone ~

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