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5+ Year Member
May 16, 2017
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anyone at MSU COM wanna chip in and talk about how they like the school (or dont)?

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This forum seems like it would be perfectly placed in the premed section...

I just got an invite to interview at MSU COM (yay!) However, as all premeds/med students know, once you pass one barrier it only brings you to more stress lol. This is good stress though! (kinda). What should I expect during interview day? their explanation on their website is very vague. Usually, medical schools say exactly how many MMI stations there are (i'm guessing there are 6?) and how many interviews you will have. Their website mentions "meeting MSU COM students" so i guess i'll have two different interviews? i'm not sure. What were your experiences interviewing there? How did you prep? What do you think the best way to prep is? Also, feel free to private message me.

You'll get more answers if you ask these questions in the MSUCOM thread in the school specific subform here: Osteopathic School-Specific Discussions

Also there's an interview feedback section here: Osteopathic Medical Interview Feedback List | Student Doctor Network