2020-2021 Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine (RVUCOM-Utah)

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how long after being marked complete did you receive an interview invite?
Two weeks

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2. How do you envision you will help advance the mission and vision of RVUCOM?
3. What unique characteristics, abilities, or skills will you bring to RVUCOM and the Osteopathic Profession?

How did you guys answers these questions? Because if we are talking about the mission and vision in question 2, then how would we again relate ourself to their vision and mission for question 3?

2. How do you envision you will help advance the mission and vision of RVUCOM?
3. What unique characteristics, abilities, or skills will you bring to RVUCOM and the Osteopathic Profession?

How did you guys answers these questions? Because if we are talking about the mission and vision in question 2, then how would we again relate ourself to their vision and mission for question 3?

For #2 I wrote about my interest in RVU and how I align with their mission (why rvu)
For #3 it was more of a what I could bring to the table (why me)
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My app was verified on 9/24, just waiting for a link to the secondary.


hahahahahahaha :dead: so behind
Anyone else interview here lately? Just wondering when we should hear back.
I interviewed today. Curious as well to how long it typically takes to hear back.
They do two weeks of interviews, the admissions committee then meets, and they release decisions a week later. So at most you'd be waiting 2-3 weeks to find out.
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They do two weeks of interviews, the admissions committee then meets, and they release decisions a week later. So at most you'd be waiting 2-3 weeks to find out.
Yeah I read that on the portal but the interview dates available stretched out for 3 weeks so was wondering if it would end up being a month :(
2. How do you envision you will help advance the mission and vision of RVUCOM?
3. What unique characteristics, abilities, or skills will you bring to RVUCOM and the Osteopathic Profession?

How did you guys answers these questions? Because if we are talking about the mission and vision in question 2, then how would we again relate ourself to their vision and mission for question 3?


For #2 if you are interested in any leadership opportunities you could talk about how past leadership will prepare you to help rvu directly achieve its goals. obviously not the only way to go about this question, but just an example.

#3 I agree with what someone else said, Answer the “why me” question. make sure they know who you are from something quick and interesting about yourself. They want to read an app to get to know people, not numbers, so try to make them want to meet you in person.
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I know the Colorado campus and Utah campus are a bit different, but from following the Colorado campus some of their portals changed to accepted before they received a call. Anyone who interviewed last round have this happen?
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Just got put on the alternate list, pretty bummed.
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I interviewed 9/15... but from what I understand, the order is somewhat random. I wish you the best of luck!
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Hey Everyone! I had an interview here today. I absolutely LOVE this school and hope this is where I will be! Just for some information: I submitted my primary 8/10/20, got interview fee email on 8/13/20, and paid on 8/19/20. I was considered complete the day they got my CASPER (which was before CASPER even said my results were in) on 9/20/20. I got an interview invite on 9/23/20 with only two days to choose from (9/28/20 or 9/29/20). It all happened so fast! I am super excited to hear back and I hope that I am accepted to my first choice school! :) Good luck everybody!
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Hey Everyone! I had an interview here today. I absolutely LOVE this school and hope this is where I will be! Just for some information: I submitted my primary 8/10/20, got interview fee email on 8/13/20, and paid on 8/19/20. I was considered complete the day they got my CASPER (which was before CASPER even said my results were in) on 9/20/20. I got an interview invite on 9/23/20 with only two days to choose from (9/28/20 or 9/29/20). It all happened so fast! I am super excited to hear back and I hope that I am accepted to my first choice school! :) Good luck everybody!

Congrats!! I really hope you get in.
If you don't mind me asking, what are your stats?
Congrats!! I really hope you get in.
If you don't mind me asking, what are your stats?
Thank you! :) I hope to be classmates with all of you! They are not looking at the mcat, in fact they told me they don't even know if I took it. 3.99 sgpa and cgpa. 1000s of hands on clinical and research. 100 shadowing 160 volunteering.
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Whoot! I got my invite to pay the supplemental fee today! That's for both campuses it looks like?
I just got an II today and I am soooo ecstatic. I never thought I would get one in a million years. While I am ecstatic, I am VERY nervous. I am horrible at interviews because I get super nervous and awkward. I blank out and it is very obvious. Where can I do mock interviews and what kind of questions should I prepare for? :arghh:
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II today! Never got an email but saw it on my portal. Anyone else experience this?
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Congrats to acceptances and II! Those that just got an II, when was your complete date?
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I know the interview is pretty conversational for the most part, but for those of you who have already interviewed, can you tell me more about it or do you have any words of advice? I would greatly appreciate it!

Also, how important is the look of the background when you interview? I can either have it show my ugly white wall+sliding closet doors or a black shelf/cube organizer. Not sure which one would look "best"
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I know the interview is pretty conversational for the most part, but for those of you who have already interviewed, can you tell me more about it or do you have any words of advice? I would greatly appreciate it!

Also, how important is the look of the background when you interview? I can either have it show my ugly white wall+sliding closet doors or a black shelf/cube organizer. Not sure which one would look "best"

It really is just like a conversation. They will ask you about things on your application, and you can ask questions back. The most important thing you can do I think is try to stay relaxed. The interview is not high stress, and the conversations will be easy. Remember that a large majority of those that interview end up getting an acceptance, so you're already in a very good position. Also make sure you're familiar with everything on your application, and have good answers to the basic questions like Why DO, Why medicine, Why RVU, etc.

I don't think the background is too big of a deal, but something simple works for me. My girlfriend and I share an office so we have a screen divider I put up for interviews that I've been using. Just make sure it's not messy or there's anything incriminating and I'm sure you're fine!
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Did anyone get an interview invite/acceptance without having any direct patient experience like vital taking, patient history, and so forth?
It really is just like a conversation. They will ask you about things on your application, and you can ask questions back. The most important thing you can do I think is try to stay relaxed. The interview is not high stress, and the conversations will be easy. Remember that a large majority of those that interview end up getting an acceptance, so you're already in a very good position. Also make sure you're familiar with everything on your application, and have good answers to the basic questions like Why DO, Why medicine, Why RVU, etc.

I don't think the background is too big of a deal, but something simple works for me. My girlfriend and I share an office so we have a screen divider I put up for interviews that I've been using. Just make sure it's not messy or there's anything incriminating and I'm sure you're fine!
Thank you! I'll try my best to stay relaxed but you know how those nerves can get :arghh: I'm afraid of butchering my responses or not even having one as a result of my nerves. I had an interview 2 years ago where I completely butchered my responses and rambled on for god knows how long because I kept blanking out and tried to prevent any awkward silence haha
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Thank you! I'll try my best to stay relaxed but you know how those nerves can get :arghh: I'm afraid of butchering my responses or not even having one as a result of my nerves. I had an interview 2 years ago where I completely butchered my responses and rambled on for god knows how long because I kept blanking out and tried to prevent any awkward silence haha

Did anyone get an interview invite/acceptance without having any direct patient experience like vital taking, patient history, and so forth?
Thank you! I'll try my best to stay relaxed but you know how those nerves can get :arghh: I'm afraid of butchering my responses or not even having one as a result of my nerves. I had an interview 2 years ago where I completely butchered my responses and rambled on for god knows how long because I kept blanking out and tried to prevent any awkward silence haha

Practice the main questions that you know you're gonna be asked:

Why DO over MD?
Why physician over any other health profession (PA, nursing, etc.)?
Why RVU?

You'll be fine! If you got an interview it means they like you already!
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Anyone else have their LOR complete date consistently changing? Everytime I check my portal my recommendation of choice letter keeps reupdating with a more current date lol weird
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Anyone else have their LOR complete date consistency changing? Everytime I check my portal my recommendation of choice letter keeps reupdating with a more current date lol weird

Mine did that as well
Withdrew my II here today, hoping it goes to one of you! Good luck!!
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Any reason in particular as to why? I'm guessing its because you got two MD II's?

Yes I’m confident and hopeful about the MD interview I already had and I was already accepted to my top DO school (Midwestern, AZCOM)
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