2010-2011 Meharry Application Thread

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Hey all!

Just FYI... Someone created a MEHARRY MEDICAL COLLEGE c/o 2015 group on FACEBOOK! Everyone that's been accepted should join! :)


k... that's all I wanted to say :laugh:

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Hey folks! Just stopping by to say Happy Friday! Hope everyone enjoys their weekend; looks like its gonna be real nice out :cool:
I'm looking for 2 roommates to share a house or apt with starting in the middle of june. Non-smokers, no pets, clean at least in the shared areas. I've been living in or Nahville for the past 8 years so I know the area pretty well. Also, tell me what you're willing to opay in rent and I'll try to find places that are around that price. Let me know if you're interested!
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I'm looking for 2 roommates to share a house or apt with starting in the middle of june. Non-smokers, no pets, clean at least in the shared areas. I've been living in or Nahville for the past 8 years so I know the area pretty well. Also, tell me what you're willing to opay in rent and I'll try to find places that are around that price. Let me know if you're interested!
Hey, I just sent you a message! ... CHECK IT! :D [hahaha]
Good news! I just got an acceptance letter from Meharry today. It was dated May 6th and I was on the High Priority Waiting List. I interviewed on March 11th in the morning group. Last name starts with F so I was somewhere in the middle if it was in order by last name. I'm sure most who were on the waiting list will get in! Just be patient. The waiting list is moving.

Good Luck to you all.

...now i just need to find a place and get all that organized... -_-

>>looks above<< CONGRATS TO YOU! :) lol

I have a question though.... does anyone know if there's a deadline for turning in all of the health forms and fin aid stuff? I already submitted my deposit but I haven't done anything else. (Still waiting on a few more schools)...

Thanks a bunch ;)
Good news! I just got an acceptance letter from Meharry today. It was dated May 6th and I was on the High Priority Waiting List. I interviewed on March 11th in the morning group. Last name starts with F so I was somewhere in the middle if it was in order by last name. I'm sure most who were on the waiting list will get in! Just be patient. The waiting list is moving.

Good Luck to you all.

...now i just need to find a place and get all that organized... -_-

omg Congratulations! Thats renewed hope for the rest of us on the waitlist. Last time I talked to Mr. Mosley he was very vague about the rate of movement. Hopefully the rest of us will hear back soon as May 15th is approaching (slowly but surely)...
Good news! I just got an acceptance letter from Meharry today. It was dated May 6th and I was on the High Priority Waiting List. I interviewed on March 11th in the morning group. Last name starts with F so I was somewhere in the middle if it was in order by last name. I'm sure most who were on the waiting list will get in! Just be patient. The waiting list is moving.

Good Luck to you all.

...now i just need to find a place and get all that organized... -_-

Did you receive an acceptance email and phone call in addition to the letter?

>>looks above<< CONGRATS TO YOU! :) lol

I have a question though.... does anyone know if there's a deadline for turning in all of the health forms and fin aid stuff? I already submitted my deposit but I haven't done anything else. (Still waiting on a few more schools)...

Thanks a bunch ;)
You should turn in your financial aid/forms. You dont loose anything by doing that. Besides school starts next month. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
You should turn in your financial aid/forms. You dont loose anything by doing that. Besides school starts next month. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

Yeah you don't have anything to lose and there's still time for you to withdraw if you are accepted into other schools.
i just got a letter in the mail. no email or a phone call. so i don't know what thats about.
As for a deadline for the other forms, you might want to just give them a call. But it definitely has to be in before school begins. At least thats how it worked for my previous school. I'd say just pick up a phone.
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Good news! I just got an acceptance letter from Meharry today. It was dated May 6th and I was on the High Priority Waiting List. I interviewed on March 11th in the morning group. Last name starts with F so I was somewhere in the middle if it was in order by last name. I'm sure most who were on the waiting list will get in! Just be patient. The waiting list is moving.

Good Luck to you all.

...now i just need to find a place and get all that organized... -_-

Congratulations!!! It is so good to hear that someone got in recently. Makes this wait a little less nerve wracking knowing that the list is slowly moving. Thanks for the extra info on your interview date and letter of last name. That puts things into perspective for the rest of us. :smuggrin:

On another note, has anyone heard lately how many people are on the HP waitlist? I saw a post a while ago and it said 20 but I think they were still adding people on.
i just got a letter in the mail. no email or a phone call. so i don't know what thats about.

Oh ok, I asked because Mr. Mosley said that we would get notified all three ways if we were pulled off the list. (I've been checking my email all this while, I might wanna make a trip to my mailbox hehe)
Congrats ariethekid!! I'm happy for you; we've perhaps met (I interviewed 3/11 in the am group too!:D!). But again, congrats!! And keep the faith folks, there is movement finally...
Congrats ariethekid!! I'm happy for you; we've perhaps met (I interviewed 3/11 in the am group too!:D!). But again, congrats!! And keep the faith folks, there is movement finally...

Really? What was your name? I'm good with names. Maybe I remember. I was the Mr. Fix It guy. remember? kinda tall. tan skin. I came in late during the Financial Aid presentation...The interview went longer than expected. :)
Really? What was your name? I'm good with names. Maybe I remember. I was the Mr. Fix It guy. remember? kinda tall. tan skin. I came in late during the Financial Aid presentation...The interview went longer than expected. :)

Check Inbox :)
Why arent we seeing more posts about waitlist movement?? The 15th is fast approaching. Mr. Mosely hasn't picked up the phone for me for the past few days... :'(
Why arent we seeing more posts about waitlist movement?? The 15th is fast approaching. Mr. Mosely hasn't picked up the phone for me for the past few days... :'(

It's definitely nerve wracking but i'm thinking that not everyone that is on the waitlist uses SDN or they may not post. We've waited this long, we can handle one more week. I'd love to hear something on Monday but I think realistically we may not hear anything until Thurs or Friday. On Monday they should have an idea of how many slots they have and then maybe they will meet on Wednesday to review ranking of list before notifying anyone. I guess what really messed us up was the initial overfilling of the class.

Good luck everyone! :scared:
Has anyone heard anything concerning the post bac program? I was placed on hold post med school interview and being considered for the post bac program. I was told I would find out in May if I was accepted. Tried to contact Mr. Mosley about it but to no avail. Any info would help. Thanks and congrats to all that have been accepted to the class of 2015:)
I interviewed on March 28th, Got waitlisted (top 10%) email on April 28th. I called Dr. Mosley on Tuesday and he told me I am a lucky guy because I have been accepted therefore I should expect a packet soon. I think they have things already figured out and they just want the May 15th deadline to past before they send out any emails of acceptance.
If you were on the top 10% of the wait list, I suggest you call to find out about your status because it has already been decided.
I interviewed on March 28th, Got waitlisted (top 10%) email on April 28th. I called Dr. Mosley on Tuesday and he told me I am a lucky guy because I have been accepted therefore I should expect a packet soon. I think they have things already figured out and they just want the May 15th deadline to past before they send out any emails of acceptance.
If you were on the top 10% of the wait list, I suggest you call to find out about your status because it has already been decided.

Should we call Dr. Mosely directly, then?
I interviewed on March 28th, Got waitlisted (top 10%) email on April 28th. I called Dr. Mosley on Tuesday and he told me I am a lucky guy because I have been accepted therefore I should expect a packet soon. I think they have things already figured out and they just want the May 15th deadline to past before they send out any emails of acceptance.
If you were on the top 10% of the wait list, I suggest you call to find out about your status because it has already been decided.

Congratulations, that is great news! I wonder what letter your last name starts with. Someone with an F recently got in and just trying to use that info to determine where you might have been on the list.

>>looks above<< CONGRATS TO YOU! :) lol

I have a question though.... does anyone know if there's a deadline for turning in all of the health forms and fin aid stuff? I already submitted my deposit but I haven't done anything else. (Still waiting on a few more schools)...

Thanks a bunch ;)

I called a little while ago, cause I never got my health form (think it got lost it the mail!). Anyhoo, the lady I spoke with said its due June 3rd...
Congratulations, that is great news! I wonder what letter your last name starts with. Someone with an F recently got in and just trying to use that info to determine where you might have been on the list.

My last name starts with S. I hope that helps.
Hi! I called and spoke with Mr. Mosley Wednesday and
he informed me that there was a high priority list of 20 people and the normal waitlist. He said once those on the normal waitlist were ranked they would move up to the high priority list. His tone was pretty encouraging that all those on the high priority list had a good chance at gaining a spot.
What are the chances if ranked in top 10% of the waitlist?

If 20 applicants are already on the high priory list, then only a few might get off the normal waitlist.
Hi! I called and spoke with Mr. Mosley Wednesday and
he informed me that there was a high priority list of 20 people and the normal waitlist. He said once those on the normal waitlist were ranked they would move up to the high priority list. His tone was pretty encouraging that all those on the high priority list had a good chance at gaining a spot.

There should be less than 20 on the HP waitlist at this point. Atleast 2 people have confirmed their acceptances over the last week or 2 on this site and there could be more who have moved off the waitlist but have not posted on this site. Hoping this encourages those still waiting to hear news :idea:
What are the chances if ranked in top 10% of the waitlist?

If 20 applicants are already on the high priory list, then only a few might get off the normal waitlist.

I believe being ranked 10% is high priority list
Anyone hear anything from the post-bacc program yet???
Anyone else super disappointed May 16 has come and gone with no visible waitlist movement. After waiting all this time i'd like to see a couple of posts of people getting in. I don't know about anyone else but I am really starting to lose hope. :scared:
Anyone else super disappointed May 16 has come and gone with no visible waitlist movement. After waiting all this time i'd like to see a couple of posts of people getting in. I don't know about anyone else but I am really starting to lose hope. :scared:

I know. Mr Mosely told me yesterday that there is definitely movement and that I specifically need to "pray a couple more people drop their spots" before I get in :(

The worst part is friends and family that keep asking if I've heard anything. YOU WILL KNOW when I've heard!! :eek:
I know. Mr Mosely told me yesterday that there is definitely movement and that I specifically need to "pray a couple more people drop their spots" before I get in :(

The worst part is friends and family that keep asking if I've heard anything. YOU WILL KNOW when I've heard!! :eek:

I know, I have started avoiding people so I don't have to hear have you heard yet? It's my own fault for saying I should hear something after the 16th. I heard from so many people that if on the HP list you stand a good shot of getting in but so few have posted acceptances over the last month. I guess that 20 people is a lot more than I thought especially when you don't know where you stand on the list.

For my fellow ladies waiting, have you noticed that the last few acceptance posts have been male? I wonder if they try to keep a certain male/female ratio or if it was just random. :confused:
I know. Mr Mosely told me yesterday that there is definitely movement and that I specifically need to "pray a couple more people drop their spots" before I get in :(

The worst part is friends and family that keep asking if I've heard anything. YOU WILL KNOW when I've heard!! :eek:

Lets remind ourselves that the May 15th deadline would cause waitlist movement for other schools first. So the people we're praying to drop their spots are those that are accepted at Meharry and waitlisted at additional schools. So if they get pulled off the other school's waitlist, they withdraw their Meharry acceptance. Its really a trickle down process, which might take a bit longer, coupled with the fact that Meharry overfilled the class initially. And because 3/15 fell on a weekend applicants with multiple acceptances had till midnight 3/16 to withdraw. I'm bummed out too but lets give it till the end of the week...
I wouldn't stress yet. If two more weeks go by and you still haven't heard anything then I wouldn't know what to say. But hey, if spots open up on the 16th, it might take a few days before they start filling the empty spots. Remember I got accepted on the 6th. I didn't hear from them until the 9th. That's three days so don't stress yet! Hang in there people.
Also at my interview Mr. Mosley told us the admissions committee meets once a week on Wednesdays. So even though the 15th deadline has passed the committee may not have met yet to make decisions regarding any open slots
Thanks for the encouragement JayJ, Arie, and Edavenport. I admit this whole situation has made me bipolar. When I see other people freaking out I can remain calm and post positive feeback. I posted a few days ago that we should give it until Friday since the committee meets on Wed but this wait has been so stressful that even I am starting to whig out. Let's hope they put us out of our misery soon. :smuggrin:
Has any one heard ANYTHING about the post bacc program? What day does it start and when do they start sending acceptances? If they are no longer considering you will they let you know? Any information would be great!

Also, for all of those who have talked directly with Mr. Mosley how did you contact him? Can you pm me the contact info...and how does he feel about getting personal calls?

I know this is like a million questions but I need answers!:confused:
Has any one heard ANYTHING about the post bacc program? What day does it start and when do they start sending acceptances? If they are no longer considering you will they let you know? Any information would be great!

Also, for all of those who have talked directly with Mr. Mosley how did you contact him? Can you pm me the contact info...and how does he feel about getting personal calls?

I know this is like a million questions but I need answers!:confused:
Postbac registration is on June 6th. MAPS orientation/registration starts June 24th.
Just received a rejection email for the post-bacc program:(

Good luck to the rest of you thats waiting for good news!!
I wish I knew how the process worked. They are obviously not using a "first come, first serve" approach to the waitlist as they do with rolling admissions during the regular application cycle. Some people have been waitlisted longer than others and it makes me wonder whether everyone is rescreened before they decide who to pull off the list. There might've been some reshuffling going on but who knows? All this is just speculation. The waiting is making me a bit stir crazy...
I wish I knew how the process worked. They are obviously not using a "first come, first serve" approach to the waitlist as they do with rolling admissions during the regular application cycle. Some people have been waitlisted longer than others and it makes me wonder whether everyone is rescreened before they decide who to pull off the list. There might've been some reshuffling going on but who knows? All this is just speculation. The waiting is making me a bit stir crazy...

I completely agree, it was disheartening to see someone waitlisted after I was and whose last name was beyond mine be pulled. I am happy for them but it also makes me wonder what the process is. It also worries me that everyone is told there are 20 people on the HP list. Someone posted that number a few days before I was notified I was on it and even after some have been pulled off, that is still the magic number they are saying.

This waitlist is making us all bipolar. One minute we're optimistic the next we are pessimistic. Everytime I check my email and don't see mmc I start to get a little angry that this is dragging out so long. I know they said we have until June 20th to find out but that is harsh with MAPS registration starting June 24. :eek:

Anyways good luck and hope we hear something on Friday. :xf:
I completely agree, it was disheartening to see someone waitlisted after I was and whose last name was beyond mine be pulled. I am happy for them but it also makes me wonder what the process is. It also worries me that everyone is told there are 20 people on the HP list. Someone posted that number a few days before I was notified I was on it and even after some have been pulled off, that is still the magic number they are saying.

This waitlist is making us all bipolar. One minute we're optimistic the next we are pessimistic. Everytime I check my email and don't see mmc I start to get a little angry that this is dragging out so long. I know they said we have until June 20th to find out but that is harsh with MAPS registration starting June 24. :eek:

Anyways good luck and hope we hear something on Friday. :xf:

The process does suck...I definitely have the waiting list blues...:(

Mr Mosely said (about a month ago when I asked my initial waitlist questions) that each time a spot opened up, the waitlist would be reviewed by the committee and someone would be pulled. I'm guessing this gives reasoning to why ppl are getting pulled off without regard to last name or to the time period in which they were waitlisted.

I talked to him today confirming receipt of my Spring 2011 grades (tryna keep my name on their minds ;)). He said they were still moving thru the high priority waitlist. I didn't ask anything about open spots (although i should have *kicks myself*).

IDK ppl...I'm trying not to be stressed. But I'm also wondering if I should take this Examcrackers course and bite this damn MCAT bullet again.....:thumbdown:

*Staying prayed up!* :xf::luck:
The process does suck...I definitely have the waiting list blues...:(

Mr Mosely said (about a month ago when I asked my initial waitlist questions) that each time a spot opened up, the waitlist would be reviewed by the committee and someone would be pulled. I'm guessing this gives reasoning to why ppl are getting pulled off without regard to last name or to the time period in which they were waitlisted.

I talked to him today confirming receipt of my Spring 2011 grades (tryna keep my name on their minds ;)). He said they were still moving thru the high priority waitlist. I didn't ask anything about open spots (although i should have *kicks myself*).

IDK ppl...I'm trying not to be stressed. But I'm also wondering if I should take this Examcrackers course and bite this damn MCAT bullet again.....:thumbdown:

*Staying prayed up!* :xf::luck:

Hey Brooke, I just wrapped up an Examkrackers class, I finished it this April, I've been waiting with my fingers crossed through this whole ordeal and I might have to just go ahead and reserve a seat for the MCAT. I hope we all hear something soon.
Hello Everyone, for all those that are still waiting my little sister just withdrew her acceptance so that we could attend medical school closer to each other and closer to home. Hopefully the spot will def. go to one of you well deserving SDNers :) I wish you all the best!
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I am seriously checking this thing like every minute. Post bacc starts beginning of next month? Wow. A friend of mine said she got an email last week saying she is still being considered for the post bacc program. I didn't get such email. Did anyone else? But I also haven't gotten a rejection letter. So impatient...
I am seriously checking this thing like every minute. Post bacc starts beginning of next month? Wow. A friend of mine said she got an email last week saying she is still being considered for the post bacc program. I didn't get such email. Did anyone else? But I also haven't gotten a rejection letter. So impatient...

Hey, Yeah I got this email as well about 3 weeks ago though. I am also a very impatient person but I just try not to think about it (very hard, but mind over matter lol). But yeah I wouldn't lose faith or become overly anxious especially if you didn't get a rejection letter. Good luck though!
Hey, Yeah I got this email as well about 3 weeks ago though. I am also a very impatient person but I just try not to think about it (very hard, but mind over matter lol). !

I got the same message although I wasn't granted an interview for the Medical school. Is anyone else in the same boat and got the email asking about your continued interest in the post bac program and possible phone interviews on the 17th of May (which passed I know...)?
It's a new week! Hopefully it'll come with news...Any updates fellow waitlisters???
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