2021-2022 Einstein

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Also got accepted from the hpwl at 6:20 am!! Never got the still interested email just hpwl -> A

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Anyone else on the HPWL that received the still interested email not get the A this morning? 😬

Congrats to all accepted!!
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My Certiphi background check was started today, then I saw that if you ever spent time abroad it’ll cause delays. The kicker is I lived in another county for 18 years before migrating to the US so now I’m terrified that it won’t be back in time 😭.
My Certiphi background check was started today, then I saw that if you ever spent time abroad it’ll cause delays. The kicker is I lived in another county for 18 years before migrating to the US so now I’m terrified that it won’t be back in time 😭.
I was born in another country and stayed there for about 2 yrs, obv nothing close to 18 yrs but my certiphi was processed within the day anyways!
anyone else's amcas status go from alt list to interview requested??
mine did. weird

I assume it's accidental because I haven't heard anything about an interview from Einstein, but it's super odd because it is not in the AMCAS admissions decisions glossary so I have no idea what that could even mean. Plus maybe that means someone from their admin team went in and was trying to change our status?? To what???
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Accepted off the HPWL this morning too! Interviewed 1/25, sent an interest letter afterward, put on HPWL 3/4, received still interested email 4/15, responded with a brief letter of intent.

For anyone who is getting discouraged like I was because they interviewed in Jan/Feb and saw interviews from Mar/Apr turning into A's, there is still hope!

Congrats to everyone else accepted and good luck to those still waiting!
I just received an acceptance from another school with a much better scholarship offer, but I would rather attend here. Does anyone know how receptive Einstein is to matching finaid packages and who I would email?
I just received an acceptance from another school with a much better scholarship offer, but I would rather attend here. Does anyone know how receptive Einstein is to matching finaid packages and who I would email?
I don't know how receptive they are or are not are but I know students have asked, it's worth reaching out about it. Try the financial aid office [email protected] and you could probably CC the admissions office as well to make sure someone sees it [email protected]
If anyone looking for accommodations near Albert Einstein (9 miles away), please message me.
private Suite with separate entry and fully furnished.
Parking, utilities included.