Looking for some feedback on where I stand. Posted a while back with various questions but here's the (updated) run down. Non-traditional 28 year old first-gen college student, community college (graduated with honors) to university (hybrid) as I've been driving tractor-trailers cross country and local on and off since 2017 to pay for college. Various extracurricular activities, club co-founder/co-president for Neuro-diversity Club, school diversity committee for 4 semesters, 450+ hours emergency room and in-patient floor volunteering, both strictly patient interaction. 3 month 225+ hour ortho foot and ankle surgical internship, courtesy of a very generous local surgeon who took me under his wing and allowed me to do just about every aspect of his job with supervision, including assisting in surgery for the last month🙂 Still need to shadow DPM but schools I did speak to did state that a foot and ankle M.D will work as a substitute due to COVID. 6 letters of recommendation ready to go; two from academic professors (Physics and Microbio), one from ortho M.D, one from volunteer supervisor, two from advisors.
First 50 academic credits spread out over about 6 years (2011 - 2017) yielded a 1.4 GPA🙁 2018 I got my butt in gear after realizing medicine was for me, re-did a couple classes F's to A's. Avg semester GPA since summer 2018 (6 semesters) is 3.69 (low being 3.33, high of 4.0). Lowest grade since beginning my pre-med track is B- in a couple classes, B+ and A's for most classes with a few A- grades. Did all standard pre-reqs plus microbio, biochem, and I'll be taking genetics and neuro-psych in the fall. I'll be graduating spring 22 with a BS in health science. Current MCAT practice tests yielding 487. I can definitely get those numbers up a little.
Applying in two months after my MCAT in september.
Of course the only way I'll know if I can get in is to apply and see what happens but if you were me, would you apply? I might have left some other small stuff out, but you get the idea.