LECOM Alternate/Waitlist 2020-2021

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Only time will tell. Thank you for sharing :)
Going to apply anyways. It can’t hurt while we wait for waitlist movement. Hopefully.

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Haha is receiving the MMS email a kiss of death? I hope not lol, hoping it was generic.
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Does anyone know about movement off the waitlists, or even processing of interviewed applicants into accepted, waitlist or rejected? I have not heard anything.
Does anyone know about movement off the waitlists, or even processing of interviewed applicants into accepted, waitlist or rejected? I have not heard anything.
there hasnt been anything on the main forum
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Wow. Do you think the class is full, or is everything delayed this year?
I also feel like the class is already full.
Yeah, on top of that, alot of people are also in the same situation as us where they’re either on multiple waitlists or no other interviews, so no one is giving up spots.
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I’m going to think positive and hope for the best!
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It’s not matter of “if”, it’s a matter of “when” and “how many”. Continue being patient but preparing for the next go around if that’s your plan.
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I wouldn't think the class is full, especially since a lot of Erie WL candidates got an email this past week saying WL movement usually starts around this time. Id expect this week to see movement. But, that's the optimistic side of me :)
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I wouldn't think the class is full, especially since a lot of Erie WL candidates got an email this past week saying WL movement usually starts around this time. Id expect this week to see movement. But, that's the optimistic side of me :)

I agree! Best thing we can do is take it one day at a time and not lose sight of our goals!
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Hi. I was recently accepted to LECOM Elmira! Does anyone know of Facebook pages or groupme or WhatsApp groups that I could join?
Thanks, good luck everyone!
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I interviewed in October. I was not on a waitlist.
Super Congrats! Remember they said the acceptance would come via a physical letter rather than email. Maybe they are changing that. In my interview in feb, they said it would take 60 days for a response. I am still waiting. Did they give you a different time frame? I interviewed for Elmira too.
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Super Congrats! Remember they said the acceptance would come via a physical letter rather than email. Maybe they are changing that. In my interview in feb, they said it would take 60 days for a response. I am still waiting. Did they give you a different time frame? I interviewed for Elmira too.
I interviewed in October. I got a few emails after saying they were behind schedule with releasing letters.
Alternative to Elmira today. I guess I will be joining you guys in the waiting game.
Do you guys think they waitlist or accept everyone interviewed vs accept, reject, waitlist?
Do you guys think they waitlist or accept everyone interviewed vs accept, reject, waitlist?
Seeing as 1000+ plus people interviewed, I think they still rejected people post interview. That being said, it seems like they placed a lot more people on the alternate list this cycle for whatever reason, so I'm not certain what their strategy is. Just hoping for some movement soon :/
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Seeing as 1000+ plus people interviewed, I think they still rejected people post interview. That being said, it seems like they placed a lot more people on the alternate list this cycle for whatever reason, so I'm not certain what their strategy is. Just hoping for some movement soon :/
Wow! Did they really interview 1000 people? That is for all locations right??
For all locations. Holy cow. So how many do you think are on the waitlist or alternate list? And how many spots in each class?
For all locations. Holy cow. So how many do you think are on the waitlist or alternate list? And how many spots in each class?
I'm not sure how many people are on the waitlist, but I think someone said around 500 across all campuses? Don't quote me on that though lol. I'm on the Erie alternate list, and there are 250 spots at that location. Not sure about Elmira and SH
I'm not sure how many people are on the waitlist, but I think someone said around 500 across all campuses? Don't quote me on that though lol. I'm on the Erie alternate list, and there are 250 spots at that location. Not sure about Elmira and SH
381 for Erie, SH, Elmira & 196 for FL campus according chooseDO for 2020.

An alternate today for Erie --joining this party :)
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I'm not sure how many people are on the waitlist, but I think someone said around 500 across all campuses? Don't quote me on that though lol. I'm on the Erie alternate list, and there are 250 spots at that location. Not sure about Elmira and SH

What I got from Bradenton when I asked for app feedback...the date on the file says 20-21...still, not sure how accurate


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What I got from Bradenton when I asked for app feedback...the date on the file says 20-21...still, not sure how accurate
Dang that's a lot of interviews given out last year, and I know this year is more.

I was going off the assumption it was 1500 interviews, but it only makes sense that it's much more than that based on this info.
Everyone on the waitlist should just get spots for next year lol. Seems like they can make a couple of classes with those numbers
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Alright, can we talk about the last Elmira email basically saying (in bold red letters) not to contact them? The vibe feels like they are done learning about us and don't want to hear from us. Our futures are on the line and they are stringing us along (kinda like my ex 💁‍♀️ lol) can't they offer us more info/clarity? Or am I crazy and that is just how this process works? 🙈

They chose to interview more applicants than ever before and the waitlist seems to be HUGE lol I’m trying to wrap my mind around it. From what I've gathered, applicants pulled from the list so far have high stats. It doesn't really align with their emphasis on looking at us holistically. I'd love to hear what y'all think at this point🙄
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Alright, can we talk about the last Elmira email basically saying (in bold red letters) not to contact them? The vibe feels like they are done learning about us and don't want to hear from us. Our futures are on the line and they are stringing us along (kinda like my ex 💁‍♀️ lol) can't they offer us more info/clarity? Or am I crazy and that is just how this process works? 🙈

They chose to interview more applicants than ever before and the waitlist seems to be HUGE lol I’m trying to wrap my mind around it. From what I've gathered, applicants pulled from the list so far have high stats. It doesn't really align with their emphasis on looking at us holistically. I'd love to hear what y'all think at this point🙄
Most schools tout the “holistic” review but few practice it. In reality, it’s all about the stats. This is especially true when they have a high number of applications to choose from. Inundated, it is much easier to accept based off of something tangible rather than the complexities and stories of individuals.
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Most schools tout the “holistic” review but few practice it. In reality, it’s all about the stats. This is especially true when they have a high number of applications to choose from. Inundated, it is much easier to accept based off of something tangible rather than the complexities and stories of individuals.
I feel like this adds to the current pattern of healthcare disparities our nation faces along with the shortage of docs in rural areas. Don’t you think? If they keep doing it the same way, people who are able to drop money on their application and MCAT prep will continue to become doctors and the cycle will repeat. The problems will persist. I’m glad admissions can just do whatever is easiest for them and go home at night thinking it’s good enough 🤢 I’m starting to lose my mind over this process you guys it makes me sick lol
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Alright, can we talk about the last Elmira email basically saying (in bold red letters) not to contact them? The vibe feels like they are done learning about us and don't want to hear from us. Our futures are on the line and they are stringing us along (kinda like my ex 💁‍♀️ lol) can't they offer us more info/clarity? Or am I crazy and that is just how this process works? 🙈

They chose to interview more applicants than ever before and the waitlist seems to be HUGE lol I’m trying to wrap my mind around it. From what I've gathered, applicants pulled from the list so far have high stats. It doesn't really align with their emphasis on looking at us holistically. I'd love to hear what y'all think at this point🙄

I think it also is important to take a look at and consider how the pandemic affected this entire process. It wasn't just LECOM who predicted high WL movement...it seems that a lot of other threads have people still waiting for answers much like us. In reality, hindsight is 20/20...could things have been done differently? Probably and most likely. But, if there is anything that we can learn from the pandemic let alone this cycle, is that nothing is guaranteed. In my mind, they took a path to cover their butts in the event of high WL movement. Now, they may or may not have a ginormous WL (how can we know for sure lol) and have so many people's hopes and dreams in the balance. However tough the admissions offices jobs were before to pick the "right" formula of a class was before, it is wayyyyyyyyy harder now.

Much like the pandemic has affected healthcare and literally everything, I think it will be interesting to see how admissions committees change policies or procedures for the future cycles, if anything...
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1. They do look holistically. Based on my UG GPA there is NO reason I should’ve interviewed. But I got one and put on the WL. So there is a legit chance I still get to be a physician one day. All because Lecom saw something.

2. This cycle/year was unprecedented. There are bound to be hiccups. Easy to say don’t stress but take a day off from here and recuperate. There is literally nothing more to do but wait, hope, pray, etc.
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Not to be a negative Nancy lol, but the fact that they emailed us information about their masters says a lot (I know other schools do it too). For example, if the 1,500 people that they interviewed were rejected and decided to get the masters that LECOM is advertising, that’s like $33million in their pocket. 💰🤑Assuming it’s roughly $22k tuition. That’s a lot of money and of course they’re going to take advantage of lower stat students by enticing them with an interview to give them a glimmer of hope that the school is interested.
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In my opinion, this large waitlist is a way for LECOM to be able to manipulate numbers for when they report to AACOMAS with the notion of being competitive with other schools and in compliance with accreditation standards. While, I note that we lack the stats of all those who have been accepted off the WL, it is important to remember that LECOM does have access to the data. Additionally, LECOM is also privy to what schools you have applied and been accepted/rejected/WL to. Using this data, I don't think it would be hard for LECOM formulate a list of what candidates (from our large WL pool) who have less than a certain amount of acceptances but have high stats and give them an A so their MCAT or GPA stats will increase.
Alright, can we talk about the last Elmira email basically saying (in bold red letters) not to contact them? The vibe feels like they are done learning about us and don't want to hear from us. Our futures are on the line and they are stringing us along (kinda like my ex 💁‍♀️ lol) can't they offer us more info/clarity? Or am I crazy and that is just how this process works? 🙈

They chose to interview more applicants than ever before and the waitlist seems to be HUGE lol I’m trying to wrap my mind around it. From what I've gathered, applicants pulled from the list so far have high stats. It doesn't really align with their emphasis on looking at us holistically. I'd love to hear what y'all think at this point🙄
Agree, ppl who was offered admission from the late IVs had a high stat (both MCAT and GPA), ppl pulled out from WL had high GPA and average MCAT (at least what I saw). Also, I feel that school weights GPA significantly; I even read (or hear it at the info session) that GPA is important. This my opinion and stat, which I saw, that could be different from reality.
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What are you guys planning for the gap year?