TUCOM interview

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Aug 4, 2005
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Does anyone has some insight into how competitive TUCOM-Mare Island is? If you get an interview what are your chances of acceptance? Should you take the early admission offer considering you might not get in if you go on a later interview?

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hamandcheese said:
Does anyone has some insight into how competitive TUCOM-Mare Island is? If you get an interview what are your chances of acceptance? Should you take the early admission offer considering you might not get in if you go on a later interview?

This information was posted a couple of days ago. I don't know if it applies to both TOUROs.

Touro: InState: Applied (525), Interview (230), accepted (96). OutofState: Applied (1417), Interview (240), accepted (99)

As you can see, they accept far less than what they interview.
hamandcheese said:
Does anyone has some insight into how competitive TUCOM-Mare Island is? If you get an interview what are your chances of acceptance? Should you take the early admission offer considering you might not get in if you go on a later interview?

from usnews for 2004 (the latest as of Jul 05):

GPA: 3.44

average MCAT composite: 8.5
-VR: 7.9
-PS: 8.7
-BS: 8.9
-WS: O

total apps: 2156
total interview: 425
total accepted: 312
total enrolled: 135

%interviewed: 19.7
%accepted: 14.5
%enrolled: 6.3

%interviewed accepted: 73.4
%interviewed enrolled: 31.8
%accepted enrolled: 43.3

total apps: 544
total interview: 210
total accepted: 179
total enrolled: 83

%interviewed: 38.6
%accepted: 32.9
%enrolled: 15.3

%interviewed accepted: 85.2
%interviewed enrolled: 39.5
%accepted enrolled: 46.4

total apps: 1612
total interview: 215
total accepted: 133
total enrolled: 52

%interviewed: 13.3
%accepted: 8.3
%enrolled: 3.2

%interviewed accepted: 61.9
%interviewed enrolled: 24.2
%accepted enrolled: 39.1

total apps: 1612
total interview: 251
total accepted: 167
total enrolled: 78

%interviewed: 15.6
%accepted: 10.4
%enrolled: 4.8

%interviewed accepted: 66.5
%interviewed enrolled: 31.1
%accepted enrolled: 46.7
It seems like most schools have a preference for in-state applicants, and TUCOM-MI is no exception. Not only does TUCOM-MI interview a higher percentage of applicants from in-state, they also accept a higher percentage of interviewees from in-state.

It seems that if you do get an interview, chances are you will most likely be accepted, especially if you're in-state.
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Hey markt, can you post those info for WVSOM? Thank you!
FutureDocDO said:
Hey markt, can you post those info for WVSOM? Thank you!

Hey, no problem. I have a couple of spreadsheets I made from the US News data a while back.

from usnews for 2004 (the latest as of Jul 05):

GPA: 3.43

average MCAT composite: 7.6
-VR: 8.1
-PS: 7.1
-BS: 7.5
-WS: N

total apps: 1500
total interview: 418
total accepted: 308
total enrolled: 104

%interviewed: 27.9
%accepted: 20.5
%enrolled: 6.9

%interviewed accepted: 73.7
%interviewed enrolled: 24.9
%accepted enrolled: 33.8

total apps: 138
total interview: 96
total accepted: 71
total enrolled: 53

%interviewed: 69.6
%accepted: 51.4
%enrolled: 38.4

%interviewed accepted: 74.0
%interviewed enrolled: 55.2
%accepted enrolled: 74.6

total apps: 1362
total interview: 322
total accepted: 237
total enrolled: 51

%interviewed: 23.6
%accepted: 17.4
%enrolled: 3.7

%interviewed accepted: 73.6
%interviewed enrolled: 15.8
%accepted enrolled: 21.5

total apps: 687
total interview: 205
total accepted: 162
total enrolled: 50

%interviewed: 29.8
%accepted: 23.6
%enrolled: 7.3

%interviewed accepted: 79.0
%interviewed enrolled: 24.4
%accepted enrolled: 30.9
heheh what about KCOM? and KCUMB?

At this point you might as well give us the entire list unless you want to have to keep posting for each individual schools. I wouldn't mind ;-). Thanks buddy.
markt said:
It seems like most schools have a preference for in-state applicants, and TUCOM-MI is no exception. Not only does TUCOM-MI interview a higher percentage of applicants from in-state, they also accept a higher percentage of interviewees from in-state.

It seems that if you do get an interview, chances are you will most likely be accepted, especially if you're in-state.

Thanks for posting all of this helpful info...From what I've read on their website they don't give preferance to in-staters; they claim that it just so happens that by the time matriculation of students takes place most are from in-state. Again, thanks for the statistics.
Does any one have any info on when they will start inviting or have they already?

FutureDocDO said:

At this point you might as well give us the entire list unless you want to have to keep posting for each individual schools. I wouldn't mind ;-). Thanks buddy.

Hm, Ok. I'm attaching the two spreadsheets I made. I won't be applying for another year or two, since I'm still taking organic chemistry and biology, but hopefully this will be useful to this year's applicants.

Lady Tokimi, it looks like KCOM provided data to US News, but KCUMB did not, so their data do not appear. I tried to look on their website, but it does not appear that they publish those stats.


  • sdn-usnews1.zip
    12.7 KB · Views: 377
  • sdn-usnews2.zip
    95.2 KB · Views: 210
wow, TOURO has a low percentage of women acceptance. :(
markt said:
Hm, Ok. I'm attaching the two spreadsheets I made. I won't be applying for another year or two, since I'm still taking organic chemistry and biology, but hopefully this will be useful to this year's applicants.

Thank you. It seems like you've put a lot of effort and time into those two spreadsheets. Hopefully I'll/we'll be of help to you when you decide to apply.