2009-2010 Rush Application Thread

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sorry for those that got pre interview rejections...for those left does that leave us with a good chance at an interview? did many people receive rejections recently? I was complete late august/early sept I believe..

i hope so! I was complete early october with no word yet.

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Hey don't bite my head off, just sharing my experience of the M3s and M4s I met when I shadowed several different departments at Rush. I thought the faculty was fantastic and extremely accommodating, but I definitely sensed bitterness and general apathy among the M4s.

It's good that you say this is not the case, perhaps I had just caught some of the students at a bad time.

For the record, I'm not a student of Rush, Loyola or UIC.

Sorry I didn't mean to sound so aggressive. I just wanted to say I do really enjoy my time here and I know a lot of my classmates do too. Good luck in your application!
sorry for those that got pre interview rejections...for those left does that leave us with a good chance at an interview? did many people receive rejections recently? I was complete late august/early sept I believe..

Just got an interview invite today. I was complete around the same time.
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so do they give out interviews any day of the week or is it only certain days they sent out a few interviews a week? I was just wanting to know this so i'm not neurotically checking my email everyday if its only on Tuesdays that they send them out.
so do they give out interviews any day of the week or is it only certain days they sent out a few interviews a week? I was just wanting to know this so i'm not neurotically checking my email everyday if its only on Tuesdays that they send them out.

Also, when u get an interview invite, do they change anything on your status page or do you just get an email? I check the status page constantly but there is no specific place to look so i just look for any change but i dont even know what to look for, if anything.

If they dont change anything and/or you get an email simultaneously and not way later, I dont need to be incessantly checking the status page, as i do now! :D
got mine on a friday (just checked the email and it said 3:30 am!) so i guess there's no specific day they send em out. i dont think the status page changes.
Does Rush give scholarships? What percent of class gets them?
Just got an interview invite today. I was complete around the same time.

Congrats on the interview invite. Could you please share what dates they offered you for interview.
Also, if you don't mind, could you please share your stats. I was complete around the same time as you and just wanna know if I still have a shot
i'm in my post-interview wait for a decision. i'm oos and was wondering if at this point there is an equal shot of getting in if you are oos as compared to is? i know there is a large discrepancy in the number of interviews they offer to IS versus OOS applicants.
i'm in my post-interview wait for a decision. i'm oos and was wondering if at this point there is an equal shot of getting in if you are oos as compared to is? i know there is a large discrepancy in the number of interviews they offer to IS versus OOS applicants.

sorry to say but they accept more IS vs. OOS even after the interview. however, i was OOS and i know lots of people who were and were accepted. so just hang tight and hopefully that is you!!! good luck
i'm in my post-interview wait for a decision. i'm oos and was wondering if at this point there is an equal shot of getting in if you are oos as compared to is? i know there is a large discrepancy in the number of interviews they offer to IS versus OOS applicants.

good luck!! I hope you get in. Illinois is great and all but it would be really boring if it was just us locals in the class. where are you from?

for those of you who sent your deposit check already . . . how long did it take to clear?? in the email i got it did say it would take longer due to their new system- but seriously its been well over a month!!
i'm in my post-interview wait for a decision. i'm oos and was wondering if at this point there is an equal shot of getting in if you are oos as compared to is? i know there is a large discrepancy in the number of interviews they offer to IS versus OOS applicants.

From what I remember from my interview they said it is much harder to get an interview as OOS, but after that it is equal for IS/OOS getting an acceptance. So you've already done the hardest part! Best of luck!
Just got an interview invite today. I was complete around the same time.

Ditto. Got the interview invite 2 days ago! I was ecstatic, it made mardi gras just that much better :)
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I interviewed at Rush on December 9th, and played the waiting game until earlier this week, when I received a phone call from Jill to tell me they still hadn't come to a decision due to an interview I had at Rush that wasn't "reflective of me". In short, I was given a third interview over the phone to aid in their admissions decision. I find it really amazing that Rush gives such an extensive look at each applicant, as I did not have this at the other schools I interviewed with. Keep this in mind when you are waiting to hear from Rush both pre and post-interview.


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Also, when u get an interview invite, do they change anything on your status page or do you just get an email? I check the status page constantly but there is no specific place to look so i just look for any change but i dont even know what to look for, if anything.

If they dont change anything and/or you get an email simultaneously and not way later, I dont need to be incessantly checking the status page, as i do now! :D
I got an "interview dates" button showing up in the "User Menu" between "edit your user information" and "log out".

FYI got the invite 2/16, they had 2/24 and Wednesdays in early March as options so looks like there are still spaces.
This is my first time posting on sdn but i just got my first acceptance and i had to share! I was complete @ Rush in November, interviewed 2/3 and got my acceptance email from jill this afternoon!!! :D (they said it would take 4-6 weeks for a decision but i guess my interviewers got their evaluations in quickly). I wasn't even sure I would get in this cycle so for those still waiting do NOT lose hope!

Oh and i'm IS btw
I got an "interview dates" button showing up in the "User Menu" between "edit your user information" and "log out".

FYI got the invite 2/16, they had 2/24 and Wednesdays in early March as options so looks like there are still spaces.

No other notification of your invite? No email?
Edit: Nevermind. Problem went away. Weird.
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Can anyone expand on living on campus in Center Court? Are leases renewable, or do we get reassigned each year based on a lottery system? Any info. is much appreciated.
This is my first time posting on sdn but i just got my first acceptance and i had to share! I was complete @ Rush in November, interviewed 2/3 and got my acceptance email from jill this afternoon!!! :D (they said it would take 4-6 weeks for a decision but i guess my interviewers got their evaluations in quickly). I wasn't even sure I would get in this cycle so for those still waiting do NOT lose hope!

Oh and i'm IS btw


Can anyone expand on living on campus in Center Court? Are leases renewable, or do we get reassigned each year based on a lottery system? Any info. is much appreciated.

Center Court is the student housing, not just for med students but for grad students and nursing students etc. There are studios, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom apartments. They can randomly assign you roommates if you don't know anyone. Yes leases are renewable. You can also free storage over the summer if you renew her lease.
Center Court is the student housing, not just for med students but for grad students and nursing students etc. There are studios, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom apartments. They can randomly assign you roommates if you don't know anyone. Yes leases are renewable. You can also free storage over the summer if you renew her lease.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info. What I'm most concerned with is would I have to move out when the academic year ends and move back in when the next year starts, or can I live in the same apartment for 2, 3, or 4 years straight?
Does anyone know if Rush gives scholorships based on merit, need, etc? Do the need scholarships just look at your income, or do they also look at your parent's income? Any advice on getting scholarships for medical school in general? How do I apply for them at Rush?
Center Court is the student housing, not just for med students but for grad students and nursing students etc. There are studios, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom apartments. They can randomly assign you roommates if you don't know anyone. Yes leases are renewable. You can also free storage over the summer if you renew her lease.

Thanks for the info. What I'm most concerned with is would I have to move out when the academic year ends and move back in when the next year starts, or can I live in the same apartment for 2, 3, or 4 years straight?[/QUOTE]

yeah you don't have to move out. it's free to store your stuff in summer as well. you can stay in the same apartment for 4 years. many people move out for3rd year though
Does anyone know if Rush gives scholorships based on merit, need, etc? Do the need scholarships just look at your income, or do they also look at your parent's income? Any advice on getting scholarships for medical school in general? How do I apply for them at Rush?

From what I am aware of, Rush gives very few scholarships, generally speaking. However, the tuition, while high, includes a number of fees and expenses that may be absent from other schools tuition figures.
From what I am aware of, Rush gives very few scholarships, generally speaking. However, the tuition, while high, includes a number of fees and expenses that may be absent from other schools tuition figures.
Here's the 2009-2010 tuition/fees:
M1: $46,272
M2: $45,804
M3: $45,804
M4: $45,804

Doesn't include health insurance ($2600/year) I believe.
Here's the 2009-2010 tuition/fees:
M1: $46,272
M2: $45,804
M3: $45,804
M4: $45,804

Doesn't include health insurance ($2600/year) I believe.

A related point, Rush health insurance is mandated, even if you are covered via a parent or a spouse's plan.
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How long after the initial e-mail, did people receive their acceptance packets?

I don't want to withdraw from other programs till I have this in my hands, but I'm itching to do it! :laugh:
Congrats man (or woman)!

I guess I was passed on again. I feel like just calling Rush at this time and asking them to send me my rejection letter already. At least that will put me out of my misery. I have been complete since early september and sent in a update letter and still have not heard a peep.
Anyways, did not mean to ruin your parade man. I am really happy for you.
Congrats man (or woman)!

I guess I was passed on again. I feel like just calling Rush at this time and asking them to send me my rejection letter already. At least that will put me out of my misery. I have been complete since early september and sent in a update letter and still have not heard a peep.
Anyways, did not mean to ruin your parade man. I am really happy for you.

Pretty sure Rush doesn't take updates -- at least they're not taken into consideration in decisions for interview invitations. I'm in the exact same boat as you though. Le Sigh.
interview invite today!!! couldn't be happier :D

Despite how salty I am, I'm still happy for you! Tear up the interview.

Pretty sure Rush doesn't take updates -- at least they're not taken into consideration in decisions for interview invitations. I'm in the exact same boat as you though. Le Sigh.

The recently accepted MiniMoo is right!

Here is a part of their response to an update e-mail:
[FONT='PrimaSans BT,Verdana,sans-serif']"Our screening process to identify which applicants to invite for interviews will be based on the original information submitted through the AMCAS application and Rush Supplemental Application. We will place additional information that you send us in your application file, but the information will not be part of the routine screening process.".
Just got the interview invite today! And my birthday is tomorrow! Best birthday present of all time. Rush is, without a doubt, my number one choice.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the e-mail sent to me mentioned that only 3 more interview dates were available. When I tried to sign up, only two were actually available.

Anyone know what the average turnaround time is on post-interview decisions? I see some saying 1 week and other saying several months -- what's average?

For those of you look for benchmarks on your chances, I have a 32Q, 3.3GPA, 3.1 SGPA (though I am a grad student, so that probably factors in, too). Thus, I would say I'm probably one of those who fall toward the center of the bell curve.
so what dates are available now? also, can anyone confirm that Rush will probably only send out one more batch of interviews because their site says they only extend interviews till feb.

hope that last batch has my name in it :idea:. Good luck to those who are waiting!
Just got the interview invite today! And my birthday is tomorrow! Best birthday present of all time. Rush is, without a doubt, my number one choice.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the e-mail sent to me mentioned that only 3 more interview dates were available. When I tried to sign up, only two were actually available.

Anyone know what the average turnaround time is on post-interview decisions? I see some saying 1 week and other saying several months -- what's average?

For those of you look for benchmarks on your chances, I have a 32Q, 3.3GPA, 3.1 SGPA (though I am a grad student, so that probably factors in, too). Thus, I would say I'm probably one of those who fall toward the center of the bell curve.

I heard back 3.5 weeks later. This is a bit quicker than other schools. I was also told the turn around time depends on how efficient your interviewers are. Good luck!
so what dates are available now? also, can anyone confirm that Rush will probably only send out one more batch of interviews because their site says they only extend interviews till feb.

hope that last batch has my name in it :idea:. Good luck to those who are waiting!

The two interview dates left when I tried to sign up were 3/3 and 3/10. This sounds consistent with previous posts (i.e., interviewing every Wednesday through March).

Their e-mail could have been puffery -- there may be a few extra dates for interviews. I have no clue. Good luck to everyone in the queue to interview and those waiting for news!
Got the acceptance letter in an email today (4:27 PM CST). Very quick turnaround time - interviewed 1/27 so just about 4 weeks to the day.
It is my birthday today and I didn't get any awesome news!
Also interviewed 1/27 and got the good news Friday afternoon. Very excited about this as I'm fairly sure Rush is where I'll be next fall.
so does this mean those of us that are still waiting for interviews are done?
does Rush have specific acceptance release days?? congrats to those of you who've recently been accepted!! :)

Edit: after going through the thread, I figured they usually release decisions on Friday evenings.... therefore I was a wreck all day today having interviewed about a month ago and wondering if today was the day...... and it was!! just got the acceptance email at 4:35pm CST!!! I am so excited and I can't believe it! Good chance I'll be going here!!
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I got waitlisted today (2 weeks post interview);
was wondering if anyone else is in the same boat.
I heard that Rush doesn't pull from their waitlist (at least it was the case last year), what about this year? =(
I got waitlisted today (2 weeks post interview);
was wondering if anyone else is in the same boat.
I heard that Rush doesn't pull from their waitlist (at least it was the case last year), what about this year? =(

Sorry to hear abt that. But I guess it's better than a rejection. I was interviewed on feb 24th and they said that they haven't been making use of the waitlist since past two years BUT this year they intent to. After the interview season ends they will allow students to send in updates and will collectively evaluate everyone on the waiting list. So there is no no. placement for the list.
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Sorry to hear abt that. But I guess it's better than a rejection. I was interviewed on feb 24th and they said that they haven't been making use of the waitlist since past two years BUT this year they intent to. After the interview season ends they will allow students to send in updates and will collectively evaluate everyone on the waiting list. So there is no no. placement for the list.

This definitely makes sense. This year the M1 class is their biggest class ever (144 vs the usual 128) - and they were very surprised with how many people accepted their spots so I imagine this year they will be a little more careful giving out acceptances and hopefully use the waitlist! Good luck!
All this talk abt ppl getting waitlisted is making me nervous.
Am to understand that Rush is no longer sending out interview invites? I'm still hoping to get an interview invite but don't seem as hopeful after reading the last few posts abt only having two interview days to chose from and ppl being waitlisted.
Anyone with any insights on this, please chime
in and share ur thoughts. Thanks a lot.
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