2010-2011 Meharry Application Thread

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Does anyone know if Meharry creates two separate waitlists after they have completed their interview dates? For instance, do they divide students and put them on either the High Priority Alternate (HPA) list and just a regular old waitlist? Also, how many students are selected off of the waitlist every year?

Sidenote: As you can probably tell, I have been placed on the waitlist and I am so nervous:scared:. Meharry is definitely my top choice for medical school!

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Does anyone know if Meharry creates two separate waitlists after they have completed their interview dates? For instance, do they divide students and put them on either the High Priority Alternate (HPA) list and just a regular old waitlist? Also, how many students are selected off of the waitlist every year?

Sidenote: As you can probably tell, I have been placed on the waitlist and I am so nervous:scared:. Meharry is definitely my top choice for medical school!
Waitlisted too! Complete 10/25/10, interview 3/14/11
hey BleedOrange, when did you interview? I interviewed on 3/7 and haven't heard back yet so I'm a little worried that people who interviewed a week later have already been notified....
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Hey, Everybody! I wanted to just say a few words about Meharry's waitlist. I as on the waitlist last year and just wanted to comment. Last year after feb. most ppl that interviewed were waitlisted ( I know because we all stayed in contact). They interviewed till May and assembled a massive waitlist ( word was their were like 200 ppl on the waitlist). Now they create two waitlist; High priority and regular. They do rank the waitlist but they never really give you a good idea of where you are on the waitlist. I and others called Mr.Mosley many times last year; but all we got was a lot of crappy info. I was told that like 50 ppl got off he waitlist the year before so thats what they expect and that I should make it off because of were I stood. I didnt get off and I was told only 25 ppl got pulled off the waitlist. Now, I know that they cant predict how many ppl but I dont really understand the need to make such a big waitlist. I just want ppl to be prepared for this years waitlist because I honestly know that for many it will lead know were on Meharry's. Now, I was told I almost got off;that's probably true because I got accept this year early. Good Luck!!! I would call and ask where I stand and what I should do.
JayJBaebi, I interviewed on February 21 so that's about two weeks before your interview date. The admissions committee sent me a message exactly one week after my interview and told me I was being placed on the waitlist. I have yet to hear of anyone else who has been accepted outright who interviewed on the same day or after my interview date so I am not sure what's going on. The waiting continues......
I got put on the waitlist in October. I haven't heard anything useful since then. About a week ago I sent in a LOI but still haven't gotten a response. Anyone else send out a LOI? What was their response time like for you?
Complete 10/25. Interviewed 2/28. Waitlisted 3/4. I called Mr. Mosley last wk and he said they'll be interviewing till 4/4. He said the waitlist will start moving then and then really moving after 4/15 when every1 has to pick a school. Sent in my LOI yest... So about this whole twiddling thumbs waiting thing...yeah. LOL. I haven't heard of any1 who's gotten anything but waitlisted since our interview date
I have a few more questions about this year's waitlist but I said I would wait until at least after the 4th to seek my answers.

Sidenote: Waiting does totally suck!!
Complete 10/25. Interviewed 2/28. Waitlisted 3/4. I called Mr. Mosley last wk and he said they'll be interviewing till 4/4. He said the waitlist will start moving then and then really moving after 4/15 when every1 has to pick a school. Sent in my LOI yest... So about this whole twiddling thumbs waiting thing...yeah. LOL. I haven't heard of any1 who's gotten anything but waitlisted since our interview date

Did you get a confirmation that your LOI has been received? Agreed, waiting = :thumbdown:
For those that haven't heard anything back (wait-list or otherwise) since their interviews, when do you think it's appropriate to call to find out your status? For me, its only been a little over 2 weeks since I interviewed. But I am getting antsy...
For those that haven't heard anything back (wait-list or otherwise) since their interviews, when do you think it's appropriate to call to find out your status? For me, its only been a little over 2 weeks since I interviewed. But I am getting antsy...

I interviewed 3/7 as well and I have yet to hear anything at all. SOme people that interviewed with us have heard something although they have not been accepted, but I am also getting impatient. By the end of next week I will call if I have not heard anything .
I interviewed 3/7 as well and I have yet to hear anything at all. SOme people that interviewed with us have heard something although they have not been accepted, but I am also getting impatient. By the end of next week I will call if I have not heard anything .

I was in the 10 am group! What group were you in? I sent a text last week Friday to Mr. Mosley asking him whether decisions had been made about our group his reply was "not yet but very soon" I'm not too sure what was meant by that. I really wish i knew more about the actual decision process...
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I was in the 10 am group! What group were you in? I sent a text last week Friday to Mr. Mosley asking him whether decisions had been made about our group his reply was "not yet but very soon" I'm not too sure what was meant by that. I really wish i knew more about the actual decision process...

O ok I was in the 8am group..had on black suit unique thing was that i play the sax..the thing about that is some ppl that interviewed on our day have heard something, not what we want to hear, but they have been notified of their status and ppl that intervied a week after us have found out information as well so thats why i am confused. I plan to call him thursday or fri if I have not heard anything by then
also i called mr. mosley today and all he said was the committee is meeting again tmrw and to email him my info..not really sure if this is good or bad
Hey has anyone out there interviewed for the post bac program? I know they said we should hear something by the 15th, just wanted a heads up?
Hey, Everybody! I wanted to just say a few words about Meharry's waitlist. I as on the waitlist last year and just wanted to comment. Last year after feb. most ppl that interviewed were waitlisted ( I know because we all stayed in contact). They interviewed till May and assembled a massive waitlist ( word was their were like 200 ppl on the waitlist). Now they create two waitlist; High priority and regular. They do rank the waitlist but they never really give you a good idea of where you are on the waitlist. I and others called Mr.Mosley many times last year; but all we got was a lot of crappy info. I was told that like 50 ppl got off he waitlist the year before so thats what they expect and that I should make it off because of were I stood. I didnt get off and I was told only 25 ppl got pulled off the waitlist. Now, I know that they cant predict how many ppl but I dont really understand the need to make such a big waitlist. I just want ppl to be prepared for this years waitlist because I honestly know that for many it will lead know were on Meharry's. Now, I was told I almost got off;that's probably true because I got accept this year early. Good Luck!!! I would call and ask where I stand and what I should do.

I'm still waiting to hear back and I'm kinda trying to gauge what my chances are...Were you on the regular wait-list or high priority? And when did you interview? When we interviewed, Mr. Mosley told us that spots were still open and that we were not interviewing for waitlist spots.
soo i got an email saying im in top 10% on the ranked waiting list, what exactl does this mean
soo i got an email saying im in top 10% on the ranked waiting list, what exactl does this mean

Really? The website says that they don't rank their website, so is this a new policy?
I was on the regular waitlist but I was told towards the top of that. The high priority waitlist gets an email tell them they are on it. I interviewed at the end of feb. Honestly, most skools right now are interviewing for waitlist spots because the classes are full. The open spots that they have are probably from ppl withdrawing; seeing as right now is the time ppl would withdraw ( I just withdrew a couple of weeks ago). I just want ppl to have a real idea of how the wait list goes, instead of just sitting around being patient for know reason. I talked to Mr.Mosley all last year; he personally told me that I should have gotten off the waitlist. It seems if you are on the high priority waitlist you stand a good chance.

I'm still waiting to hear back and I'm kinda trying to gauge what my chances are...Were you on the regular wait-list or high priority? And when did you interview? When we interviewed, Mr. Mosley told us that spots were still open and that we were not interviewing for waitlist spots.
soo i got an email saying im in top 10% on the ranked waiting list, what exactl does this mean

+1; I think it means just that. Hopefully two spots will open soon with our name on 'em. :luck::xf::luck:
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Really? The website says that they don't rank their website, so is this a new policy?

Well on interview day he said they rank they High priority waiting list and then have the other waitlist, I am not sure if it is new
Hey has anyone out there interviewed for the post bac program? I know they said we should hear something by the 15th, just wanted a heads up?

my understanding is that the interviews that are strictly post bac r after the reg interviews which i think is 4/4 but i know that people who have interviewed for reg med class are considered for post bac as well, have u interviewed yet?
My two cents.. If your in the high priority waitlist, chances are that you will get in. From previous years, it seems those in the high priority get used up (get in) and a few from the regular waitlist too. Usually "high priority" waitlist signify that you would have been accepted if the class had not been already full (or very close to it). Spots will open up before we start classes and I hope you join our class. Good luck and congrats in advance!
PS. Keep showing interest!
Does anyone know who and what number I should call regarding my wait list status? I sent a loi a while ago and I wanted to check if they read it...
I got an email a couple of weeks ago stating that my application is on HOLD. Does anyone know what that really means...I am confused. :confused: Will they review my application for this fall???:xf:
Does anyone know who and what number I should call regarding my wait list status? I sent a loi a while ago and I wanted to check if they read it...

The admissions office may or may not be able to tell you if they received it if you call them. Still try though as you never know. The number is on their website.
I got an email a couple of weeks ago stating that my application is on HOLD. Does anyone know what that really means...I am confused. :confused: Will they review my application for this fall???:xf:
Is this Pre or Post- Interview?
If you're waitlisted, will the email specify what list it is? Or will it just tell you what percentile you're in?
If you're waitlisted, will the email specify what list it is? Or will it just tell you what percentile you're in?

I can only tell you from my experience: my email did not specify a HP or regular waitlist (read: neither the terms "HP" nor "regular" were used); The email only denoted my percentile on the ranked waitlist (>10%). I hope this information helps, and I wish us all the best of luck!! Keep the faith!!:luck:
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I will be withdrawing my seat from Meharry sometime before the 4/15 deadline, so I can get my (partial) deposit back. I hope it goes to one of you guys still waiting! Good luck to everyone.
I will be withdrawing my seat from Meharry sometime before the 4/15 deadline, so I can get my (partial) deposit back. I hope it goes to one of you guys still waiting! Good luck to everyone.

Thanks! :)

If you're waitlisted, will the email specify what list it is? Or will it just tell you what percentile you're in?

I spoke to Mr. Mosley two days ago and he said that the waitlist people will not be ranked until after April 15th. I know that a few people said that their waitlist email indicated high priority so I'm guessing that anyone who gets waitlisted within this time period will be high priority if they would have been accepted if the class wasn't currently full. Not 100% sure though. Hope that helps!
Yeah, that does help - thanks! I guess (and hope) that being ranked in the top ten percentile means high priority. Another question - does anyone know if Meharry offers unconditional acceptances? Or is that something that would be an case-by-case basis?
Yeah, that does help - thanks! I guess (and hope) that being ranked in the top ten percentile means high priority. Another question - does anyone know if Meharry offers unconditional acceptances? Or is that something that would be an case-by-case basis?
I dont think any med schools would offer an unconditional acceptance. To matriculate, certain things need to be cleared: eg. background check, successful physical exam, other paperwork etc. An acceptance would therefore be conditional pending clearance of all these.
has anyone that has been waitlisted actually been told there are on HPA? and also are ther ppl that have gotten waitlisted that werent told what percentile they were in?
to those who sent in LOI did u email it, snail mail it, or both
I dont think any med schools would offer an unconditional acceptance. To matriculate, certain things need to be cleared: eg. background check, successful physical exam, other paperwork etc. An acceptance would therefore be conditional pending clearance of all these.

I see. I really meant unconditional acceptances for current programs of study. If you happen to be in a graduate level degree program, do they offer you an acceptance based on your completion of that degree? Or would you be able to withdraw? I know some schools do offer those types of conditional acceptances, but I wasn't sure if it was universal or not.
I guess (and hope) that being ranked in the top ten percentile means high priority.

From your mouth/keyboard to God's ears! I hope so too. Let's keep the faith y'all!! :luck::xf::luck:

to those who sent in LOI did u email it, snail mail it, or both

I have yet to send a LOI (we already discussed this in PM), but I think it will suffice to send both. To me, snail mail letters affect feelings of genuine interest on part of the student, and if nothing else, gives Adcoms a hard copy to put in your file. For immediacy, I would supplement with an email (just in time for 4/15 deadline ;)) Good luck buddy!!
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From your mouth/keyboard to God's ears! I hope so too. Let's keep the faith y'all!! :luck::xf::luck:

I have yet to send a LOI (we already discussed this in PM), but I think it will suffice to send both. To me, snail mail letters affect feelings of genuine interest on part of the student, and if nothing else, gives Adcoms a hard copy to put in your file. For immediacy, I would supplement with an email (just in time for 4/15 deadline ;)) Good luck buddy!!

Thanx for the advice I did both, sent the email right away, sent the letter in mail on monday!
Hey guys,

What does a HOLD email prior to an interview exactly mean??...
Just talked to Mr. Mosely.

about 20 on the high waitlist and 50 on the other...Still not ranked.

When these things start moving, will you lurkers come out and say something??? LOL
Hey guys,

What does a HOLD email prior to an interview exactly mean??...

not exactly sure but one of my friends got put on hold after interview and when she called they said that they were only reviewing her file for post-bac so my advice would be to call Mr. Mosley so you know exactly where you stand
Just talked to Mr. Mosely.

about 20 on the high waitlist and 50 on the other...Still not ranked.

When these things start moving, will you lurkers come out and say something??? LOL

Was he able to clarify what the difference between high priority and regular waitlist was? (i.e. Does being ranked in the top ten percentile mean something?) :xf:
Was he able to clarify what the difference between high priority and regular waitlist was? (i.e. Does being ranked in the top ten percentile mean something?) :xf:

High Priority will get acceptances before anyone on the regular list. If you're apart of that group I'm pretty sure you're in unless little to no one turns Meharry down....which would be a sad sad thing for us Waitlisters *tear*:(
Hopefully this gets a fast response. To those that have withdrawn (post-acceptance), who/where did you send your withdrawal email to? I emailed [email protected], but I think I'll also send another one to Mr. Mosley to be on the safe side. I'm broke as hell and want to make sure I get my $200 deposit back. Please and thank you. I've tried calling, but no one's in the office, it seems.
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