2021-2022 Central Michigan

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The Real PG
Staff member
10+ Year Member
May 10, 2012
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Thank you @agent_frost for sharing this year's questions!

2021-2022 Central Michigan Secondary Essay Prompts:

1. Describe your motivation for applying to the CMU College of Medicine and your future career in medicine. Finally, describe how your preparation and background will contribute to the mission of the CMU College of Medicine. (1000 words)

2. [OPTIONAL]: Please tell us how you were able to overcome/adapt during the COVID-19 pandemic relative to your volunteer, work or educational activities (500 words)

3. [REAPP ONLY]: If you have applied to any medical school in previous cycles, what have you done since your last application to prepare yourself for a career in medicine? (500 words)

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback:

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Incoming M1 with some time on my hands, so I wanted to pop in to wish everyone applying the best of luck and that I could try to answer any questions you have!

Do you know if there are any student teaching opportunities at Cmich med?
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I know they have opportunities for peer tutoring, and some parts of classes are taught using a flipped-classroom format. Is that what you mean?

Thanks for your reply! I was looking more for things like the peer tutoring program - are there any opportunities to be a teacher’s assistant for example? Or anything related to academic medicine?
Thanks for your reply! I was looking more for things like the peer tutoring program - are there any opportunities to be a teacher’s assistant for example? Or anything related to academic medicine?
I'm not sure about that. I haven't heard anything about people TA-ing in med school.
Is anyone else having trouble paying the application fee? A security error keeps popping up for me whenever I attempt to pay.
Is anyone else having trouble paying the application fee? A security error keeps popping up for me whenever I attempt to pay.
Try using a different browser like Chrome! Also admissions is super responsive so give them a call tomorrow if you're still having issues and they will be super helpful.
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Are you able to share the questions?
1. Describe your motivation for applying to the CMU College of Medicine and your future career in medicine. Finally, describe how your preparation and background will contribute to the mission of the CMU College of Medicine. (1000 words)

2. [OPTIONAL]: Please tell us how you were able to overcome/adapt during the COVID-19 pandemic relative to your volunteer, work or educational activities (500 words)

3. [REAPP ONLY]: If you have applied to any medical school in previous cycles, what have you done since your last application to prepare yourself for a career in medicine? (500 words)
Im international and haven't yet myself. I submitted and was verified on day one!
I’m in state and haven’t received one and was verified first day. Weird
Damn they ask if we're reapps to OTHER schools.... RIP to my app lmao
Just spoke with the admissions team over the phone and they said I was one of the first 50 they sent secondaries out to in order to see if there would be any technical issues with the application..and there was lol. I still cannot pay the secondary fee because of a system error and they're aware of that now and fixing that at the moment. I'm sure they'll send secondaries out to the rest of you afterward.
Just spoke with the admissions team over the phone and they said I was one of the first 50 they sent secondaries out to in order to see if there would be any technical issues with the application..and there was lol. I still cannot pay the secondary fee because of a system error and they're aware of that now and fixing that at the moment. I'm sure they'll send secondaries out to the rest of you afterward.
This makes me feel SO much better because it seems like a million of my schools are releasing secondaries and I haven’t gotten a ton of them :,)))
From what I remember, CMED doesn't really screen for secondaries as long as you meet GPA/MCAT cutoffs, but the secondary answers are actually paid a lot of attention to. And I think the secondary screen is a pretty low GPA/MCAT cutoff anyway so I imagine most applicants are fine.
Secondary received, submitted, complete!
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For those of you who submitted secondaries, did you use all of the word counts? 1000 words seems a bit excessive...
Also what exactly is the first question asking. I think it's worded kinda weird
They are asking like three questions in one prompt - 1000 words seems reasonable
The secondaries are definitely read thoroughly and are an important part of your application. I wrote a lot last year, because the secondary essays are where you can really show schools that you are highly interested in their program and why you are a good fit for their school. The interview is an MMI, so the secondary essays are your "only chance" so to speak for you to demonstrate your interest in the program, that you are a mission fit, etc.
OOS Secondary received 07/13
(Verified before app release on 06/25)
Received secondary JUly 12, OOS! Commenting to be notified 🙂
What do you guys write for the "Please provide a brief summary of your affiliation with any County selected: (250 words)." WOuld it be fine to write like 2-3 sentences for this?
anyone else struggling with the secondary prompt? I am close to 900 words but splitting each paragraph up in a coherent manner to answer all three questions is becoming difficult.
anyone else struggling with the secondary prompt? I am close to 900 words but splitting each paragraph up in a coherent manner to answer all three questions is becoming difficult.
if it helps i picked two of my experiences (large-ish paragraph each), illustrated how they formed my motivation and will contribute to CMU, and then did a final paragraph about what i envision my career looking like and how CMU could help shape that. i don't remember what the limit or cap was but if it helps mine was apps 4500 characters with spaces or 687 words. it ended up being like a page and a half.
if it helps i picked two of my experiences (large-ish paragraph each), illustrated how they formed my motivation and will contribute to CMU, and then did a final paragraph about what i envision my career looking like and how CMU could help shape that. i don't remember what the limit or cap was but if it helps mine was apps 4500 characters with spaces or 687 words. it ended up being like a page and a half.
game-changing advice here lol. I was trying to answer each question separately and ran into a thick wall. Thanks for the tip!
Hello Future Physicians! I'm an incoming M1 at CMED and I hope that you all do wonderfully this cycle! It's definitely a marathon of a process so don't stress out too much and just focus on things you can control. I know it's easier said than done, but you'll thank me later. If you guys have any questions about the process or anything, please feel free to reach out! Fire Up Chips!
Does anyone have a good website for resizing their pic to the dimensions they want lol? I've tried multiple things, done pixels instead of inches, etc but I don't think it's right
Does anyone have a good website for resizing their pic to the dimensions they want lol? I've tried multiple things, done pixels instead of inches, etc but I don't think it's right
It's a 2x2, right? I just googled like "resize my photo to 2x2" and a bunch of websites popped up that do it.