2017-2018 Carle-Illinois College of Medicine

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I vote for basing acceptance primarily on CARS score 😏

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what would you call a high MCAT for this school? I would imagine they want to see some really high chem/phys scores as well.

Just a rough guess but I would say 510 is enough? I base this guess on two things.
1. Isn't 510 about 30-31 on the old scale? I feel like they would at least like above 30.
2. I have pretty low GPA (below avg) and 510 and got invite to showcase so I guess by that point the MCAT somewhat covers the low GPA on the adcom's minds. So if your GPA is stellar perhaps sub 510 is fine too.
I guess 513+ (32?) would be high then.

I vote for basing acceptance primarily on CARS score 😏

I vote no! My CARS isn't bad per se, but not stellar so...XP

acceptances are already decided im sure.

I have been wanting to call since last week about where I stand but then I am afraid I would just come across as an impatient child who can't wait a week. This is somewhat true- I have definitely been spoiled by the modern society (cough cough Amazon prime). I just don't want them to know about it lol
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Im applying with a 524 and didnt get invited so I really dont think they care about MCAT. I think this school values EC's a lot and work experience which may or may not be a good idea for an inaugural class. They know what they're doing though.
Im applying with a 524 and didnt get invited so I really dont think they care about MCAT. I think this school values EC's a lot and work experience which may or may not be a good idea for an inaugural class

Someone did mention that they heard Heather saying they based their showcase invite a lot on the experience section of the primaries.
This may also explain my case since I have (what I consider to be) very interesting healthcare-related experiences.

I think your chances are increasing by day especially with this funding issue. They probably want/need those stellar step 1 scores even more now.

@yahooatyahoo.yahoo, there is your high MCAT... o.X
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Im applying with a 524 and didnt get invited so I really dont think they care about MCAT. I think this school values EC's a lot and work experience which may or may not be a good idea for an inaugural class. They know what they're doing though.
they might have thought you were out of their range. I'm sure with a score like that, you got into other schools! but I deff agree that not being invited doesn't mean u aren't gonna get in
they might have thought you were out of their range. I'm sure with a score like that, you got into other schools! but I deff agree that not being invited doesn't mean u aren't gonna get in
I did get admitted elsewhere, but I really love this school and my background is in physics. It's among my top choices and I could very well have seen myself matriculating here.
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I was really hoping they would use carrier pigeons to send out decisions.
Dean Li is going to personally show up at your door to give your acceptance letter.
If they already made their decision, I don't know why they have to wait all the way to Thursday to tell us
If they already made their decision, I don't know why they have to wait all the way to Thursday to tell us
To test the patience of the applicants, weeding out the weak minded muhahaha.
they might have thought you were out of their range. I'm sure with a score like that, you got into other schools! but I deff agree that not being invited doesn't mean u aren't gonna get in
Nah I was invited with a 525+ so they don't exclude off of high MCAT. Might be primarily based off of background and experiences
Someone did mention that they heard Heather saying they based their showcase invite a lot on the experience section of the primaries.
This may also explain my case since I have (what I consider to be) very interesting healthcare-related experiences.

I think your chances are increasing by day especially with this funding issue. They probably want/need those stellar step 1 scores even more now.

@yahooatyahoo.yahoo, there is your high MCAT... o.X
I have a below avg GPA, a 510, and many, many years of healthcare experience in software development. No invite.

Who knows what they're looking for, but I guess we're about to find out our fates. I will have a lot of questions for them about funding if I get an acceptance (I won't 😀)
I have a below avg GPA, a 510, and many, many years of healthcare experience in software development. No invite.

Who knows what they're looking for, but I guess we're about to find out our fates. I will have a lot of questions for them about funding if I get an acceptance (I won't 😀)

I’ve got similar stats and experience except in the OR not software and no invite either. Not thinking there’s a high probability of being accepted, but I really hope this school thrives. It seems like a great opportunity to change things up!
I have a below avg GPA, a 510, and many, many years of healthcare experience in software development. No invite.

Who knows what they're looking for, but I guess we're about to find out our fates. I will have a lot of questions for them about funding if I get an acceptance (I won't 😀)
you worked for Epic didn't you?
I have a below avg GPA, a 510, and many, many years of healthcare experience in software development. No invite.

Who knows what they're looking for, but I guess we're about to find out our fates. I will have a lot of questions for them about funding if I get an acceptance (I won't 😀)

I’ve got similar stats and experience except in the OR not software and no invite either. Not thinking there’s a high probability of being accepted, but I really hope this school thrives. It seems like a great opportunity to change things up!

I don't know if it matters but my healthcare experience primarily wasn't as a medical personnel/shadower/work experience. I had these too, but mostly I was the one lying on the table spraying blood everywhere. Repeatedly, unfortunately.

We'll find out soon
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this contributes to my acceptance video theory. No reason why they wouldnt start contacting applicants today if they were just doing calls/emails.
If I remember correctly, there was some discussion at the very end of the February showcase regarding the initial acceptance date coinciding with an HLC accreditation/evaluation visit. This is total speculation, of course, but I wonder if they are waiting until that visit closes in order to issue the acceptances.
If I remember correctly, there was some discussion at the very end of the February showcase regarding the initial acceptance date coinciding with an HLC accreditation/evaluation visit. This is total speculation, of course, but I wonder if they are waiting until that visit closes in order to issue the acceptances.

according to the HLC website, it was approved.

source: February 2018 Actions | Student Resources
my blood pressure never decreased since yesterday lmao

I guess this is the last day we all sit here speculating. its almost kinda fun.
my blood pressure never decreased since yesterday lmao

I guess this is the last day we all sit here speculating. its almost kinda fun.

Honestly tho, I love following this SDN because I can know that I'm not the only one that has been a nervous wreck for the last 4 months lol

I can't wait to see the stats of accepted students so that I can get a better understanding of what Carle is looking for.

Before tomorrow's decision, I highly suggest going through your secondary application and appreciating all that you have accomplished so far. Know that if you don't get selected, it's not because you're a failure. You are a unique and beautiful person, and you have already shown how accomplished you are through this secondary application. There will always be more open doors.
It arrived via expedited mail in a nice sized box. I'm in Omaha, so not far from Urbana. Others should be receiving it today or tomorrow. I could imagine delays may be possible if you are far away.
I attended an October showcase. I was not invited to the showcase later in the year. I had a 502, 3.98 GPA in electrical engineering from University of Nebraska. Diverse background, with military experience, EMT experience, and a significant amount of research that related to amputees/prosthetics during my undergrad.
I attended an October showcase. I was not invited to the showcase later in the year. I had a 502, 3.98 GPA in electrical engineering from University of Nebraska. Diverse background, with military experience, EMT experience, and a significant amount of research that related to amputees/prosthetics during my undergrad.