
  1. T

    Texas A&M Dental PBP 2025-2026

    Hey I didn't see a thread for this PBP program for 2025-2026 cycle! Good luck to everyone!!
  2. C

    Will I get an interview?

    Hi! I recently decided to commit to the pre-dental route, as I have been undecided between pre-med, pre-pharm, and pre-dent all of undergrad. I am currently a junior and am wanting to apply this cycle, and will most likely take the DAT in April. I am scared that this quick turnaround might hurt...
  3. C

    Is my cycle going slowly, or should I start preparing to reapply

    I had one interview invite in August that I just got deferred for, and another invite in September that I’m still waiting to hear back on. Out of 20+ schools I applied to, I’ve only heard back for these interview invites and one pre-II hold. It’s been radio silent for everything else—no...
  4. M

    Medical Free Comprehensive Residency Interview Prep Guide + Mock IV Flash Sale!

    Hey SDN! We wanted to share our free comprehensive interview preparation guide with you all as we get into the 2024/5 residency interview season. Please do take a look and share with a friend who is preparing for interviews as well. The guide can be found at: Comprehensive Interview Prep Guide...
  5. M

    Questions About UQ-Ochsner MD Program

    How competitive is the program? What is a competitive GPA and MCAT? I couldn't find any data on how many applicants they get each year on average and how many people get accepted. What are some of the extracurriculars they emphasize on? Research, volunteering, clinical experience, etc. What are...
  6. wise_university1

    Interviews from three T10s but none others

    Hi all! I wanted to preface this message by saying that I'm extremely grateful for the invites that I've gotten so far and that I don't mean to be inconsiderate of others. I know that this is a tough process so far and simply want to get some insight. I've been very privileged to have received...
  7. DrAlaric

    Internal Medicine - ERAS 2025 - with no geographic preferences - Please Send Help

    I'm really just looking for any helpful advice. I know I'm opening myself up for harsh criticism here, but I need help. As the title implies, I applied internal medicine this cycle and followed my home institution academic advisors' advice that since I am applying very broadly geographically, I...
  8. D

    Late Cycle Applicants

    Looking for feedback, updates, encouragement, or whatever you may have to offer if you applied late in the cycle (i.e, primary verified Aug/Sep, secondaries submitted Sep/Oct.) I know I'm not alone, but would love to see where everyone is.
  9. A

    Currently interviewing? Come join our APSA Q&A this Thursday 10/3!

    Are you currently interviewing for MD/DO-PhD programs? Have questions? Need help or support? The American Physician Scientists Association is here for you! Come join us for our APSA webinar this Thursday, October 3rd, at 7PM Eastern. A panel of current trainees will be available to answer your...
  10. LindaAccepted

    Medical Practicing for Your Med School Interview - 2024

    Most applicants come away from their first medical school interview saying, “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” As with many things in life, the anticipation of a stressful event can sometimes be worse than the event itself. Although many med schools work hard to make applicants who...
  11. LindaAccepted

    Medical The MMI: Everything You Need to Know in 2024

    The Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) has become a very common med school interview format – one that is meant to provide a fairer, more comprehensive assessment of applicants. It’s grown in popularity since 2004, when Canada’s McMaster University published a study illustrating the flaws in the...
  12. H

    Interviewer knew my father

    Was very fortunate to have just completed my first interview at a local school. I felt like it went very well. One of my talking points was how my father owns a practice nearby. The interviewer (who is a PA) was curious and asked for my fathers name. I gave him his name, and that was that...
  13. noxlle

    Group Interviews: What to Expect?

    Hi all, I've seen on the interview review site that some DO schools have used group interviews in the past. I've only had 1 interview so far and it was one-on-one. How is a group interview different (apart from the obvious that it's not one-on-one)? Do people take it in turns to answer questions...
  14. noxlle

    Interview Advice (ICOM)?

    Hi all, I recently got invited for an interview at ICOM, and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for preparing for the interview? This is my first time doing a med school interview and I'm super nervous. Also, any advice about virtual interviews? Thanks!
  15. kyukenmyo

    MFT Interview

    Hey everyone! So.. My girlfriend had her interview with Texas Tech University's Marriage and Family Therapy Master's program on Friday, and it seems the group interview might not have gone that well. Some stronger personalities really dominated the social scene and took up much of the air time...
  16. P

    Interview for PsyD

    Hi! I recently received an interview for St. John's School PsyD program. I am so thrilled! I was wondering if anyone had any insight on how likely you are to be accepted if you were offered an interview? I've heard mixed answers from people: some say the interview is just a formality and...
  17. LindaAccepted

    Medical Are You Toast? – Med School Admissions Officers Reveal Interview Timeline [Episode 555]

    In this episode of Admission Straight Talk, host Linda Abraham addresses the concerns of medical school applicants who have not yet received interview invitations. She debunks the myth that not receiving an invitation by Thanksgiving means rejection and shares insights from several admissions...
  18. B

    How to prep for an interview at a new medical school?

    I wanted to know how people prep for an interview at a newly opened medical school to be a part of the inaugural class. I'm OSS and have no ties to the state and really grateful for this opportunity, however, since there isn't any information available except for what the school gives you I'm...
  19. L

    Are Letters of intent worth it? Dental School

    I wanted to know if anyone has actually benefited from sending a letter of intent and if it's worth it. I wanna prepare one and discuss what I will be doing in the spring semester and sent it in the beginning of January. I've already interviewed the school in November (VCU) and it's my top...
  20. jacob42

    Should I be worried?

    I've applied to 24 medical schools this cycle from a broad list. Using MCAT of 518, I applied to 25% of schools at <25th percentile, 50% between 25th and 75th, and 25% at >75th. So far, I've gotten 0 IIs, 0 A, and so far 6 pre-II rejections. Here is my list: R Boston University Aram V...
  21. DocSherman

    How does one turn a II into a slam-dunk A and avoid WL?

    Hello! I consider this a companion piece to the thread discussing post-II Rs. To preface, I was fortunate enough to get an II, despite my very choppy record (@Goro knows a lot about it). With that said though, I would like to avoid a fate that happened to me in a previous cycle – the dreaded...
  22. tofudelivery

    Interview questions about research

    So as context, I am very determined to go into an MD/PhD program, and I applied to both the MD and MD/PhD programs at my target school with the intention of reapplying and transferring into MD/PhD if I only get in MD the first time. Research has been a really strong part of why I want to go into...
  23. A

    Helpful videos/podcasts for Orthopedic Surgery applications!

    I found these 2 very helpful: 1) UCSF Faculty on the "6 to 8 Weeks" podcast discussing where to apply and how signals may be treated by programs: 2) This youtube video goes into depth on signaling: Do you have...
  24. partypat

    Job Timeline

    I'm set to graduate from my HPM fellowship in June and have been in the thick of the job search since end of December. I've done a few interviews and have more upcoming but have yet to receive a job offer. I was wondering what the timeline usually is between the final interview (site visit) and...
  25. J

    USF Morsani COM Interview?

    Hi all! I have my interview with USF Morsani COM coming up and I’m trying to prepare for it right now. I checked out the SDN specific thread for interviews that kind of has all of this gathered information about what to expect including a few questions that were asked of students that day (I...
  26. 0613Forever

    Employment & Professional Networking Job interviews

    Greetings, everyone! I recently graduated from the OT program and passed the board exam, so now I am looking into jobs in Washington state and California (I applied for licenses in these states). My wish is to work with adult populations in any setting, and as I was looking into the jobs, I...
  27. C

    Psych Scenarios (PsyD interview prompt)

    Hello!! One of the schools I received an interview for let us know that there will be a written prompt with a scenario having to do with a client & psychologist. Has anyone else had an experience/interview such as this one? Any ideas on how the questions can be worded/what the prompt can sound...
  28. T

    "Why did you not take a gap year?" at a T5 interview—thoughts?

    "Why did you not take a gap year?" was a question posed to me by an interviewer at a T5 school about a month ago. She did acknowledge that the question was "perhaps unfair". I looked around at fellow interviewees—partially looking for inspiration and partially gauging whether I would even have...
  29. Savannahj

    St Matthews University Interviews

    Hi! I just got invited for an interview for SMU! I was wondering what experience some of you may have had either this year or in recent years?
  30. P

    How do you explain for bad grades in supplemental essay/interviews?

    How would you explain for poor academic performance during one of your undergraduate semesters? Should you place the blame on yourself (for example poor study habits) or outside environmental factors? (such as being first-gen or struggle with finance)
  31. HappyPerson

    How to successfully prepare for an interview

    Hello, I got an interview at my top choice medical school. Interview is 30 min with a medical student and 8 MMI stations. I bought Dr. Grey's interview prep book. Bought a mock interview with prep questions with a prep program, and I'm looking around online for anything else that can help me...
  32. M

    Army Veterinary HPSP - Class of 2026

    I'm a current first-year veterinary student applying for the Army HPSP. I have searched through older forums but haven't seen many for this cycle. My packet is basically complete (at least for paperwork to submit on my end and completing MEPS). I received an email a couple of days ago saying...
  33. I

    Interviews and Classes/Work

    I'm just curious. Let's say you are taking a full-time schedule for fall quarter/semester, how do you setup interviews with schools? Let's say your interview day or days fall on days you have exams, how would that work? I know that there are a lot of professors that would not let students change...
  34. J


  35. J

    Physical therapy school interview

    Does anyone know of who can help out with doing mock interview? I have an interview with Ohio University DPT school in couple weeks and needed some help. Willing to pay too. Also if anyone has been accepted to Ohio University, does anyone remember what the questions were or like? Thanks!
  36. P

    Penn interview weird as hell

    Was talking to some friends about this. I don’t attend but interviewed within the last few years. During the scheduled “chat” with the admissions director he asked me if I had applied to another specific school…I said yes. He asked me if I liked the admissions process there — instinctually I...
  37. S

    why medicine interview question

    what's the best way to approach the why medicine question during interviews? should the answer be straightforward in 3-4 sentences, or is it better to use a personal anecdote (i feel like that would make the answer way too long, plus i used most of my why medicine anecdotes for my personal...
  38. GettinAfterIt

    Time Zone Difference - Interviews

    Hey everyone, I somehow just realized the two interviews I signed up for were eastern standard time. So they will be starting at 6 AM in the morning, not 9 AM. I feel like an idiot. Do you think they will allow me to reschedule for the PM time? Is it worth emailing the admissions department and...
  39. C

    Group Interview Question

    I know I shouldn’t dwell too much on the past, but I’ve been worrying about a group interview I had for a school recently with other interviewees. [deleted for anonmity] Thanks for any insight!
  40. c3balmes

    Should I take the UDM In-Person Interview?

    So I recently got my first interview invitation, and I’m incredibly happy I was invited as my stats aren’t exactly the most impressive: GPA: 3.62 Science GPA: 3.7ish DAT: 18 Dental Assistant for over a year with over 100 shadowing hours. As I live in Alaska, making my way out to Michigan is...